Pocket Stars SP 2.2

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 1.74 MB
‎使用者評分: 3.0/5 - ‎2 ‎評分

一個星圖,幾乎你的口袋為Windows移動智能手機! 袖珍星是一個集成的,即時的明星查找和窗口移動智慧手機的短暫。 袖珍星是休閒觀星者、天文學家和天體導航員的便攜式天堂指南。 入圍2004漢丹戈最佳教育應用和入圍2004微軟移動2市場大賽。 星圖特徵 簡單快捷的恆星,行星,星座和梅西耶物體識別。單擊任何主體即可獲取名稱、名稱、計算高度、方位角和幅度。拖動游標可滾動圖表。只需單擊一下即可放大和縮小。 內行星和太陽的軌道路徑。 黑色、白色和紅色星形圖表顏色,分別用於正常、明亮和夜間觀看條件。 圖表可以旋轉到 16 個指南針點中的任何一個,也可以沿南北軸翻轉。 通過按一下地圖、城市選擇或輸入緯度和經度來設置使用者位置。 對於任何使用者選擇的時間,圖表可以是"即時"、即時和靜態圖表。 基於美國海軍天文臺的「海軍天文臺向量天體測量子程式」2.0.1版的核心位置計算例程。 星號數據來自"亮星目錄"(第5版修訂版),包括使用J2000赤道位置和國際天體參考幀(ICRF)的9110顆最亮的恆星。對適當的運動和視差執行修正。 使用DE405資料庫的噴氣推進實驗室的行星星號數據。


  • 版本 2.2 發佈於 2004-03-17



User License Agreement for Nomad Electronics Pocket Stars Shareware Version This user license agreement (the "AGREEMENT") is an agreement between you (individual or single entity) and Nomad Electronics, for the Pocket Stars software (the "SOFTWARE") that is accompanying this AGREEMENT. By clicking the "Accept" button, you are consenting to be bound by and are becoming a party to this AGREEMENT. If you do not agree to this terms and conditions, click the "Decline" button. The SOFTWARE is the property of Nomad Electronics and is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties. The SOFTWARE is not sold, it is licensed. SHAREWARE VERSION The "SHAREWARE VERSION" means a trial/limited version of the SOFTWARE. If you accepts the terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT, you have certain rights and obligations as follow: YOU MAY: - Install and use an unlimited number of copies the SHAREWARE VERSION for a trial period of 15 days, after which the program will work in a limited capacity. - Use one or more copies of the SHAREWARE VERSION for evaluation purpose only. - Copy and distribute freely the SHAREWARE VERSION (see 'DISTRIBUTION'). YOU MAY NOT: - Sublicense, rent or lease the SHAREWARE VERSION or any portion of it. - Decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer or modify the SHAREWARE VERSION or any portion of it. - Copy the documentation accompanying the SHAREWARE VERSION. DISTRIBUTION: You are hereby licensed to make as many copies of the SHAREWARE VERSION as you wish and distribute it to anyone provided that all files are intact. You must distribute the install form of the SHAREWARE VERSION (you must distribute the file PocketStars.exe, not the files resulting of an installation). You are not allowed to sell the SHAREWARE VERSION (except for shipment and handling charges). Computer Magazines are authorized to distribute it on any Cover Disk or CD-ROM without any permission. Please inform us by email (Internet: [email protected]) each time you distribute the SHAREWARE VERSION. WARRANTY DISCLAIMER The SOFTWARE is supplied "AS IS". Nomad Electronics disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The user must assume the entire risk of using the SOFTWARE. DISCLAIMER OF DAMAGES Nomad Electronics assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of the SOFTWARE, even if Nomad Electronics has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Any liability of the seller will be limited to refund the purchase price. www.nomadelectronics.com