PhotoStudio 9 Pro 9

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 57.46 MB
‎使用者評分: 4.5/5 - ‎2 ‎評分

快捷軟體的(照片工作室9專業版是一個一鍵式的照片程式! PhotoStudio 9 允許 16 位元處理,具有 GPS 支援,是 Adobe Photoshop 的一個很好的伴侶。借助 PhotoStudio 9,您可以創建相冊、日曆、邀請函、海報等。 PhotoStudio 9 具有用於批量處理的非常大的功能清單。 PhotoStudio 9 可以增強、設計、修復、組織和列印圖像。PhotoStudio 9 可以從中獲取圖像;相機、手機、PDA、掃描器、CD、DVD、網路、IPOD 等。 PhotoStudio 9 還包括特殊選擇工具(套索、多邊形、魔杖)、曲線、降噪和鐵工具、自定義濾鏡功能、.8bf 插入濾鏡、抓寫和替換圖片描述、視頻 CD 刻錄機、DVD 幻燈片製作器和 PDF 幻燈片功能。 其他程式和功能; 全景精靈 – 全景圖通過連接各個鏡頭中的共用點並將它們連接在一起來擴展您的視野 3D 圖像精靈 – 創建3D影像 Web 圖庫 – 使用預先設計的範本在圖庫中在線共享圖片 PDF 投影片 – 發佈到 PDF 並與家人和朋友分享 照片編輯和增強工具 - 增強照片和消除圖像缺陷所需的一切 圖像魔術 – 效果,如轉換為灰度,色彩操縱,爆炸,油畫,古董照片,添加顆粒和波。加上框架、信封、軟陰影等 數位存檔管理 -描述、文本和音訊筆記、關鍵字和外部媒體的編目。搜索、篩選和排序;檔操作;大量命名和轉換 無限列印可能性 – 列印和呈現照片的無限可能性 數碼相機支援 - 支援所有類型的數碼相機 快捷方式軟體的 PhotoStudio 9 Pro 是一個一對一的照片管理器,從頭到尾處理照片。捷徑軟體 (


  • 版本 9 發佈於 2007-09-30



Terms & Conditions Copyright© 1997-2007, Shortcut Software International Inc, based in the United States. Any reproduction of the information on this website in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. The information on this site is for general guidance purposes only. Such information is not intended to provide legal advice to any individual or entity. You are urged to consult with your own legal advisors before taking any action based on any information appearing on this site. Shortcut and all product names are trademarks of Shortcut Software International Inc. All other trademarks and trade names are properties of their respective owners. GENERAL TERMS OF SALE AND DELIVERY Article 1. Applicability of General Conditions: Article 1.1.These General Conditions are the general currently applicable conditions governing all agreements entered into, irrespective of any other conditions in the General Conditions, if any, of the other party. To the extent that parties did not reach mutual agreement in writing to deviate from these conditions, the conditions below apply to any proposal, commission or agreement of or with Shortcut. Article 1.2. Proposals and agreements will be signed by an authorized managing director of Shortcut. Article 2. Proposal and acceptance: A proposal or a quotation shall be valid for a period of 14 days after date of proposal or quotation, unless otherwise agreed on in writing. All proposals and quotations made by or on behalf of Shortcut are without prejudice and subject to contract, unless Shortcut has stipulated otherwise in writing. Article 3. Start of the agreement: An agreement to the delivery of goods and / or the rendering of services is deemed to have been concluded when the commission of the client has been confirmed in writing by Shortcut, or when Shortcut has commenced the delivery. Parties are free to prove the conclusion of the contract with other means. Addition to and adjustment of the agreement can only be effected in writing. Article 4. Period of delivery: All terms meant by Shortcut in the agreement have been determined to the best of our knowledge. If the delivery period is exceed by only a limited amount of time, the client is not entitled to claim compensation or dissolution of the contract. Online purchases will be delivered by means of ESD (= Electronic Software Delivery). Customer who has successfully completed the online transaction will receive by email the unlock code of the software program for activation. Article 5. Force majeure: Article 5.1. A failure cannot be attributed to a party to this agreement, if it is not attributable to his / her fault or is not for his / her account and risk under the law, pursuant to a legal act or according to generally accepted standards. Article 5.2. Force majeure shall suspend the execution of the agreement with the duration of the force majeure. However, each of the parties is entitled to terminate the agreement by means of a written announcement to the other party if the force majeure extends a period of twelve weeks, or if it is an established fact that the force majeure shall extend a period of twelve weeks. Whatever has already been performed under the contract shall be paid in proportion, but without parties remaining due to each other. Article 5.3. Among others, parties shall consider force majeure to include the supplier of Shortcut to not, or not in time, or not in good working condition, deliver goods to Shortcut or Shortcut to not have sufficient capable staff available. Article 6. Transport and risk: Shortcut will issue an invoice at the time of shipment and client will receive an electronic copy. Transport is for the risk of the client. After delivery to the business address of the client, the risk of among others loss or damage of the delivered article is for the client. Lost or delayed shipments cannot be used as an excuse not to fulfill the payment obligation. If the client refuses to receive any articles governed by contract, these articles shall be stored by Shortcut at the expense and risk of the client, which will not release the client from his / her obligation to timely and full payment. Article 7. Prices and price level in the market: All prices are excluding turnover tax and other government levies. In the case of an agreement with periodic payments by the client, the supplier is entitled to adjust the prices by means of a written notice at a three month term. To protect the channel partners of Shortcut and the general market conditions, the following rule applies to all direct and in-direct clients of Shortcut who purchased or carry the Shortcut product in the market place: Price level of products offered to the end user/consumer must maintain the same level as Shortcut is offering the same products trough their own website. Without prior approval from a Shortcut managing director, it is not allowed to deviate from this price level rule. Article 8. Terms of payment: Unless agreed otherwise in writing from Shortcut’s credit department, payment terms are prepaid. If credit terms and a credit limit are granted and the customer is late in payment or exceeded the credit limit, the client shall automatically be in default. Over the period from the date when the term of payment is overdue until the date of payment to Shortcut, the client owes immediately due and payable interest over the outstanding amount which is equal to one percent a month from the date of invoice to the date of full payment. All collection costs, both judicial and extrajudicial, incurred by Shortcut to receive the outstanding amounts, shall be for the account of the client, unless determined otherwise in a judicial decision. The extrajudicial collection costs are deemed to amount to 15% of the amount claimed. The above shall also apply in the case of bankruptcy or suspension of payment. Article 9. Copyright and confidentiality: The advice provided by Shortcut shall be for the application and use of the client only. Prior consent by Shortcut is required if the client wishes to divulge this advice or make it available outside his / her circle. The copyright as well as all other rights of intellectual or industrial property of the delivered article shall remain with Shortcut or a third party to be appointed by Shortcut. The client acquires only the rights of use, unless otherwise agreed in writing. Each party is obliged to observe the strictest confidentiality with respect to information received from and about the other party as well as ideas and techniques used. The client is not allowed to alter or remove any notice of copyrights, brands, trademarks or other rights of intellectual or industrial property, including any notice regarding the confidential character and secrecy of the products or the packaging of it, or to alter or copy the products or any part of it. Shortcut declares that to the best of their knowledge the products do not infringe on the intellectual property rights of third parties prevailing in the United States. In the case of claims from third parties regarding an infringement of such rights, Shortcut can replace or alter the product concerned if necessary. Client shall inform Shortcut of any claims from third parties regarding an infringement of the intellectual property right with respect to the products. In the case of such a claim, Shortcut only is entitled, also on behalf of the client, to resist the claim or to take measures against the third party or to effect an amicable settlement with the third party. Client shall refrain from taking such measures, apart from statements which have to be made in court. Client shall at all times render full assistance to Shortcut. Article 10. Retention of title and of rights: Article 10.1. All articles delivered to the client shall remain the property of Shortcut, until all amounts owed by the client to Shortcut for articles delivered to the client by virtue of an agreement, including the accompanying rights of use of software and services rendered to the client or to be rendered, are paid to Shortcut in full. If the client, after notice of default, does not fulfill his payment obligations to Shortcut, Shortcut is entitled to repossess the articles concerned from the client. Article.10.2. Rights are granted to the client only on condition that the client pays the fees agreed on in time and in full. Article 11. Liability: Article 11.1. Shortcut''s liability for compensation of damage caused by failures attributable to Shortcut in the fulfillment of an agreement, shall be expressly limited to liability for alternative compensation, while the compensation shall never exceed half of the amounts invoiced and to be invoiced by Shortcut on the basis of the agreement, exclusive of turnover tax and limited to six months prior to the default. Article 11.2. However, the maximum amount referred to above does not apply in the case of death or bodily injury caused by wrongful acts by Shortcut or by persons for whom Shortcut is liable. Article 11.3. Shortcut''s total liability, however, shall never exceed 1 million Euro’s per incident, where a series of related incidents shall be regarded as one incident. Article 11.4. Shortcut is not liable at all for compensation of any other damage, such as caused by loss of profit, indirect loss, consequential loss, loss due to delays, loss caused by destruction or loss of computer files or by the insufficient supply of information, co-operation or materials by the client. Article 11.5. The client shall indemnify Shortcut against claims from third parties submitted against Shortcut, including employees from the client, for damages caused by the actions or negligence of the client and of persons employed by the client. Article 12 Warranty: Article 12.1. For a period of three months after delivery or, if parties have agreed on an acceptance test, three months after acceptance, Shortcut will repair any defects in the software to the best of their ability, where defects shall be taken to mean not complying with the functional specifications either agreed on or stated by or by means of Shortcut. In the event that the software has been damaged through the agency of Shortcut, Shortcut shall replace the disks on which the software concerned has been stored. Shortcut does not guarantee that the software will function without interruption or faults or that all defects shall be repaired. The repairs or the replacement shall be free of charge, unless they originate in user errors or injudicious use, or in other causes which cannot be attributed to Shortcut, in which case Shortcut shall charge the normal rates. Shortcut''s obligations under the guarantee shall lapse if the client alters the software or has the software altered without the written consent by Shortcut. Article 12.2. The activities under the warranty shall take place at a location set by Shortcut. Article 12.3. After expiration of the period of warranty, Shortcut is not obliged to repair any errors, unless a maintenance agreement has been concluded between parties. Article 13 Termination: Article 13.1. Each of the parties is entitled to dissolve an agreement before termination by accomplishment only if, upon a proper and as detailed as possible notice of default stating a reasonable term for curing the shortcoming, the other party fails imputably in the fulfillment of the essential obligations in accordance with the agreement. Article 13.2. Each of the parties is entitled to have an agreement fully or partly dissolved immediately by means of a notice in writing, without notice of default and without judicial intervention, if the other party is granted suspension of payment, if the other party files for bankruptcy or if their company is wound up or terminated. The party that dissolves the agreement in this manner shall never be liable to pay any compensation. Article 13.3. If the client at the moment of dissolution has already received performances in the execution of an agreement, these performances and the accompanying payment obligation shall not be an object of undoing, unless Shortcut is in default with respect to these performances. Amounts invoiced by Shortcut before the dissolution in respect of whatever they have already carried out or delivered with respect to the agreement, shall remain owing with due observance of the previous sentence and become payable at the moment of dissolution. Article 14 Non-acquisition clauses: None of the parties shall, without the consent of the other party, employ staff of the other party who were involved in the execution of the agreement or have them carry out work for them either directly or indirectly, for the duration of the agreement and a full year after its termination. Article 15 Rules on disputes and applicable law: Article 15.1. Agreements concluded with Shortcut shall be subject to United States law exclusively. Article 15.2. Disputes which cannot be solved in mutual consultation and which arise in respect of an agreement concluded by Shortcut with the client, shall be exclusively settled by the competent court in Orange County, California. Article 16 Refund Policy: A refund may be possible at the discretion of the company management: please contact [email protected]. Shortcut’s website is hosted internally by Shortcut based in the United States. Article 17: Online customers shall have the opportunity to review terms & conditions as well as the privacy policy, contact information and refund policy prior to completing a transaction. Article 18: Privacy is a very serious matter for Shortcut. It is true that in order to process your online request, we must know basic contact information such as your full name, address, e-mail address, and method of payment. All required information is kept internally and is never shared with third parties.