MSD Organizer Portable 13.7

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 4.12 MB
‎使用者評分: 4.0/5 - ‎1 ‎評分

MSD 管理員便攜式是一個強大且易於使用的個人和專業資訊管理器,具有以下主要功能: * 個人和專業資訊管理器,郵件,日曆,聯繫人,報警,任務,卡,日記,財產,預算,健康,音樂和聯合(所有模組集於一個)。 * 多使用者版本允許網路的每個使用者保持個人資訊的私密性,同時允許連接到伺服器並存取公共資訊,並與其他 MSD 管理員使用者共用這些資訊。 * 聯繫人可以與谷歌聯繫人同步,然後與Android設備同步。 * 網路信使允許向地位網路中的其他程式使用者發送私人或廣播消息。郵件存儲在像在郵件程式中的托盤中。 * 提供透過電話、網路、電子郵件和簡訊與聯絡人通訊的工具,並允許向聯絡人和電子郵件清單發送可自訂的電子郵件。 * 程式模組中的所有記錄都可以包含無限的歷史記錄。這種獨特功能的可能性是無數的。 * 對程式記錄和組、資料夾、程式、文檔、電話號碼、網址、電子郵件地址和使用者定義的收藏夾的收藏夾的支援。 * 用戶可以配置程式的行為和視覺外觀。 * 易於使用,具有類似功能和控件的窗口,專為短學習曲線而設計。 * 使用強大的過濾和搜尋工具輕鬆搜尋您的資訊。此功能由強大的關係資料庫管理員支援。 * 數據安全,由密碼控制和數據加密提供。在程式執行期間和關閉程式後,資訊受到保護。備份也可能受密碼保護。 * 資料導入/匯出,由允許與其他程式交換資訊的工具提供。 * 完整的報告,具有不同的排序和分類可能性。 * 備份和還原工具。


  • 版本 13.7 發佈於 2020-07-28
  • 版本 13.6 發佈於 2019-01-05
    在 Windows 10 月更新後更改以提高程式的性能
  • 版本 13.5 發佈於 2018-08-28
  • 版本 13.4 發佈於 2018-03-12
  • 版本 13.3 發佈於 2017-05-09
  • 版本 13.2 發佈於 2017-02-23
  • 版本 13.1 發佈於 2016-10-06



User License Agreement for MSD Organizer The installation and use of this program is governed by the following user license agreement, which includes a warranty limitation and a liability limitation. If you do not agree with all the clauses of this agreement, you must not install the program. If you use this program, you explicitly accept all the clauses of this user license agreement. Copyright The copyright of MSD Organizer is owned exclusively by the author of the program. All rights not explicitly granted in this agreement are reserved to the author. Distribution The shareware version of this program (not registered) can be used, distributed and published freely, provided that the shareware limitations are accepted and the original distribution package is not altered in any manner. Activities not allowed The registration key of this program is personal, and in no case can it be published, distributed, transferred, handed over or sold. Altering this program is not permitted in any way, neither apply reverse engineering nor decompile it. Remember that this program is protected by international laws. Any of this unauthorized activities will result in an immediate and automatic termination of the user license, and will provoke civil and judicial action. User license The author grants to every registered user an unlimited user license, not exclusive, personal and not transferable to use MSD Organizer. Users may install the personal version of MSD Organizer in any number of computers for personal use only (home computer, office computer, etc). The multiuser version of MSD Organizer can be installed in as many computers as licenses have been purchased. The Administrator of MSD Organizer Server can only be installed in one computer. The author may change in the future the registration key scheme to improve program security. Limited warranty MSD Organizer is distributed "AS IS". The only warranties offered by the author are the following: The author grants to registered users (those who have purchased a user license) the reception by electronic mail of a registration key which will allow them to remove the restrictions of the shareware version of the program. Users who purchased the lifetime user license will have free access to any future version of MSD Organizer via Internet. The author does not provide any other warranty for this program. Limited responsibility YOU USE THIS SOFTWARE UNDER YOUR OWN AND ONLY RESPONSIBILITY. The author shall not be liable for any data loss, profit loss or any other damage caused for the use or the inability to use this program. For any legal dispute that may arise from this user license agreement, the laws and courts of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, will be applicable.