遠端顯示由兩個軟體(遠端顯示伺服器和遠端顯示用戶端)組成,這些軟體位於聯網電腦上,用於將電腦(用戶端)的桌面擴展或鏡像到其他計算機(伺服器)共用的顯示器上。 通過擴展用戶端計算機的桌面,可以提供更有效的螢幕空間,進而使使用者提高工作效率。平面設計師、網頁設計師、程式師、開發人員和其他專業工作者就是那些可以從額外的房地產中獲益的人的例子。 遠程顯示還可用於暫時借用大型顯示器的使用,例如,訪問者的便攜式電腦包含敏感數據,這些數據無法複製到具有大型顯示器的電腦。 遠程顯示在設計時牢記跨平臺使用,允許 Mac 或 PC 使用其他聯網 Mac 和 PC 的顯示器。例如,MacBook 可以將其桌面擴展到另一台 Mac 和一台 PC 的顯示器上,其桌面的顯示器總共為 3 台。用戶端電腦一次最多可將 4 個遠程顯示器擴展或鏡像到 Mac 需要具有 256MB RAM 和 Mac OS X 10.4.8 的 PowerPC G3 或英特爾酷睿獨奏 CPU。Mac OS X 的遠端顯示器作為通用二進位檔案提供。Windows PC 需要具有 256MB RAM 的奔騰 II CPU 和具有服務包 2 的 Windows XP。遠端顯示伺服器的 Windows 版本需要一個支援 DirectX 7 的影片卡。當然,用戶端和伺服器都需要網路連接,至少需要快速乙太網 (100Mbps) 或 802.11g 無線網路 (54Mbps)。 發牌: 許可基於每個用戶端作業階段完成,其中會話從用戶端電腦使用伺服器的共享顯示器到停止使用共享顯示器的時間。每個用戶端會話都需要許可證,無論用戶端會話使用多少台伺服器。同時會話都需要單獨的許可證。
- 版本 1.0.1 發佈於 2007-07-08
- 軟體分類: 網路與互聯網 > 遠程計算
- 發佈者: chuchusoft.com
- 軟體性質: 免費試用
- 價格: $40.00
- 版本: 1.0.1
- 作業系統: mac
chuchusoft.com End User License Agreement (EULA) Version 1.0 The products in this software distribution are governed by this license agreement. By installing and using the software, you agree to the terms in this document. If you do not agree to the following terms of this license, please uninstall and remove all copies and return the product within 30 days of your purchase for a full refund. Use of the software 1. This software program is licensed, not sold. We, chuchusoft.com, grant you one license to install both client and/or server software on as many computers as you are legally entitled to install any software on. 2. We, chuchusoft.com, grant you license to use at most, at any one time, as many sessions of this software as you have purchased licenses for. That is, to use X many sessions simultaneously, you must have purchased at least X licenses of the software, where X is at least one. By "using a session", we mean the process where one instance of the client software uses the services of one or more instances of the server software to mirror or extend the client computer's desktop. 3. You may make back-up copies of the software for archival purposes for your personal use only, as protection from disk or computer failure. By "back-up copies of the software", we mean that you may copy the distribution package that this software came in (such as a ZIP archive, a MSI file, or a disk image file) or an image of the hard disk of the computer as produced by backup software. You are not permitted to distribute installed copies of the software or its manual. 4. You may freely distribute copies of the evaluation version of the software, in its original format, so long as you do not charge more than a nominal fee to cover the cost of materials or distribution. You may not in any way change the original distribution file, except to package it within another archive if necessary. An evaluation version is one distributed by us or by our authorised agents for evaluation purposes and which is described as an evaluation or unlicensed copy in the software's sign-on messages or about box. 5. The software is protected by the copyright laws of Australia and other countries. The software and all associated elements such as copyrights, trade names, intellectual property, and information with respect to the software are owned by chuchusoft.com. You may not separately publish, sell, market, distribute, lend, lease, rent, or sublicense the software. However, this license is not to be construed as prohibiting or limiting any fair use sanctioned by copyright law, such as permitted library and classroom usage or reverse engineering. Please help us avoid the need for software protection by respecting the major investment of time and money that goes into developing quality software for you. 6. We will not track or collect any information about your use of the software or your data except as you specifically authorize. We will not intentionally deprive you of your ability to use any features of the software or access to your data. We will never give or sell to any third party any personal information we collect without your consent, unless required to do so by law. We respect your privacy and will protect it to the same extent we protect our most valuable information. Limited warranty 7. We warrant that the software will provide the features and functions generally described in the product specification on our website when you purchased it and in the product documentation. This warranty will expire 60 days after your purchase. Media on which the software is furnished, if any, will be free from defects in materials and workmanship. This warranty is void if any software failure results from abuse, accident, or misapplication. 8. We do not warrant that the software or your ability to use it will be uninterrupted or error-free. We have taken all reasonable steps to keep the software free of viruses, spyware, "back door" entrances, or any other harmful code. To the extent permitted by applicable law, we disclaim any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. 9. We warrant to you that, to the best of our knowledge, the digital data comprising the software do not infringe the rights, including copyrights, trade names, and intellectual property, of any third party. Limitations on liability 10. Your exclusive remedy under the above limited warranty shall be, at our option, either a full refund of the purchase price or correction of the defective software or media. We may choose not to fix bugs in, revise, or update product versions we no longer sell. 11. Common sense dictates that any software program be thoroughly tested with non-critical data before relying on it. While every precaution was taken to produce bug free code, you use this software at your own risk. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, we disclaim all liability for indirect or consequential damages that arise under this license agreement while using or mis-using this software (including damages, loss of business profits, loss of business information, data loss, or other pecuniary losses). We pledge that we will never make available any software that has known defects that may result in damage of data residing on the system. General provisions 12. This agreement will be governed by the laws of Australia. 13. If any part of this agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining terms will stay in effect. This agreement does not prejudice the statutory rights of any party dealing as a consumer. 14. This agreement does not supersede any express warranties we made to you. Any modification to this agreement must be agreed to in writing by both parties. 15. We periodically release free updates of our software and make these updates available via web download. We recommend that you keep your installation current. We may require the latest update for a particular product to be installed to process certain support requests. 16. These are our current policies. We are free to change these at any time by posting changes to our web site. The new policies will become effective once you obtain an update or download of the software. 17. This license agreement is effective until terminated. You may terminate it at any time. We reserve the right to terminate this license agreement at any time if you fail to comply with any term or condition of this license agreement. In such event, you agree to destroy the software covered by this agreement, including all copies, functionally-equivalent derivatives, all support files generated by or associated with the software, and all portions and modifications thereof in any form.