Postimage 是一個非常易於使用的應用程式,專門設計用於為您提供拍攝整個桌面或部分桌面快照的手段。 您可以手動設置區域大小,在進行捕獲后,可以直接在線保存或共用圖像。後圖像還可以向系統剪貼簿發送共享螢幕截圖的 URL,以便輕鬆保存它。 特徵: - 快速圖像共用。 - 一次上傳多個圖像。 - 通過右鍵單擊上下文菜單上傳圖像。 - 最快的方法來做一個可定製的截圖。 - 全域熱鍵可立即啟動螢幕捕獲。 -還有更多...
Installing and using these software (Postimage) signifies acceptance of these terms and conditions of the license. Postimage is provided as Freeware for private non-commercial or educational use (including non-profit organization) You are granted the right to use and to make an unlimited number of copies of this software. For commercial use and distribution, it is necessary to register. It is a help for the development of future versions. These software are provided 'as-is'. No warranty of any kind is expressed or implied. The author will not be liable for data loss, damages, loss of profits or any other kind of loss while using or misusing this software. Any suggestions, feedback and comments are welcome.