PuritySoft Endeavor 2.0.1

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 11.36 MB
‎使用者評分: 3.0/5 - ‎1 ‎評分

PuritySoft 奮進是一個互動式個人資訊管理員 (PIM) 和組織者。該軟體是專門為家庭和/或小型辦公室設計的。它通過將聯繫人和事件融入家庭生活,將兩種世界的最佳融合在一起,反之亦然。只需從/匯出數據到多個格式,包括 XML。跟蹤連絡人、供應商、活動、活動、邀請、禮品、食譜和約會。奮進號由 FileMaker 7 資料庫引擎提供動力。您可以期待一個工業強度和強大的解決方案。


  • 版本 2.0.1 發佈於 2005-02-28



User License Agreement for PuritySoft Entertainment Software This user license agreement (the AGREEMENT) is an agreement between you (individual or single entity) and PuritySoft Entertainment software development company (PURITYSOFT), for the Astrobatics game software (the SOFTWARE) that is accompanying this AGREEMENT. The SOFTWARE is the property of PURITYSOFT and is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties. The SOFTWARE is not sold, it is licensed. LICENSED VERSION The LICENSED VERSION means an original fully working version of the SOFTWARE or a Registered Shareware Version (using your personal registration number). If you accept the terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT, you have certain rights and obligations as follow: YOU MAY: 1. Install and use one copy of the SOFTWARE on a single computer. 2. Install a second copy of the SOFTWARE on a second computer only if you are the main user of this computer (home computer or laptop for example). 3. Install the SOFTWARE on another computer only if you change main workstation. In such a case you must uninstall the software from the old computer. 4. Make a copy of the SOFTWARE for archival purposes only. YOU MAY NOT: 1. Copy and distribute the SOFTWARE or any portion of it. 2. Sublicense, rent, lease or transfer your personal registering number. 3. Sublicense, rent or lease the SOFTWARE or any portion of it. 4. Decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer or modify the SOFTWARE or any portion of it. 5. Copy the documentation accompanying the SOFTWARE. TRIAL VERSION The TRIAL VERSION means an Original TRIAL Version of the SOFTWARE that has been built with some functionality limitations as compared with LICENSED VERSION. If you accept the terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT, you have certain rights and obligations as follow: YOU MAY: 1. Install and use an unlimited number of copies the TRIAL VERSION. 2. Make a copy of the TRIAL VERSION for archival or distributional purposes. YOU MAY NOT: 1. Sublicense, rent or lease the TRIAL VERSION or any portion of it. 2. Decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer or modify the TRIAL VERSION or any portion of it. 3. Copy the documentation accompanying the TRIAL VERSION. UNREGISTERED SHAREWARE VERSION The UNREGISTERED SHAREWARE VERSION means an Original Shareware Version of the SOFTWARE that has not been registered with personal registration number. If you accept the terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT, you have certain rights and obligations as follow: YOU MAY: 1. Install and use an unlimited number of copies the UNREGISTERED SHAREWARE VERSION for a trial period of 15 days. 2. Make a copy of the UNREGISTERED SHAREWARE VERSION for archival or distributional purposes. YOU MAY NOT: 1. Sublicense, rent or lease the UNREGISTERED SHAREWARE VERSION or any portion of it. 2. Decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer or modify the UNREGISTERED SHAREWARE VERSION or any portion of it. 3. Copy the documentation accompanying the UNREGISTERED SHAREWARE VERSION. 4. Use the UNREGISTERED SHAREWARE VERSION after your trial period of 15 days. DISTRIBUTION: You are hereby licensed to make as many copies of the TRIAL VERSION or UNREGISTERED SHAREWARE VERSION as you wish and distribute it to anyone provided that all files are intact. You must distribute the install form of the TRIAL VERSION or UNREGISTERED SHAREWARE VERSION (you must distribute the setup file, not the files resulting of an installation). You are not allowed to sell the TRIAL VERSION or the UNREGISTERED SHAREWARE VERSION (except payments for shipment and handling charges). Computer magazines are authorized to distribute it on any cover disk or CD-ROM without preliminary permission. Please inform us by email [email protected] each time you distribute the TRIAL VERSION or UNREGISTERED SHAREWARE VERSION. WARRANTY DISCLAIMER The SOFTWARE is supplied "AS IS". PURITYSOFT disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The user must assume the entire risk on using the SOFTWARE. DISCLAIMER OF DAMAGES PURITYSOFT assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of the SOFTWARE, even if PURITYSOFT has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Any liability of the seller will be limited to refunding of the purchase price.