P2 Processor

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‎使用者評分: 4.0/5 - ‎2 ‎評分

處理器是一個小工具,坐在您的系統托盤和實時顯示CPU使用率,但樂趣不會停止在這裡;除了實時顯示處理器使用方式外,它還在後台智慧地優化您的記憶體。在你認為不是另一個記憶助推器之前,只要記住; 大多數其他記憶助推器依賴於安慰劑效應,這是,如果你認為它會工作,它會。此外,他們中的大多數將嘗試通過強制記憶體離開RAM來優化您的系統。P2 處理器不在安慰劑發動機上運行,不會強制記憶體離開您的公羊。但是,它將進行 Windows API 調用,告訴 Windows 清理所有進程的工作空間,從而釋放不再需要的任何記憶體、進程(清除行程工作集)。它將定期這樣做,以説明提高您的系統的速度和穩定性。請記住,此方法不會釋放大量的 RAM,而是,如前所述,將提高您的電腦的穩定性和性能。這也將治癒記憶體洩漏,在某些情況下已經能夠解凍程式。


  • 版本 發佈於 2010-07-31



The HelpVistaXPDiamond offers a fully functional twenty (20) days trial period for you to “try before you buy”, so you already have first hand experience with what you are buying before you buy it !! There are no surprises ! Just quality software at a responsible price, which you get to try before you buy !! 1). THE FOLLOWING LICENSE AGREEMENT IS APPLICABLE WHEN YOU DOWNLOAD AND USE A DEMO VERSION OF HELPVISTAXPDIAMOND ENTERPRISE EDITION PRODUCTS... License Agreement GRANT OF LICENSE FOR USE This agreement grants you the following rights. DEMO VERSION You may install and use an unlimited number of copies of the product on an unlimited number of machines. The demo version expressly prohibits you from using the product for any purpose other than evaluation of the functionality of the product. You may not use the demo version to develop completed applications. But anyone may use this software during a test period of 20 days. Following this test period of 20 days or less, if you wish to continue to use our product, you must register. 2).THE FOLLOWING LICENSE AGREEMENT IS APPLICABLE WHEN YOU PURCHASE OUR HELPVISTAXPDIAMOND ENTERPRISE EDITION... License Agreement GRANT OF LICENSE FOR USE This agreement grants you the following rights. LICENSE KEY TYPE 1 License Key = 1 Machine :: SINGLE DEVELOPER LICENSE You may install and use one copy of the product on a single developer machine. :: 2 DEVELOPER LICENSES You may install and use 2 copies of the product on 2-developer machine. :: 3 DEVELOPER LICENSES You may install and use 3 copies of the product on 3-developer machine. :: 4 DEVELOPER LICENSES You may install and use 3 copies of the product on 3-developer machine. :: 5 DEVELOPER LICENSES You may install and use 5 copies of the product on 5-developer machine. :: A MULTIPLE USAGE LICENSE You may install and use more than 5-copies of the product on more than 5-developer machine. HelpVistaXPDiamond grants a license to use the enclosed software to the original purchaser. Copies may be made for back-up purposes only. Copies made for any other purpose are expressly prohibited, and adherence to this requirement is the sole responsibility of the purchaser. DISTRIBUTION The run-time files (HelpVistaXPDiamond2008.ocx, etc, as appropriate to the specific licensed component) may be freely distributed with compiled (.EXE) end-user applications written by a licensed developer. There are NO Run-Time Royalties or fees for such distribution. RESTRICTIONS Licensed components may not be used to build other component software (such as ActiveX controls, OLE Servers, or DLL's) for use by other developers. This software may not be used to reverse engineer the method of operation. LIMITED WARRANTY This software is provided under license on an "AS IS" basis, without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including without limitation, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The HelpVistaXPDiamond or any third party involved in the creation, production, or delivery of the program, cannot be held responsible under any circumstances, for any direct or indirect damage, including loss of profits, interruption of business activities, or other, faced by the user of this program, even in the case that HelpVistaXPDiamond has been advised of such damages. COPYRIGHT THISE SOFTWARE is owned by D.M.R.Upul and D.M.R.Suranga - [ Helpsofts Company ] and is protected by copyright laws and international treaty provisions, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. The SOFTWARE is licensed, not sold. You must therefore treat the SOFTWARE like any other copyrighted material. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS You acknowledge that you have read this Agreement, understand it, and agree to be bound by its terms and conditions.