PAD Submit Worker

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‎使用者評分: 2.8/5 - ‎4 ‎評分

PAD 提交工作程式是數以萬計的互聯網供應商使用的單一最佳提交工具,可自動在任何地方提交 PAD 檔。PAD 提交工作人員説明共用軟體作者盡可能快地將 PAD 檔輕鬆提交到所有主要下載網站、目錄和其他目標資源。從這一刻起,不再浪費時間和金錢一個一個提交PAD檔。PAD 提交工作人員可以在數小時內自動將PAD檔提交到1000多個網站。你什麼都不應該做,只看到結果。同時,它可以智慧跟蹤最新的產品清單,如果有斷開的連結,PAD提交工作人員會注意到你。總之,通過使用這個先進的提交工具,你可以讓你的下載軟體的數量上升到排名的頂部,並留在那裡長期。


  • 版本 發佈於 2012-11-21



PAD SUBMIT WORKER END USER LICENCE AGREEMENT NOTIFICATION: PERMISSION TO USE THIS SOFTWARE ("SOFTWARE") IS CONDITIONAL UPON YOU AS THE CUSTOMER AND LICENSEE ("YOU"), AGREEING TO THE TERMS SET OUT BELOW ("THIS AGREEMENT"). YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO INSTALL THE SOFTWARE UNTIL YOU HAVE READ AND ACCEPTED ALL THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT AND WISH TO BECOME THE LICENSEE OF THE SOFTWARE. ACCEPTANCE SHALL BIND YOU AND ALL OF YOUR EMPLOYEES TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. BY CLICKING THE "I ACCEPT THE AGREEMENT" BUTTON YOU WARRANT AND CONFIRM THAT YOU ARE ELIGIBLE AND HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. SELECTING THE "I ACCEPT THE AGREEMENT" BUTTON BEFORE THE "NEXT" BUTTON AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS SCREEN WILL BE DEEMED TO BE YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND YOU WILL BECOME THE LICENSEE OF THE SOFTWARE. PLEASE PRINT A COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS. IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO ACCEPT THE FOLLOWING TERMS, DO NOT CLICK ON THE "I ACCEPT THE AGREEMENT" BUTTON AND THE SOFTWARE WILL NOT INSTALL ON TO YOUR COMPUTER. IN CIRCUMSTANCES WHERE YOU PURCHASE THE SOFTWARE WITHOUT ACCEPTING THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT AND WISH TO RETURN THE SOFTWARE, PLEASE CONTACT PAD SUBMIT WORKER TO DETERMINE WHETHER YOU ARE ELIGIBLE FOR A REFUND. PLEASE READ THIS AGREEMENT CAREFULLY BEFORE INSTALLING OR USING THIS SOFTWARE. PAD SUBMIT WORKER Inc. strives to provide exceptional software products that help to submit your software to lists of download sites and help to attract the traffic to the website for the end user. By installing and using this PAD SUBMIT WORKER software (the "Software"), you hereby agreed to the following terms and conditions. 1. License. 1.1 Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, PAD SUBMIT WORKER grants to you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license, without the right to sublicense, to use or evaluate the Software in accordance with this Agreement and any other written agreement with PAD SUBMIT WORKER. You have purchased a license to use the Software. PAD SUBMIT WORKER does not transfer title of the Software to you. This Agreement is a legally binding agreement between PAD SUBMIT WORKER and the user(s) of this Software. If you do not agree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, you are required to immediately cease installing or using this Software and remove the Software and any documentation from your computer. 1.2 By purchasing and using this PAD Submit Worker software (the "Software"), you hereby agreed to the following conditions. 1.2.1 PAD Submit Worker license costs $49.95. 1.2.2 Immediately upon registration, you receive the registration keys and the PAD Submit Worker keys are lifetime. 1.2.3 With the purchase of this software, you will receive three months of the download site database updates subscription. 1.2.4 Before the initial subscription expires, you should notify the softwares support team whether you want to prolong the service or not; Or the software payment system will automatically charge you $15 from your credit card for the next three months service. 1.2.5 You will not be reimbursed for the renewal fee, whether you renew the service manually or the software payment system automatically renews for you. 2. Distribution - Unless otherwise authorized herein, this Software, any accompanying documentation, and the license herein granted shall not be copied, shared, distributed, re-sold, offered for re-sale, transferred or sub-licensed in whole or in part except that you may make one copy for archive purposes only. For information about redistribution of this Software, please contact SubmitWorker at: 3. User Agreement 3.1 Evaluation Version use - You may evaluate this Software without purchasing a license(the "Evaluation Version") for a maximum number of days indicated and permitted by PAD SUBMIT WORKER, or you may have limited access to some of the features and functionality of the Software. In order to use or continue to use all the features and functionality of the Software you must purchase a license from PAD SUBMIT WORKER. For more information about purchasing a license to use the Software, please contact PAD SUBMIT WORKER at 3.2 Activation of Software - Once you have purchased a license from PAD SUBMIT WORKER in order to continue to use the Software, you may be required to activate the Software through the Internet. There are technological measures within the Software that are designed to prevent unlicensed use of the Software. PAD SUBMIT WORKER will use those measures to confirm you have a valid licensed copy of the Software. PAD SUBMIT WORKER will not collect any personally identifiable information from your computer location or workstation during this process. 3.3 Distribution - The Evaluation Version of the Software may be freely distributed, provided that: 3.3.1 Such distribution includes only the original Software supplied by PAD SUBMIT WORKER. You may not alter, delete or add any files in the distribution Software or modify the Software in any way. 3.3.2 The limited evaluation nature of this Evaluation Version Software is not misrepresented. 3.3.3 No money is charged to the person receiving this Evaluation Version Software, beyond reasonable cost of packaging and other overhead, if applicable. 3.3.4 You provide prior email or written notice to PAD SUBMIT WORKER that you are distributing this Evaluation Version and receive written confirmation of PAD SUBMIT WORKER's authorization for such distribution. If the Software is being distributed with other hardware, media or software, PAD SUBMIT WORKER's prior written authorization is required. You may be required to report to us the number of units of this Evaluation Version Software distributed from time to time. 3.4 Use -Your license to use this Software is limited to the number of licenses purchased by you and for a limited number of days. Upon the expiration of your license, you will be required to renew and purchase another license in order to continue to use all the features and functionality of the Software. For more information about purchasing additional licenses of this Software or renewing your existing license, please contact PAD SUBMIT WORKER at: You shall not allow others to use, copy or evaluate copies of this licensed Software. Others may obtain an Evaluation Version of the Software or purchase a license to use the Software from: 3.5 Use Restrictions - You shall use this Software in compliance with all applicable laws and not for any unlawful purpose. Each licensed copy of this Software may be used on one single computer location or workstation, unless otherwise authorized herein. "Use" of the Software means that you have loaded, installed, or run the Software on a computer or similar device. If you install the Software onto a multi-user platform, server or network, each and every individual user of the Software must be licensed separately or included by a multi-site license in order to access all the features and functionality of the Software. You may make one copy of this Software for backup purposes, providing you only have one copy installed on one computer location or workstation (or number of users covered in a multi site license). Others may not use or install your licensed copy of this Software. The assignment, sublicense, networking, sale, or distributions of copies of this licensed Software are strictly forbidden without the prior written consent of PAD SUBMIT WORKER. It is a violation of this Agreement to assign, sell, share, loan, rent, lease, borrow, network or transfer the use of this licensed Software. If any person other than yourself uses Software registered in your name on another computer location or workstation, regardless of whether it is at the same time or different times, then this Agreement is being violated and you are responsible for that violation! 3.6 Copyright Restriction - This Software contains copyrighted material, trade secrets and other proprietary material. You shall not, and shall not attempt to, modify, reverse engineer, disassemble or decompile this Software. Nor can you create any derivative works or other works that are based upon or derived from the Software in whole or in part. PAD SUBMIT WORKER and PAD SUBMIT WORKER's name, logo and graphics file that represents this Software shall not be used in any way to promote products developed with our Software. PAD SUBMIT WORKER retains sole and exclusive ownership of all rights, titles and interest in and to the Software and all Intellectual Property rights relating thereto. Copyright law and international copyright treaty provisions protect all parts of this Software. No program, code, part, image, or text may be copied or used in any way by the user except as intended within the bounds of this Agreement. All rights not expressly granted hereunder are reserved for PAD SUBMIT WORKER. 3.7 Limitation of Responsibility - You will indemnify, hold harmless, and defend PAD SUBMIT WORKER, its employees, agents and distributors against any and all claims, proceedings, demand and costs resulting from or in any way connected with your use of the Software. In no event(including, without limitation, in the event of negligence) will PAD SUBMIT WORKER, its employees, agents or distributors be liable for any consequential, incidental, indirect, special or punitive damages whatsoever(including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, loss of use, business interruption, loss of information or data, or pecuniary loss), in connection with or arising out of or related to this Agreement, this Software or the use or inability to use this Software or the furnishing, performance or use of any other matters hereunder whether based upon contract, tort or any other theory including negligence. PAD SUBMIT WORKER's entire liability, without exception, is limited to the customers' reimbursement of the purchase price of the Software (maximum being the lesser of the amount paid by you and the suggested retail price as listed by PAD SUBMIT WORKER, less any applicable taxes and shipping fees) in exchange for the return of the product, all copies, registration papers and manuals, and all materials that constitute a transfer of license from the customer back to PAD SUBMIT WORKER. Such reimbursement will only occur if the Software was purchased directly from PAD SUBMIT WORKER at If you purchased the Software through a reseller, distributor, retailer, or any other third party, you need to request a refund directly from such parties. PAD SUBMIT WORKER does not make any guarantees that the software will identify specific computer operating system Registry entry, or any other associated files. PAD SUBMIT WORKER also does not make any guarantees that any or all computer operating system Registry entries or associated files will be identified and/or removed by the software. 3.8 Warranties - Except as expressly stated in writing by an authorized employee of PAD SUBMIT WORKER, PAD SUBMIT WORKER makes no representation or warranties in respect of this Software and expressly excludes all other warranties, expressed or implied, oral or written, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantable quality or fitness for a particular purpose. 3.9 Governing Law - The laws of the Province of Beijing, China will govern this agreement and the software license and the usage of the software. You agree that the laws of the province of Beijing will govern all matters relating to or arising from this agreement and the use or inability to use the software and that such laws will be applied without regard to the conflict of laws provisions and you agree to submit to the personal and exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located within the District of Haidian, Beijing. The United Nations convention on the International Sale of Goods does not apply to this software or the software license pertaining to this agreement. If any provision shall be considered unlawful, void or otherwise unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from this License and not affect the validity and enforceability of any other provisions. 3.10 Termination - Any failure to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement will result in automatic and immediate termination of this license. Upon termination of this license granted herein for any reason, you agree to immediately cease use of the Software and destroy all copies of the Software supplied under this Agreement. The financial obligations incurred by you shall survive the expiration or termination of this license. 4. Consent to Use of Data - You agree that PAD SUBMIT WORKER may collect and use information transmitted by you through the Software and/or gathered in any manner as part of the product support services provided to you, if any, related to the Software. You are not obligated to transmit any information related to the reporting of parasites or malicious files if you choose not to do so when prompted. PAD SUBMIT WORKER may also use any information collected to provide notices to you which may be of use or interest to you. The Software contains components that enable and facilitate the use of certain Internet-based services. You acknowledge and agree that PAD SUBMIT WORKER may automatically check the version of the Software that you are utilizing and may provide updates, upgrades, or fixes to the Software. In order to receive such updates, upgrades or fixes, you must agree to the download when prompted. You are not obligated to download any upgrades or fixes to the Software that are provided by PAD SUBMIT WORKER. PAD SUBMIT WORKER will not collect any personally identifiable information from your computer location or workstation during this process. To review PAD SUBMIT WORKER's privacy policy, please visit: PAD SUBMIT WORKER is a registered trademark of PAD SUBMIT WORKER Software.