ProtectStar Data Shredder PRO

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‎使用者評分: 5.0/5 - ‎3 ‎評分

安全擦除:保護明星數據粉碎機 5 專業是一個最先進的專業工具,贏得了許多獎項,並允許從硬碟驅動器和外部數據存儲設備安全地刪除數據。 這種使用者友好的解決方案在 Microsoft Windows 下運行,使用戶能夠有效地刪除其數據,從而阻止重建,甚至由政府機構。 簡單、簡單、直觀 借助直觀的導航和有用的嚮導,用戶可以從硬碟驅動器或外部數據存儲設備中完全刪除數據,從而確保個人數據、銀行數據和密碼等機密資訊不會落入錯誤之手。 由於政府和軍事標準,安全性卓越 保護之星數據粉碎機在永久擦除數位資訊方面符合並超越政府、軍事和行業標準。該軟體擦除所有現有數據,包括機密、機密和絕密安全級別數據,例如與德國 BSI-VS-2011 (TL-03423) 標準、美國陸軍 AR380-19 和 DoD 5220.22-M E。 相容 Windows 7 保護之星數據粉碎機與微軟 Windows 7 正式相容。Windows 7-logo 程式幫助客戶選擇合適的軟體,在相容性和可靠性方面與新的操作系統 Windows 7 完美合作。認證是在經過微軟的嚴格測試後授予的。 11 種安全擦除方法,一個目標 在信任和安全是主要關注點的問題領域,ProtectStar Inc. 希望為客戶提供僅提供現代和一流的產品。 ProtectStar 數據粉碎機專業版提供 11 種安全刪除方法,這些方法通過政府和軍事組織認證,只有一個目標:安全地擦除您的私人數據。


  • 版本 發佈於 2011-10-06
    與之前的版本相比, 超過 100 個即興表演



IMPORTANT -- BY DOWNLOADING OR INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE, YOU ARE INDICATING YOUR ASSENT TO THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO ALL OF THE FOLLOWING TERMS, DO NOT DOWNLOAD OR INSTALL THE SOFTWARE OR DISCONTINUE USE IMMEDIATELY AND DESTROY ALL COPIES. -- PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING TERMS CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING. THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT (AGREEMENT) CONTAINS WARRANTY AND LIABILITY DISCLAIMERS. 1. Definition. "Software" means ProtectStar Data Shredder and any related updates or upgrades supplied by ProtectStar, Inc. 2. Trial Period License. You may download and use the Software for free for ten (10) days after installation (Trial Period). During the Trial Period, ProtectStar, Inc. grants you a limited, non-exclusive license to copy and use the Software for evaluation purposes and only for internal use. Technical support is available to you during the Trial Period. 3. License After Trial Period. This Software is licensed, not sold. During the Trial Period, you have the option of paying a license fee in order to be able to use the Software after expiration of the Trial Period (otherwise you use the freeware version). Upon your payment of the license fee, ProtectStar, Inc. provides you with a registration number (License Key) and grants you a limited, non-exclusive license to (a) use the Software on a single computer at any time; and (b) make one (1) copy of the Software in machine-readable form solely for backup purposes. You must reproduce on any such copy all copyright notices and proprietary legends found on the original. You may not transfer the rights in a backup copy unless you transfer all rights in the Software. If you do not pay the license fee before the Trial Period expires, the present License will be immediately terminated and you lose any right to the Software. 4. Restrictions. 4.1. You may not provide or make available by any means the License Key to any third party. You undertake to take such steps as are necessary in order to protect the License Key against unauthorized use. You allow ProtectStar, Inc. and its distributors to employ technical means in order to check the conformity of your use of the Software to the terms of this License. Should a multiple use of the License Key be detected, ProtectStar, Inc. is entitled to damages for the prejudice suffered and may terminate your use of the Software without any compensation. 4.2. Except from the authorized copy for backup purposes, you may not make additional copies of the Software, nor distribute them. You may not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, or otherwise reduce the Software to a human-perceivable form. You may not modify, adapt, translate the Software or any parts thereof, or create derivative works based on the Software. You may not sell, rent, lease, sublicense, transfer, resell for profit or otherwise distribute the Software or any part thereof. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you may in no event transfer education and not-for-resale copies of the Software. 5. Ownership and Intellectual Property Rights. This Agreement gives you limited rights to use the Software. ProtectStar, Inc. retain any and all rights, title and interest in and to the Software and all copies thereof, including copyrights, patents, trade secret rights, trademarks and other intellectual property rights. All rights not specifically granted in this Agreement, including Federal and International Copyrights, are reserved by ProtectStar, Inc. The structure, organization and code of the Software are valuable trade secrets and confidential information of ProtectStar, Inc. 6. Limited Warranties. 6.1. ProtectStar, Inc. warrants that it holds the proper rights allowing it to license the Software and is not currently aware of any actions which may affect its rights to do so. 6.2. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN AS IS BASIS. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN SECTION 6.1, PROTECTSTAR, INC. MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. WITHOUT LIMITATION, YOU ASSUME SOLE RESPONSIBILITY FOR SELECTING THE SOFTWARE TO ACHIEVE YOUR INTENDED RESULTS AND FOR THE INSTALLATION, USE AND RESULTS OBTAINED FROM THE SOFTWARE. PROTECTSTAR INCORPORATED MAKES NO WARRANTY THAT THE SOFTWARE WILL BE ERROR-FREE OR FREE FROM INTERRUPTIONS OR OTHER FAILURES. IN PARTICULAR, THE SOFTWARE IS NOT DESIGNED FOR USE IN HAZARDOUS ENVIRONMENTS REQUIRING FAIL-SAFE PERFORMANCE. PROTECTSTAR INCORPORATED EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR HIGH-RISK ACTIVITIES. 7. No Refund Because the Software is provided free of charge during the Trial Period or as a freeware version to allow potential customers to evaluate and test it before paying the license fee, ProtectStar, Inc. enforces a strict no-refund policy. Please evaluate and test the software carefully during the Trial Period or use it with limited functions as a freeware version. Once you pay the license fee, your payment is final and you may not be reimbursed. 8. Subscription for Technical Support, Updates and Upgrades 8.1. A Subscription is a time-limited right to technical support and Software updates and upgrades. 8.2. The license fee for the Software includes a one (1)-year Subscription. 8.3. At any time prior to the expiration of your Subscription, you may purchase additional Subscriptions. Additional Subscriptions will extend the validity of your current Subscription. If you do not purchase any additional Subscription, you will lose the right to technical support and Software updates and upgrades as of the date your current Subscription expires. However, you will not lose the right to use the Software. 8.4. Please refer to our web site at for additional information regarding subscriptions (prices, online purchase, etc.). 8.5. Technical support is provided via electronic mail at the following address: [email protected]. ProtectStar, Inc. will use its best efforts to provide you with technical support within forty-eight (48) business hours of your request. 8.6. The latest information is provided on the web site at Please be aware that in order for ProtectStar, Inc. to be able to provide you with technical support and Software updates and upgrades you must provide complete and accurate information via the online registration form. 9. Limitation of Liability. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, IN NO EVENT SHALL PROTECTSTAR INCORPORATED OR ITS DISTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY YOU AS A RESULT OF USING THE SOFTWARE. NEITHER PROTECTSTAR INCORPORATED NOR ITS DISTRIBUTOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOST REVENUE, PROFIT OR DATA, OR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND RELATED TO THE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. IN NO EVENT SHALL PROTECTSTAR INCORPORATED AGGREGATE LIABILITY TO YOU EXCEED THE LICENSE FEE PAID BY YOU TO PROTECTSTAR INCORPORATED HEREUNDER.. 10. Duration. This Agreement will terminate at the end of the Trial Period unless you purchase an ongoing license by paying the license fee. In the event that you purchase an ongoing license prior to the end of the Trial Period, this Agreement shall remain in effect until terminated by either party. You may terminate the Agreement at any time by destroying all copies of the Software. ProtectStar, Inc. may terminate the Agreement upon breach of your obligations under the present Agreement. 11. General 11.1. You may not export or re-export, directly or indirectly, the Software into any country prohibited by the United States regulations. By downloading or installing the Software, you are certifying that you are not a national of any country subject to United States embargo, such as but not limited to Cuba, Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Sudan, Libya, Syria, and that you are not otherwise prohibited from using the Software. 11.2. Upgrades may be licensed to you under additional or different terms, if so specified in writing. 11.3. If any provision hereof shall be held illegal, invalid or unenforceable, in whole or in part, such provision shall be modified to the minimum extent necessary to make it legal, valid and enforceable, and the legality, validity and enforceability of all other provisions of this Agreement shall not be affected. 11.4. This Agreement is governed by the internal laws of the State of Florida, USA, to the exclusion of any conflict of laws rules. All disputes relating to this Agreement will be brought before the applicable courts in Florida, USA, and you agree to submit to exclusive personal jurisdiction therein. The parties agree that the Uniform Computer Information Transaction Act (or any statutory implementation of it) and the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods will not apply with respect to this Agreement or the parties relationship. 11.5. You may not assign this Agreement in whole or in part, without ProtectStar, Inc. prior written consent. Any attempt by you to assign this Agreement without such consent will be null and void. 11.6. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between ProtectStar, Inc. and you relating to the Software and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether oral or written. All questions concerning this Agreement shall be directed to: [email protected] Last updated on March 30, 2009