PostCast Server Professional 3.0.61

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 19.93 MB
‎使用者評分: 3.0/5 - ‎1 ‎評分

PostCast 伺服器是 Windows 的 SMTP 伺服器程式,使您能夠直接從電腦發送消息。此程式用於發送新聞稿、將郵件分發到不同的郵件清單、向您的客戶發送通知以及發送單個郵件。您可以使用它代替網路服務提供者 (ISP) 的 SMTP 伺服器。郵政廣播伺服器支援所有電子郵件程式。已用於發送和接收消息的程式可以通過更改一個參數以非常簡單的方式連接到伺服器。這樣做後,您可以以通常的方式發送消息。設置程式後,它會在後台執行所有任務。您可以將程式設置為每天、每小時、下載后立即或在一些其他時間間隔內發送消息。如有必要,程式將自動調用您的 ISP 並在完成任務後終止連接。您可以透過 LAN、Internet 或直接從安裝它的電腦連接到它。該程式可以配置為為 LAN 內的所有使用者發送消息。如有必要,可以使用多個安全選項限制對程序的訪問。它已被優化為非常快的消息傳遞,並充分利用您的互聯網連接。在發送消息時,程式同時建立數十個連接。因此,它達到最高速度,平均每小時通過普通數據機 Internet 連接傳遞大約 3,500 條消息,使用 ISDN 連接大約 13,000 條消息。發送速度隨互聯網連接容量的增加而增加。


  • 版本 3.0.61 發佈於 2007-05-24



LICENSE TERMS FOR POSTCAST SERVER PLEASE READ THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT BEFORE USING THIS SOFTWARE. By using this software, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this license. If you do not agree to these terms, promptly cease all further installation or use of the software. This software product is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties. All rights not currently granted in this license agreement are reserved entirely to Gate Comm Software. This Agreement does not grant you any rights to patents, copyrights, trade secrets, trade names, trademarks, or any other rights, functions or licenses in respect of the Software. You may not de-compile, reverse engineer and disassemble this software product. You may not modify, rent, lease, loan the Software. DISTRIBUTION Copies of PostCast Server may be distributed in accordance to the following terms: Distribution is permitted only for the whole software package without any modifications. If you want to distribute PostCast Server with your application, you can include setup.exe installation program in your program's installation package. You can either have your installer run it at installation time or instruct the user to do so. You are allowed to copy this version and give it to any other person, as long as it is not modified in any way. You are encouraged to put this program on as many web sites as possible. The distribution on CD-ROM is also permitted, as long as the original files are not changed in any way. You are specifically prohibited from charging, or requesting donations, for any such copies. UNSOLICITED COMMERCIAL E-MAIL (SPAM) PostCast Server is not a Spam program. It is strictly forbidden to use PostCast to send unsolicited commercial e-mail (Spam) LIABILITY We try to keep our software as bug-free as possible. But it's a general rule that no software ever is error free, and the number of errors increases with the complexity of the program. Please test this program with non-critical data. Any description of bugs will be accepted. The PostCast Server program is being made available on an "as is" basis, and carries no warranties, express or implied. The author shall in no way be held liable for any incidental or consequential damages. TERMINATION This License shall remain in full force and effect unless and until terminated. This License will terminate immediately, automatically and without notice if LICENSEE fails to comply with any provision of this Agreement.