Privacy Fusion 1.0.0

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 11.13 MB
‎使用者評分: 4.1/5 - ‎15 ‎評分

隱私融合結合了互聯網最有效的功能,保護您的隱私,提高 PC 性能和生產力。功能包括內建的 IE/Netscape 和 Windows 隱私清潔器、彈出視窗阻止程式、密碼管理器、間諜軟體清理器、創新的專業防火牆和功能齊全的匿名衝浪。 在一間易於使用的套房中,通過我們所有人保護您的隱私!隱私融合互聯網套件! 隱私工具套件功能 - 透過清理網際網路和 PC 活動的所有痕跡保護您的隱私。它安全地擦除您的跟蹤沒有數據恢復工具可以恢復他們!甚至刪除隱藏的索引.dat檔!隱私工具套件允許您執行日常任務來維護您的隱私,如清理自動完成和 IE 歷史記錄、刪除臨時和臨時互聯網檔、管理 Cookie、清除最近使用的檔案清單等等 - 所有這些都來自一個位置。 匿名衝浪功能 - 隱私衝浪通過隱藏您的真實IP(互聯網位址)和您的實際位置增強您的在線隱私。在互聯網上為您提供幾乎「看不見的」身份!衝浪與100%的隱私!隱私衝浪私有化您的個人數據,並確保完全的敵意! 創新的個人防火牆 - 這個實用程式通過阻止所有未經請求的網路連接和流量進入和離開您的計算機,而不影響您的日常網上衝浪,使您的電腦免受駭客攻擊!它通過控制與使用者電腦的 Internet 連接、過濾入站和出站流量以及提醒使用者嘗試入侵,保護系統的完整性免受惡意計算機代碼的干擾。 間諜軟體清潔功能 - 一個功能齊全的間諜軟體檢測和刪除實用程式。它掃描系統記憶體,註冊錶,硬驅動器和可移動驅動器惱人的廣告產品,數據挖掘渣軟體,寄生蟲,鍵盤記錄器,特洛伊木馬,高級號碼撥號器,瀏覽器劫持者和跟蹤元件。


  • 版本 1.0.0 發佈於 2005-02-09



License Agreement This product is powered by Omniquad, Copyright © Omniquad 2000-2005 Graphics, Logos, Skins © Copyright Athivision Inc. 2005 OMNIQUAD PRODUCTS END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT This Omniquad product end-user license is a legal agreement between the end-user, as an individual or as a single entity, and Omniquad Ltd. for the Omniquad software identified above. By installing, copying or otherwise using this software, the end-user agrees to be bound by the terms of this license. If the end-user does not agree to these terms, the end user should not in any way install or use this software. The standard license of use of this product is not transferable between different computers. Software Product License This software is protected by international copyright laws. The software is licensed not sold. The end-user may install and use the software on a number of computers identical (or smaller) in number than the number of user licenses purchased. A single license for the software product may not be shared on several computers. Disclaimer: In no event shall Omniquad Ltd. or any of its suppliers, distributors or OEM Integrators be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information/data, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use this software. Storage/Network The end-user may store or install a copy of the software on a storage device, such as a network server, used only to install or run the software on other computers over an internal network; however, a license must be acquired and dedicated for each separate computer on which the software is installed or run from the storage device. Limitations on Reverse Engineering, Decompilation and Disassembly The end-user may not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble this software. Re-selling, Rental The end-user may not (unless authorised by Omniquad Ltd.) re-sell, rent, lease or lend this software. The author, Omniquad Ltd., reserves any rights that are not stated in this document.