NewsMonitor 3.1

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‎使用者評分: 3.0/5 - ‎1 ‎評分

NewsMonitor 會自動搜索來自萬維網中某些關鍵字的新聞,並跟蹤最新消息。更新後的新聞可用後,您將收到桌面警報通知,新聞連結將添加到 NewsMonitor 的內部清單中。NewsMonitor 可配置為以 5 分鐘到 3600 分鐘之間的指定值間隔搜索更新的新聞。使用 NewsMonitor,您可能是第一個獲得最新新聞的人。 NewsMonitor 允許您追蹤任何數量的關鍵字的最新消息。您可以自由添加或刪除關鍵字。使用 NewsMonitor,您可以及時獲得新聞,而無需上網。 您可以將 NewsMonitor 的關鍵字列表匯出到 XML 檔。這使您能夠存儲有關某些主題的關鍵字清單,供將來使用。將現有 XML 檔導入 NewsMonitor 時,將刪除 NewsMonitor 當前關鍵字清單中的所有關鍵字。


  • 版本 3.1 發佈於 2007-11-28
    1. 糾正從未播放報警聲音的錯誤。2. 新增選項以選擇報警聲音的 wav 檔。



IMPORTANT-READ CAREFULLY! This License Agreement is a legal Agreement between you and Updownsoft Company for NewsMonitor. By installing, copying, or otherwise using and testing NewsMonitor, you agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this agreement, dont install or use NewsMonitor. 1. Copyright All rights, title, interests in and to copyrights in the Software (including but not limited to any software components, product documentation and associated media, sample files, extension files, tools and utilities, miscellaneous technical information, and any copies of the Software, are owned exclusively (or licensed) by Updownsoft.Inc. The Software is protected international treaty provisions. 2. Disclaimer of Warranty a. updownsoft does not warrant that NewsMonitor will meet your specific needs or requirements, nor that NewsMonitor will retrieve all the information you would like it to retrieve or believe it should retrieve, nor that the operation of NewsMonitor will in all instances be uninterrupted or error-free. Because software is inherently complex and may not be completely free of errors. b. updownsoft shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, incidental, or other damages, including but not limited to damages for lost profits, interruption of business, lost or corrupted data or programs, system crashes, or diversion of system or other resources, arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the performance, quality, results, use of, or inability to use NewsMonitor or any support, advice, products, or services which are or should have been provided to you, even if NewsMonitor has been advised of the possibility of such damages. 3. Termination a. updownsoft.Inc may terminate the License with or without cause at any time immediately and without notice if you materially breach any term of this Agreement or infringe any of updownsofts rights in NewsMonitor. b.immediately upon termination of the License, you must stop using NewsMonitor and destroy all copies of NewsMonitor within your possession, custody, or control. Any provision of this Agreement which is held to be unenforceable as written shall be enforced to the fullest extent permissible and shall not affect the validity of any other provision of this Agreement. If you have questions or desire additional information about NewsMonitor, updownsoft, or updownsofts software use or privacy policies, please contact [email protected].