Quixhibit 3.5.141

軟體性質: 免費 ‎檔案大小: 2.42 MB
‎使用者評分: 3.0/5 - ‎1 ‎評分

Quixhibit(快速展示的收縮)是一個 Windows 應用程式,它生成適合在 Web 或 CD 上出版的圖像庫。它與眾不同的許多其他庫生成應用程式是它豐富的集成工具集可用於組織、註釋和自定義庫演示文稿。 Quixhibit 特別適用於需要圖像和資料夾文本的圖像庫。可以為每個資料夾和圖像(以及展覽標題和頁面頁腳)輸入可選的標題和註釋。然後集成拼寫檢查器可以驗證拼寫。還支援使用者定義的字典。 如果需要旋轉任何來源影像,Quixhibit 可以向左或向右或 180 度旋轉生成的展示圖像。也可以旋轉原始圖像。 可以裁剪顯示圖像以僅顯示圖像的一部分,並可添加陰影以進行 3D 影響。 可以使用各種樣式創建展覽。縮圖可以以列和行的頁面或頁面框架作為滾動導航欄顯示。可以使用文本連結而不是縮略圖。 更改背景顏色或使用背景圖像可以增強展覽的外觀。HTML 格式屬性可以應用以多種方式排列縮圖和圖像頁面。 集成的 FTP 用戶端可以將展品傳輸到遠端 Web 主機。FTP 用戶端可以存儲多個遠端主機的配置。傳輸篩選器使更新遠程顯示的速度要快得多。 還包括其他整合工具,例如檔名重新排序、將檔名設置為小寫以及將顯示文本重置為預設字體屬性。 對於展覽 CD,Quixhibit 將生成自動執行的檔,以便展覽在插入 DD-ROM 時自動啟動。 所有這一切以及全面的上下文相關幫助使 Quixhibit 具有巨大的價值。


  • 版本 3.5.141 發佈於 2009-02-18



Quixhibit License Agreement The following are the Quixhibit license terms. If you do not agree to these terms or are unable to comply, you must not install or use Quixhibit. Only licensed copies of Quixhibit may be installed and used. Quixhibit may not be used in commercial or non-commercial applications unless the user has obtained a license from WilyBeagle Software. A single licensed copy of Quixhibit may be installed and used on one computer. A single license of Quixhibit may not be installed and used on multiple computers. Upgrades for minor revisions (versions) of Quixhibit are free of charge. Minor revisions are designated by the version number given to the Quixhibit license. For example, in version 2.4, 2 is the major version and 4 is the minor version. Quixhibit is sold as is with no guarantee as to suitability for any particular use. WilyBeagle Software cannot be held responsible for any damages caused by the installation or use of Quixhibit. Except where otherwise noted, all of the documentation and software included in the Quixhibit Setup package is copyrighted by WilyBeagle Software. Copyright (C) 2005-2006 WilyBeagle Software. All rights reserved.