PureSurf 桌面提供經濟實惠的互聯網過濾功能,保護您的家庭免受不當內容、非法下載、在線掠食者和網路欺淩的侵害。活動內容識別技術通過即時掃描頁面和將內容分類為成人、賭博、暴力、武器、仇恨、毒品、約會、聊天、論壇、社交網路、博客等,提供完整的互聯網覆蓋。您可以選擇哪些類別不允許為孩子定義您想要的在線體驗。 允許或阻止所有流行的即時消息 (IM) 和對等 (P2P) 協定。如果您選擇允許 IM 存取,您可以篩選來自雅虎信使、Windows 信使和 ICQ/AOL 的對話關鍵字和短語。這將允許您阻止電話號碼、家庭位址和其他私人資訊。 通過電子郵件直接在手機上接收來自內容訪問違規、不成功的覆蓋、篡改和關鍵字/短語檢測的警報。完整的報表儲存在本地,因此您可以查看訪問的所有網站以及進行的所有 IM 轉換。 通過該時程表,您可以設置訪問 Internet 的固定時間量,以及您希望網路可用的時間。有了每日使用配額,您可以相信你的孩子不會花更多的時間上網。 PureSurf 桌面使用者介面提供以下語言版本:英語、法語、德語、義大利語、西班牙文、希伯來語、土耳其文、俄語和阿拉伯文。
- 版本 6.2 發佈於 2010-02-10
通過電子郵件添加了五個新的 Web 篩選類別、多語言支援、對等篩選、即時消息篩選和濫用警報
- 軟體分類: 安全和隱私 > 訪問控制
- 發佈者: BinaryNow, Inc.
- 軟體性質: 免費試用
- 價格: $19.95
- 版本: 6.2
- 作業系統: windows
PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS CAREFULLY. This is a legal agreement between you, the end user ("Licensee"), and BinaryNow, Inc. ("Producer"). You agree to be bound by the terms of this License by installing, copying, or otherwise using the product. If you do not agree, do not install or use the product. I. COPYRIGHT. The software program on whatever distribution media including documentation (the "SOFTWARE") is licensed to you for use only on the terms set forth here. Important - The SOFTWARE contains copyright works protected by copyright law and international conventions. II. GRANT OF LICENSE. The Producer grants you: (a) The right to use one copy of the SOFTWARE on multiple computers so long as you comply with the terms of this License. However, you must acquire and dedicate a purchased License for each separate computer on which the SOFTWARE is installed. A license for the SOFTWARE may not be shared or used concurrently on multiple computers over the purchased License limit. (b) Make a copy of SOFTWARE if it is necessary for the use of the SOFTWARE as mentioned in (a) above for the purposes of the execution of program functions and for backup purposes. III. USE RESTRICTIONS. As the Licensee, you may not: (a) Install SOFTWARE on more computers at the same time than is authorized by this License. (b) Make copies of SOFTWARE except as expressly permitted by this License and/or applicable statutes and to distribute them. You should be aware that any breach of this provision by you constitutes the infringement of the producer''s copyright and trade mark rights. (c) Modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or create derivative works from the SOFTWARE and distribute them and in any other way interfere with the internal structure of SOFTWARE, except as expressly authorized by this License and/or applicable statutes. (d) Rent or lease the SOFTWARE. IV. LIMITED WARRANTY Producer warrants that the SOFTWARE will perform in substantial compliance with the written documentation accompanying SOFTWARE for 30 days after date of delivery of the SOFTWARE. Your sole remedy under the warranty during this 30 day period is that Producer will undertake to correct within a reasonable period of time any reported SOFTWARE errors and correct errors in the documentation. Producer also may, at its sole and exclusive option, either replace the SOFTWARE with a functionally equivalent program at no charge to you. Producer does not warrant that the SOFTWARE will meet your requirements that operation of the SOFTWARE will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that all SOFTWARE errors will be corrected. The above warranties are exclusive and are in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non infringement. You may have other rights under applicable statutes. V. LIMITATION OF REMEDIES In no event will Producer or its Suppliers or Resellers or Agents be liable to you for any special, consequential, indirect or similar damages, including any lost profits or lost data arising out of the use or inability to use the SOFTWARE or any data supplied therewith even if Producer or anyone else has been advised of the possibility of such damages, or for any claim by any other party. You may have other rights under applicable statutes. In no case shall Producer''s liability exceed the purchase price for the SOFTWARE. VI. SCAN ENGINE The content scan engine is powered by PureSight Active Content Recognition. The respective technologies are property of PURESIGHT TECHNOLOGIES LTD. VII. TERMINATION This License is effective until terminated. This License will terminate automatically without notice from Producer if you fail to comply with any provisions of this License. This License is also terminated if and when exchanged for a new License regulating your use of an UPGRADE version of SOFTWARE. Upon termination, you shall stop use and shall destroy all copies of SOFTWARE including written documentation and including modified copies, if any.