WinRT 的完美小部件提供 150 多個儀錶,設計用於基於 JavaScript 的 Windows 8 應用程式。關鍵數據可可視化為水準、垂直、徑向和數位儀錶,包括溫度計、儲罐、LED、數位、旋鈕、里程表等。 開發人員可以調整視覺設計器中的現有儀錶:刪除並添加任何儀錶元素、編輯顏色、填充、大小、位置、字型以及所選儀錶元素的其他屬性。複雜的儀錶行為在短腳本和綁定中設置。還可以構建數據可視化控件,從頭開始滿足任何最終使用者的要求。 創建的儀錶只需按下幾下滑鼠即可整合到 HTML 中,並準備好在基於 Windows 8 HTML5 的應用程式中使用。 完美的小部件控制項是絕對互動式的,可以回應使用者操作,即更改指標和滑塊值。開發人員可以收到有關儀錶值更改的通知,並在 JAVAScript 中處理它,使儀錶對細微的更改做出反應。 指示燈在儀錶值更改時執行平滑動畫。不過,儀錶動畫也是可自定義的:可以設置簡單或高級動畫或禁用它。 完美小工具可以從簡單的指標(如天氣、速度、持續時間、溫度等)測量任何數據,並以一些行業特定資訊(如區域銷售額與總銷售額、飛機地平線或高度顯示、SCADA指標等)結尾。換句話說,它們可用於任何行業:醫藥和製藥、化工和航空航太。 嘗試完美小部件,並將引人注目的數據可視化添加到您的 Windows 8 應用程式!
- 版本 1.0 發佈於 2012-09-15
- 軟體分類: 發展 > 元件和庫
- 發佈者: Perpetuum Software
- 軟體性質: 免費試用
- 價格: $199.00
- 版本: 2.1
- 作業系統: windows
End User License Agreement for Perfect Widgets Perpetuum Software LLC Perfect Widgets SOFTWARE COMPONENT PRODUCT Copyright (C) 2012 Perpetuum Software LLC END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR PERFECT WIDGETS SOFTWARE COMPONENT PRODUCT IMPORTANT - READ CAREFULLY: This Perpetuum Software LLC End-User License Agreement ("EULA") is a legal agreement between you, a developer of software applications ("Developer End User") and Perpetuum Software LLC (Vendor) for Perfect Widgets SOFTWARE COMPONENT PRODUCT, its relevant controls, source code, demos, intermediate files, media, printed materials, and "online" or electronic documentation ("PRODUCT") contained in the installation file. By installing, copying, or otherwise using the PRODUCT, the Developer End User agrees to be bound by the terms of this EULA. The PRODUCT is in "use" on a computer when it is loaded into temporary memory (i.e. RAM) or installed into permanent memory (e.g. hard disk, CD-ROM, or other storage device) of that computer. If the Developer End User does not agree to any part of the terms of this EULA, THE DEVELOPER END USER CAN NOT INSTALL, USE, DISTRIBUTE, OR REPLICATE IN ANY MANNER, ANY PART, FILE OR PORTION OF THE PRODUCT, OR USE THIS PRODUCT FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSES. The PRODUCT is licensed, not sold. LICENSE GRANT. Upon acceptance of this EULA and subject to the payment of the fee required and the terms and conditions herein the Vendor grants the Developer End User a personal, nonexclusive license to install and use the PRODUCT on compatible devices for the sole purposes of designing, developing, testing, and deploying application programs the Developer End User creates (Final Application