PickMeApp Pro

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 5.65 MB
‎使用者評分: 2.7/5 - ‎79 ‎評分

PickMeApp Pro 是一個獨特的管理工具,用於管理 Windows 軟體生命週期的所有方面:只需單擊幾下,即可發現、下載、安裝、升級、刪除、重新置放、捕獲和傳輸軟體程式! PickMeApp 發現並報告所有已安裝的應用程式,甚至那些被 Windows 作業系統隱藏的應用程式。PickMeApp 揭示並總結了有關未通過其他工具提供的已安裝應用程式的基本資訊。 PickMeApp 捕獲安裝的程式,將安裝的程式從基於 Windows 的電腦轉移到另一台電腦。您可以使用 PickMeApp 建立的安裝套件作為備份,以便重新安裝 Windows 後輕鬆還原電腦上的應用程式。您也可以將其安裝在另一台電腦或幾台電腦上,從而節省時間。 PickMeApp 將已安裝的程式從佔用的驅動程式重新定位到大型驅動器,在基於 Windows 的電腦上提供可用空間 PickMeApp 透過靜默刪除選定的應用程式以及修復出現故障的軟體程式,説明從不必要的軟體中清理 PC。 PickMeApp 有助於發現、下載、管理和安裝,然後升級計算機上的一組軟體程式。它簡化了計算機工作環境的設置和恢復。 有幾個先進的功能,提高效率的 PickMeApp 作為軟體生命週期管理工具: 系統恢復點之前操作影響系統穩定性, 豐富的命令列命令集,以自動化 PickMeApp 功能等。 PickMeApp 在 Windows 上不留下其使用方式的痕跡。 PickMeApp 可以安裝在 PC 上,也可以作為便攜式應用程式運行。它讀取和寫入保存在 PickMeApp 安裝資料夾下的檔上的配置設置。 PickMeApp 支援 Windows XP 及以上版本。它可以同樣管理 32 位元或 64 位元 Windows 上的 32 位元和 64 位程式的軟體產品生命週期。


  • 版本 發佈於 2020-05-05
    最豐富的軟體管理功能集:只需點擊幾下,即可發現、下載、安裝、升級、刪除、重新置放、捕獲和傳輸應用程式!支援便攜式和設置模式。用於 Windows 腳本自動化的完整 CLI。Eol 用於 PickMeApp (經典) 。
  • 版本 發佈於 2018-12-31
    PickMeApp 顯示所有已安裝的程式。根據安裝的程式類型,它能夠安裝、捕獲、傳輸、卸載或修復這些程式。PickMeApp 集合現在包括 115 個流行的一鍵式可安裝程式。註冊用戶將享受自動更新的集合。
  • 版本 發佈於 2012-11-08
    PickMeApp 擴展了其功能,成為真正的個人應用程式管理器。PickMeApp 可識別 PAD 檔,在右側面板中顯示它們,可應要求下載和安裝 PAD 軟體。如果使用 PickMeApp 專有擴展 TAD,PickMeApp 可以同時安裝多個軟體。



PickMeApp 2018 (all versions) Copyright (C) 2007-2018 All Rights Reserved. PickMeApp Light End User License Agreement Please read the following terms and conditions before using this software. Use of PickMeApp Light (SOFTWARE) indicates you accept the terms of this license agreement and warranty. This licence describes the conditions under which you may use the SOFTWARE. If you are unable or unwilling to accept these conditions in full, then, notwithstanding the conditions in the remainder of this licence, you may not use the program at all. 1. COPYRIGHT. All copyrights to SOFTWARE are exclusively owned by the author - T-App (OWNER). Your license confers no title or ownership of the SOFTWARE and should not be construed as a sale of any right in the SOFTWARE. You may not reverse engineer, de-compile or disassemble the SOFTWARE. T-App shall retain title and all ownership rights to the SOFTWARE. You are not permitted to distribute the software for profit. 2. TRIAL SOFTWARE SOFTWARE has no trial version. To use full version of SOFTWARE you should purchase a non-refundable license. 3. EVALUATION OF DEMO SOFTWARE. You are granted a demo software, freely downloadable from the web site, with very limited functionality for evaluation purposes only. You are authorized to install, copy, and run the demo software for the sole purpose of reviewing its functionality. You should not convert demo software to a full functional SOFTWARE without purchasing a license. 4. GRANT OF LICENSE FOR REGISTERED USERS. The Licensed and Registered SOFTWARE has no restricted features or limitations. You must not give away your registration code. Doing so will result in an infringement of copyright. Purchasing a license and Registration gives you the right to receive technical online support and use features available only for registered users. 4.1. Single User License: The Registered SOFTWARE may either be used by a single person who uses the SOFTWARE personally on one or more computers. 5. CANCELLATION POLICY. Exception to the right of cancellation: You cannot cancel your order for PickMeApp Light license as soon as you entered your license information to the PickMeApp Light settings, and PickMeApp Light execution has started upon your request and acknowledgement that you thereby lose your cancellation right. 6. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, T-APP FURTHER DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NONINFRINGEMENT. THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE PRODUCT AND DOCUMENTATION REMAINS WITH RECIPIENT. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, IN NO EVENT SHALL T-APP BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, OR OTHER DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, OR OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS) ARISING OUT OF THIS AGREEMENT OR THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCT, EVEN IF T-APP HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. 7. DISTRIBUTION of DEMO SOFTWARE. You may make and distribute unlimited copies of the demo software, as long as each copy that you make and distribute contains this agreement, the PickMeApp Light installer, and the same copyright and other proprietary notices pertaining to this SOFTWARE . If you download the demo software from the Internet or similar on-line source, you must include the PickMeApp Light copyright notice for the SOFTWARE with any on-line distribution and on any media you distribute that includes the demo software. Thank you for purchasing and using our product.