Multi Screen Remote Desktop 10.2

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 1.52 MB
‎使用者評分: 2.4/5 - ‎5 ‎評分

多螢幕遠端桌面 (MSRD) 為管理員和電源使用者提供了一個非常快速、安全的解決方案,用於監視其網路上的其他遠端電腦。 MSRD 可説明在您自己的螢幕上即時顯示多達 9 台遠端電腦的桌面。可控模式允許您使用鍵盤和滑鼠單獨控制任何一台遠程計算機。 MSRD 使遠端控制和遠端存取變得簡單可靠。


  • 版本 10.2 發佈於 2017-06-01
  • 版本 發佈於 2008-10-29



Multi-Screen Remote Desktop END-USER LICENSE (Download) You may use this software only as described in this license. If you do not agree to the terms of this license, do not install or use the software. 1. SOFTWARE. The capitalized term "Software" used below refers to Multi-Screen Remote Desktop Version 1, any updates to the software, any supplemental code provided to you by DigitalBeijing Inc, the user manual, any associated software components, any related media and printed materials, and any "online" or electronic documentation. 2. GRANT OF NON-EXCLUSIVE LICENSE. You may use the Software without charge on an evaluation basis for thirty (30) days from the day that you install the Software. You must pay the license fee and register your copy to continue to use the Software after the thirty (30) day evaluation period. To pay the license fee and register your copy, you should choose "Register/Enter Serial Number"s. Restricted countries currently include Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Sudan, Serbia (except Kosovo), the Taliban-controlled areas of Afghanistan, and Syria. Persons who are restricted from receiving U.S. exports of the software are Denied Parties, Specially Designated Nationals and entities on the Bureau of Export Administration Entity List. The software may also be subject to import and/or use regulations in foreign jurisdictions. 9. NO WARRANTIES. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the Software is provided "as is"the License shall not be affected, and the unenforceable provision shall be reformed to the extent necessary to make the provision enforceable. 13. CONTACT INFORMATION. Should you have any questions concerning this license, or if you desire to contact DigitalBeijing Inc. for any reason, please contact DigitalBeijing Inc. by mail at: [email protected]