MusiGenesis 1.2.5

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 15.61 MB
‎使用者評分: 3.0/5 - ‎1 ‎評分

MusiGenesis 是一個獨特的 Windows 程式,讓您在普通 PC 上種植工作室級音樂。它不需要程式設計能力,也不需要音樂經驗。所有你需要的是一個願望,創造音樂和耳朵什麼聽起來不錯。 MusiGenesis 使用進化理論來創作工作室級音樂。在生物物種中,碰巧適合其環境的個體存活和繁殖,而不太適合的個體則死亡。隨著時間的推移,一個物種將由更合適的個體,將很好地適應其環境。 MusiGenesis 透過歌曲添加隨機生成的音符模式來透過音樂方式類比此過程。添加每個模式時,通過保留聲音良好的模式並刪除不添加的模式來扮演自然選擇的角色。在幾分鐘內,你創造了一個專業的聲音一段合成的音樂。 MusiGenesis 歌曲可以像您選擇製作歌曲一樣簡單或複雜。每首歌被分成軌道與自己的合成樂器(鋼琴,康加鼓,電影對話等)。每個軌道包含要添加的多個模式,並且每個模式都包含盡可能多的註釋。 有可用的音樂節目,是強大的MusiGenesis,但他們很難使用,需要廣泛的音樂經驗。其他節目不需要音樂背景來製作專業品質的音樂,但只是因為它們讓你安排預製音樂單元。 MusiGenesis 結合了這兩種類型的程式的最佳方面:一個強大的波台軟體合成器加上一個簡單的使用者介面,讓您從頭開始創建獨特的音樂,並輕鬆保存到 WAV,MP3 或 MIDI 格式。 製作您自己的 CD 或使用 MusiGenesis 歌曲作為影片遊戲、網站、多媒體演示文稿或大量其他用途的背景音樂。 用 Musigenesis 創作音樂只是簡單的樂趣。立即下載您的免費試用副本,並查看自己。


  • 版本 1.2.5 發佈於 2005-04-14
    新的 MIDI 匯出選項



END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR MUSIGENESIS (Shareware) MusiGenesis Copyright (C) 2005 by Kenneth Adams All Rights Reserved IMPORTANT-READ CAREFULLY. You should carefully read the following terms and conditions before using this software. Your use of this software indicates your acceptance of this license agreement and warranty. This SOFTWARE PRODUCT is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. You agree not to alter, remove or obscure any copyright notices or other proprietary notices on and in the software. You further agree not to reverse engineer or decompile MusiGenesis. LICENSE INFORMATION: There are 2 ways of running this software. 1) SHAREWARE VERSION (Free): You are allowed to evaluate this software and use it for file playing purposes for an unlimited length of time. 2) LICENSED VERSION (Paid): You can pay the price and get the license code for your PC and one other computer and run on those two machines. SHAREWARE VERSION: Use of the shareware version of MusiGenesis is subject to the terms below. You are hereby allowed to use this software for evaluation or file playing purposes without charge for an unlimited length of time. Shareware version is fully functional EXCEPT you cannot save or export your work. LICENSED VERSION: One licensed copy may be used either by a single person or multiple people on two computers. You can run MusiGenesis on the PC for which you initially obtained the Unlock code, and on one other PC (for which an Unlock code can be obtained by special request). Licensed version allows you to save and export your work. GOVERNING LAW: This agreement shall be governed by all applicable international copyright laws. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY: THIS SOFTWARE AND THE ACCOMPANYING FILES ARE GIVEN "AS IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES AS TO PERFORMANCE OF MERCHANTABILITY OR ANY OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. NO WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE IS OFFERED. AUTHOR WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER ARISING FROM THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS SOFTWARE. IN CASE OF LICENSED VERSION, ANY LIABILITY OF THE SELLER WILL BE LIMITED EXCLUSIVELY TO PRODUCT REPLACEMENT OR REFUND OF PURCHASE PRICE. DISTRIBUTION: You are authorized to make copies of the installation file for MusiGenesis and distribute it in its unmodified form via any physical or electronic means. By Kenneth Adams (author and owner) 847 Kirby Pl. Shreveport, LA 71104 USA Email: [email protected]