OMeR 2.3.0

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: N/A
‎使用者評分: 4.0/5 - ‎2 ‎評分

OMeR(光學音樂易讀卡機)是旋律助手或和諧助手的印刷音樂樂譜光學識別附加元件。 在掃描器中插入音樂的列印頁面,啟動OMeR,編輯或收聽旋律或和諧助手中的曲調!


  • 版本 2.3.0 發佈於 2013-09-27



End User License Agreement (EULA) UNREGISTERED VERSION LICENSE GRANT Myriad Software ("Myriad") grants the User a non-exclusive license to test the Product in its unregistered version, and any associated documentation, as indicated herein. The User MAY: (a) install and use the Product for evaluation purpose during an unlimited period of time (b) Redistribute the unregistered version of the Product by any mean (CDROM, Cover Disc, Web site...) as long as the User does not change the original package and distribute only the original install package. RESTRICTIONS The User MAY NOT: (a) sell the unregistered version of the Product (except for shipment and handling charges); (b) cause or permit reverse engineering, disassembly, decompilation or alteration of the Product; (c) remove any product identification, copyright notices, or other notices or proprietary restrictions from the Product; (d) copy the documentation accompanying the Product. DISTRIBUTION The User is hereby licensed to make as many copies of the unregistered version of the Product as he wishes and distribute it to anyone provided that all files are intact. The User must distribute the install form of the Product (he must distribute the INSTALL file, not the files resulting of an installation). The User is not allowed to sell the Product (except for shipment and handling charges). Press is authorized to distribute it on any Cover Disk, CD-ROM without permission from Myriad. Shareware Catalog Web sites are authorized to distribute it as a download file (hosted or linked to Myriad site) without permission from Myriad. For-profit distribution of the unregistered version of the product requires a prior written agreement from the authors, by post mail or e-mail. REGISTERED VERSION LICENSE GRANT Complete payment of the personal registration code grants the User a non-transferable license for the registered version. The registered version of the product is assigned to its sole owner, becoming personal and confidential. Neither the registered copy of the software, nor the personal registration number can be distributed in any form. The registered User is fully responsible for the non-distribution of his personal registration number or his registered copy of the software. Neither exchange, nor partial or total refund can be claimed for the Products after the User has received his personal registration code. Myriad reserves the right to invalidate and to lock at any moment the personal registration code of a User following an illegal distribution of this code or a default in the complete payment of the software license. In no event will Myriad be liable for any direct or indirect consequence of the invalidation and locking of a personal registration code following a default in payment or an illicit distribution of this personal code. TERM This License is effective until terminated. The User may terminate it at any time by destroying the Product, together with all copies thereof. This License will also terminate if the User fails to comply with any term or condition of this Agreement. Upon such termination, the User agrees to destroy the Product, together with all copies thereof. COPYRIGHT/OWNERSHIP This Product and its source code are proprietary products of MYRIAD and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES The Product is supplied "AS IS". MYRIAD disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The User must assume the entire risk of using the Product. Myriad products comply with French law. In case of use outside French territory, the user is responsible for ensuring that Myriad products do not infringe any local law. DISCLAIMER OF DAMAGES Myriad assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of the Product, even if Myriad has been advised of the possibility of such damages. --- Myriad EULA rev. 07/25/03