PHPWebQuiz 1.4.0

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‎使用者評分: 5.0/5 - ‎7 ‎評分

與學生一起在互聯網上進行測試,並統計分析結果!PHPWebQuiz 是一個在網路上或內聯網上在線解決測驗的程式。它在互聯網伺服器上運行,需要PHP。PHPWebQuiz 已被開發為與 QuizPro 一起使用。PHPWebQuiz 對問題檔和資料庫使用相同的格式。使用 QuizPro 創建您自己的測驗,並使用 PHPWebQuiz 在網路上發表。提問結果存儲在資料庫中,由 QuizPro 導入,因此進行統計分析。您可以使用多項選擇或填空問題。允許多個正確答案。可以構建時間測試,甚至可以向測驗專案添加聲音或圖形。包括聖經知識和希臘語的樣本測試。包括用於不同功能和資料庫修改的幾個管理員選項。與 WebQuiz 相反,PHPWebQuiz 不允許您只重複以前不知道的問題。您可以選擇英語和德語之間的界面語言。支援更多語言。PHPWebQuiz 是一個腳本。


  • 版本 1.4.0 發佈於 2008-03-20



LICENCE PHPWebQuiz is Freeware and may be used and modified free of charge by anyone. The following restrictions apply: - All copyright notice and the links to in the footer of the web pages must remain intact. - If you invent major changes, you may add your own copyright notice. The new version has to be sent to me for publication. - If you redistribute PHPWebQuiz, all files, which are included herewith, especially the documentation and the example quizzes have to be part of your redistribution. - Selling any parts of the code for this program without prior written consent, is expressly forbidden. If you have any problems with PHPWebQuiz or an idea for improvement, please let me know. This software is provided as is without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. In no event shall Luzius Schneider (the author) be liable for any damages whatsoever including direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, loss of business profits or special damages.