Perfect Automation 2.6.2

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 1.05 MB
‎使用者評分: 5.0/5 - ‎8 ‎評分

完美自動化有助於自動執行日常操作,如計算機維護和啟動操作,而無需程式設計。完美自動化擁有一套完整的自動化工具,包括記錄和播放滑鼠和鍵盤操作的能力、啟動應用程式的快速啟動實用程式、允許在特定時間或某個事件運行操作的進階調度程式,以及支援進階使用者開源程式設計語言 Gentee 的功能齊全的文本編輯器。完美自動化創建獨立的.exe,便於執行。 完美自動化的強項是將各種自動化功能緊密集成到一個方便的封裝中。您多久看到一次滑鼠錄影機與高級調度器和腳本語言捆綁在一起?完美自動化不僅包括所有這些功能在一起,而且將它們集成到一個包中。 該產品歡迎新的先進電腦使用者,使得無需程式設計的通用操作的自動化變得容易,但允許更進階的使用者以一種開源程式設計語言 Gentee 存取腳本的原始碼。不用說,腳本編輯器與完美自動化捆綁在一起。使用文本語言中的命令允許根據當前條件或其他程式的返回值使用各種執行路徑執行複雜的任務和任務。有了 Gentee,您自動執行 Windows 的可能性幾乎是無窮無盡的! 與競爭不同,完美自動化創建獨立的可執行檔 (.exe) 文件,這些檔無需額外的庫,並且可以在未安裝完美自動化的電腦上運行。使用完美自動化就像作為一個軟體開發人員沒有程式設計!


  • 版本 2.6.2 發佈於 2009-10-09



Perfect Automation SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS Trial Version * Perfect Automation ("SOFTWARE PRODUCT") is not freeware. You may install the trial version of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT to test and evaluate it for 30 days; after this time you must either purchase a license ("LICENSED VERSION") to continue to use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT or delete the SOFTWARE PRODUCT from your computer. * You are hereby allowed to make any number of backup copies of the trial version of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT and its documentation. You may give a copy of the trial version of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT to anyone, providing that no additional fee is charged and the package files remain unmodified. Licensed Version * You may not distribute, rent, lease, or lend the LICENSED VERSION of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. You may make one copy of the LICENSED VERSION solely for your personal backup or archival purposes. Common Provisions * You may distribute the executable files created with the LICENSED VERSION without further payment of royalties for the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. * You may use the LICENSED VERSION without limitations on the quantity of executable files created with the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. * You may not alter the SOFTWARE PRODUCT in any way, including its help and text files. * PERFECT AUTOMATION IS DISTRIBUTED "AS IS". NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. YOU USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK. GENTEE, INC. WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DATA LOSS, DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR ANY OTHER KIND OF LOSS WHILE USING OR MISUSING THIS SOFTWARE. * Installing and using Perfect Automation denotes the acceptance of these terms and conditions of the license. If you do not agree with the terms of this license, you must remove Perfect Automation files from your storage devices/computer and cease to use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. Copyright 2008-09 Gentee, Inc., All rights reserved. Internet: Email: [email protected]