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儘快學習莫爾斯代碼,無需花招。結構化課程基於對科赫方法的改編。如果你能成功完成課程,那麼你一定通過FCC 5 wpm代碼測試。假定以前沒有莫爾斯代碼的知識。在早期的課上,你被輕輕地介紹給幾個字元。然後,你工作到最後一課,以自己的節奏,添加字元,你走。 從一開始,您就以 6 WPM 的最終目標速度練習,只需幾個初始字元。一旦你學會了可靠地複製這小組字元,更多的字元被添加,你再次練習,直到你可以全速可靠地複製它們。此過程將繼續,直到您全速瞭解所有代碼!這種代碼學習方法是由德國心理學家路德維希·科赫開創的。 除了結構化課程,NuCode 還提供將文本檔轉換為代碼的能力,如果需要,還將生成隨機字母、數位和標點符號。作為 NuCode 套件的一部分,作為代碼源材料提供了大量有用的文本檔。NuCode 的一個特殊功能是,沒有複雜的設置過程來開始。安裝程式,並在第一課中立即開始學習代碼。


  • 版本 發佈於 2011-10-27
    已修復 DEP 問題



NuCode for Windows is not free software. You are hereby licensed to use the evaluation version of NuCode according to the terms of this license to determine its' suitability to your needs. Unregistered use of the software after this period is a violation of U.S. and international copyright laws. The author shall designate licensees of the software by either issuing an acknowledgent to the licensee that a registration fee has been paid or by any other appropriate means and at his discretion. For self-training or study purposes one registered copy of NuCode may either be used by a single licensee on one or more computers OR by more than one person (with permission from the licensee) on the same computer, but at different times. It may not be used in more than one location at the same time unless prior permission has been granted by the author. Permission is hereby granted for registered copies of NuCode to be used as a teaching aid for third parties under supervision of the licensee provided that the licensee is an accredited VE (Volunteer Examiner) according to the terms of the Part 97 of the FCC rules governing the Amateur Radio Service in the US. Outside the US permission is hereby granted for registered copies of NuCode to be used as a teaching aid for third parties under supervision of the licensee provided that the licensee is a member of a recognised organisation that supervises the teaching of students.