Quick Tftp Server Pro 2.3

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 1.12 MB
‎使用者評分: 5.0/5 - ‎2 ‎評分

快速 Tftp 伺服器 Pro 是用於 Windows 的多線程 tftp 伺服器和 telnet 伺服器。它旨在允許網路管理員和使用者保存和寫入各種網路設備的檔案,並允許使用者登錄到伺服器執行各種命令,如列出檔和目錄資訊,反向ping網路設備。快速 Tftp 伺服器 Pro 還支援將 telnet 到快速 Tftp 伺服器 Pro 的使用者之間的通訊,並執行其他增強的 telnet 命令,例如列出或終止 tftp 和 telnet 進程。 Tftp 伺服器支援 TFTP 選項協商協定,支援 TFTP 阻止選項的選項,TFTP 超時選項。和 Tftp 大小選項。您可以傳輸 32MB 以上的檔。和快速 Tftp 伺服器專業支援網路位址和基於網路遮罩的安全性。 Tftp 伺服器是 Windows 98/NT/2000/XP/2003 的多使用者 Telnet 伺服器。它允許 Telnet 使用者完全訪問 Windows NT 命令列。Telnet 用戶可以運行各種基於字元的應用程式。它接受來自任何用戶端的任何 telnet 連接(網路設備、Unix、98、Me、xp、NT、2000、2003 等) 有缺點模式 tftp 用戶端工具和快速 tftp 用戶端 Pro, 這是圖像化與多線程 tftp 客戶端為 Windows 。它們支援 tftp 擴展選項以協商塊化、超時和 tsize。它們旨在允許使用者從 tftp 伺服器下載和上傳檔。 快速 Tftp 伺服器專業版具有以下優勢: 結合 tftp 伺服器和 telnet 伺服器的功能。tftp 伺服器支援檔案傳輸,但不允許使用者管理或檔/目錄清單,telnet 伺服器支援使用者管理和檔/目錄清單,但支援檔案傳輸,其中作為 Quick Tftp Server Pro 的使用者可以從任何網路設備連接到伺服器,並列出所有檔/目錄,查找並傳輸他想要的檔。 快速 Tftp 伺服器 Pro 對於需要傳輸檔的網路管理員和其他使用者非常有用。


  • 版本 2.3 發佈於 2015-04-15
  • 版本 2.1 發佈於 2006-02-03



Copyright (c) 1999-2015, Tallsoft All Rights Reserved. Quick Tftp Server Pro V2.3 End User Licence Agreement Warning: Permission to use the Quick Tftp Server Pro V2.3 and documentation is conditional upon you, the Customer, agreeing to the terms set out below. Do not load Quick Tftp Server Pro V2.3 until you have read and accepted all the terms of this licence. Your loading of Quick Tftp Server Pro V2.3 will be deemed to be your acceptance of the following terms. 1. Licence. The copyright in Quick Tftp Server Pro V2.3 and its documentation is owned Tallsoft Ltd. Subject to the terms of this licence you are granted a non-exclusive right to install and use Quick Tftp Server Pro V2.3 on a single machine and make a single copy of Quick Tftp Server Pro V2.3 for backup purposes only. The rights granted to you under this licence will lapse thirty (30) days after installation of Quick Tftp Server Pro V2.3 unless you pay a registration fee of US$45. Quick Tftp Server Pro V2.3 is considered to be in use when it is in the memory of a computer or is otherwise stored in a machine. Quick Tftp Server Pro V2.3 if stored on a server solely for network distribution to other machines is not considered to be "in use". Tallsoft may, if all licence fees have been paid in full and at its sole discretion, from time to time, provide you with codes to enable you to use Tallsoft. 2. Your obligations. You hereby undertake: not to copy, reproduce, translate, adapt, vary, modify, decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, create derivative works of, modify, sub-license, rent, lease, loan or distribute Quick Tftp Server Pro V2.3 or its documentation other than as expressly authorised by this licence; not to use Quick Tftp Server Pro V2.3 for or in connection with a service bureau operation; to supervise and control the use of Quick Tftp Server Pro V2.3 in accordance with the terms of this licence; to ensure that your officers, employees, sub-contractors and other agents who have authorised access to Quick Tftp Server Pro V2.3 are made aware of the terms of this licence; not to provide or otherwise make available Quick Tftp Server Pro V2.3 in any form to any person; and to advise Tallsoft in writing within thirty (30) days of you becoming aware of any person using Quick Tftp Server Pro V2.3 who is not licensed by Tallsoft to do so; not to infringe the intellectual property rights of any third party, including copyright, by using Quick Tftp Server Pro V2.3. You acknowledge that copyright subsists in Quick Tftp Server Pro V2.3 and any documentation and belongs to Tallsoft. You shall not during or any time after the expiry or termination of this licence permit any act which infringes that copyright. You shall ensure that you have the permission of the copyright owner of all materials you download using Quick Tftp Server Pro V2.3. You shall indemnify Tallsoft fully against all liabilities, costs and expenses, which Tallsoft may incur to a third party as a result of your breach of any of the provisions of this agreement. 3. Shareware Version Only. Notwithstanding your obligations above, the shareware version of Quick Tftp Server Pro V2.3 may be freely copied and distributed provided that it is complete and unmodified in any way. However, written permission must be received to distribute the shareware version of Quick Tftp Server Pro V2.3 on retail racks, cd roms, or if it is bundled with any other product. 4. Limited Warranty. Tallsoft warrants that Quick Tftp Server Pro V2.3 media is free from defects in manufacture. Tallsoft will replace any defective media at no charge, subject to notification of the defect within thirty (30) days of the date of the commencement of this licence and this shall be your sole remedy for any such defect. Quick Tftp Server Pro V2.3 and any documentation are provided AS IS and all warranties whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise, relating in any way to the subject matter of this agreement or to this agreement generally, including without limitation, warranties as to: quality; fitness; merchantability; correctness; accuracy; reliability; correspondence with any description or sample, meeting your or any other requirements; uninterrupted use; compliance with any relevant legislation and being error or virus free are excluded. Where any legislation implies in this agreement any term, and that legislation avoids or prohibits provisions in a contract excluding or modifying such a term, such term shall be deemed to be included in this agreement. However, the liability of Tallsoft for any breach of such term shall if permitted by that legislation be limited, at Tallsoft option, to any one or more of the following: if the breach related to goods: the replacement of the goods or the supply of equivalent goods; the repair of such goods; the payment of the cost of replacing the goods or of acquiring equivalent goods; or the payment of the cost of having the goods repaired; and if the breach relates to services: the supplying of the services again; or the payment of the cost of having the services supplied again. 5. Limitation of Liability. Except for personal injury (including sickness and death) and the Limited Warranty, Tallsoft shall not be under any liability to you in respect of any loss or damage (including consequential loss or damage) however caused, which may be suffered or incurred or which may arise directly or indirectly in respect to the supply of goods or services pursuant to this agreement or the failure or omission on the part of Tallsoft to comply with its obligations under this agreement. 6. Duration. The licence commences upon payment of the licence fee and is granted in perpetuity, but may be terminated without notice in the following circumstances: if you breach any term of this agreement; if you become the subject of insolvency proceedings; if you, being a firm or partnership, are dissolved; or if you destroy Quick Tftp Server Pro V2.3 and documentation for any reason. Upon termination, you or your representative shall destroy any remaining copies of Quick Tftp Server Pro V2.3 and documentation or otherwise return or dispose of such material in the manner directed by Tallsoft. Termination pursuant to this clause shall not affect any rights or remedies, which Tallsoft may have otherwise under this licence or at law. 7. Support. Nothing in this licence imposes an obligation on Tallsoft to rectify any software or documentation errors in Quick Tftp Server Pro V2.3 or to provide you with any corrections, modifications, enhancements or other form of support in relation to Quick Tftp Server Pro V2.3. Tallsoft is under no obligation to update or maintain Quick Tftp Server Pro V2.3. 8. Assignment. You may only transfer all your rights and obligations under this licence to another party if you supply to the transferee a copy of this agreement, the licence information and all other documentation including proof of ownership and the original supply diskettes or media unaltered in any way. Your licence is then terminated. If Quick Tftp Server Pro V2.3 is licensed in multiples of two or more (for example a pack) it may only be transferred in its entirety. Individual licences to such components cannot be transferred. 9. Waiver. Failure or neglect by Tallsoft to enforce at any time any of the provisions of this agreement shall not be construed or deemed to be a waiver of Tallsoft rights under this licence. 10. Governing law and Severability. This agreement will be governed by and construed according to the law of the State of Victoria, Australia. The parties irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Victoria and Australia. This agreement is deemed to have been made in Victoria. If any provision of this agreement is held invalid, unenforceable or illegal for any reason, this agreement shall remain otherwise in full force apart from such provision or part provision, which shall be deemed, deleted. 11. Entire Agreement. This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties for the subject matter referred to in this agreement. Any prior arrangements, agreements, representations or undertakings are superseded. No modification or alteration of any clause of this agreement will be valid except in writing signed by each party.