QSyncFTP 1.8

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QSyncFTP - 透過自動滑鼠按下或計時器自動發佈或更新您的網站,以自動存取任何 FTP 伺服器。QSynFTP 檢查本地檔案系統的更改(新檔、更改的檔案、新目錄),並將所有更改的檔自動上傳到一個或多個 FTP 伺服器。集成的 FTP 客戶端允許輕鬆手動上傳,它同時顯示 ftp 目錄和本地目錄在一個視窗中,如果目錄在一個窗格中更改,並且它會自動切換到另一個網站的相應目錄。主要功能:(a) 自動將檔案和資料夾上載到網站 - QSyncFTP 通過將修改時間與上次上載時間進行比較來尋找所有檔。(b) 快速搜尋修改後的檔案 - QSyncFTP 在幾秒鐘內找出哪些檔被修改。(c) 使用計時器自動上傳 - 您可以指示 QSyncFTP 使用計時器檢查檔案上傳。這樣,您甚至不需要按下按鈕。(d) 刪除某些目錄或檔 - 某些應用程式在您的網頁內建立檔,不需要上載這些檔案,例如在 FrontPage 中_vti_cnf檔。您可以指示 QSyncFTP 輕鬆地不要上傳這些檔。(e) 在開始上傳之前和完成上傳後執行文稿 - 如果您需要包括來自其他目錄結構的檔,您可以創建一個腳本,該腳本正在上傳檔、創建目錄等。HTML 報告顯示更改的內容,並允許您訪問舊檔。(f) 互動式 FTP 瀏覽器 - QSyncFTP 包括其自己的雙窗格 FTP 瀏覽器,允許手動向上和下載檔。


  • 版本 1.8 發佈於 2011-09-25
    QSyncFTP - 如果連接遺失,ftp 客戶端將自動重新建立連接。
  • 版本 1.5 發佈於 2006-03-15



USER LICENSE INFORMATION FOR SOFTWARE This Quester Licence Agreement (QuesterEL) is a legal contract between you, either as natural or legal person, and the Quester Ltd., Hamburg ("licensor") for the above named SOFTWARE PRODUCT. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT includes Computersoftware, the appropriate media, printed materials, as far as existing, as well as possibly "on-line" or electronic documentations. In that you install the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, copies or uses otherwise, Sie declare yourself in agreement to be bound this QuesterELs by the conditions. If you don't agree of this "QuesterELs" to the regulations, you are not justifiable to use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT becomes as well as through copyright laws and international copyright contracts protected also as through other laws and agreements about intellectual property. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is not sold but is not licensed. License granting: This "QuesterEL" grants you following rights: You/they are justifiable, either a copy of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT or to install every preceding version intended for the same operating system at his/its place on one single computer (central processing unit, CPU) and to use. You/they also are justifiable to store a copy of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT of a storage device, like for example a network server, or to install provided this is only used for installing the SOFTWARE PRODUCT over an internal network on your other computer or executing. However, you/they are indebted to it, for each computer, on which the SOFTWARE PRODUCT of the storage device installs or is executed, to acquire a license, that is applicable specifically to this computer. A license for the SOFTWARE PRODUCT is not allowed to share from several users or used simultaneously from different computers. Further rights and limitations: Reverse engineering, Dekompilieren and Disassemblieren of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT is not allowed. This is valid however only insofar, as not the in each case applicable right such a possibility despite this restriction specifically allowed. This SOFTWARE PRODUCT is licensed as one single product. You/they are not justifiable, whose to separate components in order to use her/it/them at more than a computer. - Is not you justifiable to rent the SOFTWARE PRODUCT or - leases. - Is you indebted to retain all copyright indications of all copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. - Is not you justifiable to pass on copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT to third. Is you justifiable to transfer all your right from this "QuesterEL" permanently. You only have this right if the transfer licensed copies(n in the context of a lasting transfer of your valid one(s), of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT takes place, that the registration card transferred you together with all copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT and the entire written accompanying material and the recipient declared himself in agreement with the regulations of this contract. Copyright: The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is property of the licensor and protected through copyright laws, international contracts and other national legal rules. If the SOFTWARE product is not equipped with a technical protection against copying, you can either make one single copy of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT for protection or Archivierungszwecke or the SOFTWARE PRODUCT of one single hard disk figurative, provided you store the original exclusively for protection or Archivierungszwecke. You/they can neither copy the written material of the product more written accompanying material to the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. The licensor especially keeps all for himself sharedation, duplication, treatment and utilization rights to the SOFTWARE PRODUCT before. Limited guarantee: The licensor guarantees for a time period of 90 days from purchase date that essentially the SOFTWARE product in accordance with the enclosed product handbook, handbook provided existing, works and that these are flawless in the material implementation at the time of the transfer of the data carriers, on which the software is recorded, under normal business conditions. For the prominent named reasons, the licensor doesn't take over any liability for Fehlerfreiheit of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT including the contained data. Especially the licensor doesn't take over any assurance that the SOFTWARE PRODUCT including the contained data suffices your requests and purposes or works together use programs with others of you. The responsibility for the correct selection and the consequences of the use of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT as well as this with it intended or produced prices, you carry. The same is applicable to the written material enclosed the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. The licensor is not liable for damages, it then is that a damage was caused by resolution or coarse negligence on the part of the licensor. Because of a liability possibly from the licensor of assured qualities remains untouched. A liability for lack consequence damages, that are not included by the assurance, is impossible. Consequence damages: The licensor is not for any damages, damages from escaped profits, business interruptions, are fully implied liability-y for losses of commercial information, data or other financial losses, that are created on the basis of the use of this software, even if the licensor was informed about the possibility of such a damage. In any case, the liability of the licensor is limited on the amount, that the acquirer actually paid for the product. This exclusion is not applicable to damages, that were caused by resolution or coarse negligence on sides of the licensor. Also, claims, that are based on inalienable legal rules about the product liability, remain untouched. Compensation: You/they are liable for all damages on the basis of from copyright injury, that occurs for the licensor from an injury of these contract regulations. Fulfillment place, valid right: Fulfillment place is Hamburg. It is worth the right of the Federal Reshared of Germany. COPYRIGHT and TRADEMARKS notice: Copyright 2001 - 2011 Thomas Quester, Maybachstrasse 10b, 22177 Hamburg, Germany Microsoft and Outlook and/or other Microsoft products referenced herein are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved. Contact [email protected] with questions or problems with this service.