Mono-a-Mono 5.8

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 780.74 KB
‎使用者評分: 4.6/5 - ‎5 ‎評分

單聲道是一種獨特的音訊恢復程式,可在雙聲道立體聲錄音上運行。它可以充當"除混器"或"聲音去除器"及其原始功能,作為"單聲增強器",用於恢復老式錄音(33 或 45 rpm 記錄、78 次、圓柱記錄、磁帶等)。 Mono-a-Mono 的核心是它能夠將雙通道輸入分解為三個單獨的信號:一個信號由左右通道(中心通道)共同的元件組成,另一個包含僅存在於左側的信號,第三個信號僅包含右側的元件。 使用所有三個信號,Mono-a-Mono 充當「混音器」,允許在不訪問原始主磁帶的情況下重新混合錄製,從而更改聲級中源的色調平衡或位置。 僅使用中心聲道,單聲道可以刪除幾乎所有與老式單聲道錄音相關的輪聲和劈啪聲,只要它們已被複製和數位化的立體聲。在此模式下,它充當強大的 「單聲道增強器」,它將雜訊與信號分離,並且僅輸出與原始錄製對應的單聲道信號。 最後,程式還可以充當「聲音刪除器」,通過生成單獨的僅左信號和僅右信號。在這種情況下,中心通道被丟棄,(通常)包括主唱。Mono-a-Mono 是不尋常的,因為它會移除中心通道,即使它被原始混合工程師放置在中心外,或者如果左右播放電路不能完全匹配。 無論使用哪種操作模式,Mono-a-Mono 通過移除任何明顯的彈出或咔嗒聲、抑制任何穩定的背景噪音(輪次)、降低響亮時期任何失真的可聽性以及應用許多使用者可配置的濾波功能(高通隆隆聲濾波器、低通的輪調濾波器和擱板均衡濾波器),進一步增強所有輸出信號。


  • 版本 5.8 發佈於 2020-01-03
  • 版本 5.6 發佈於 2017-11-19
    添加了 Unicode 檔案名支援;處理速度提高 70%。
  • 版本 5.5 發佈於 2017-01-28
  • 版本 2.14 發佈於 2009-01-18



Mono-a-Mono ("the software") consists of an executable file ("the program") and a license agreement ("the agreement"). "The program" is available in two forms: "the trial version" and "the full version". They can be differentiated by running "the program" and clicking on the "About" button. "The full version" must not be distributed without the explicit written permission of Steve Beet ("the author"), except as described in the remainder of this paragraph. It is licensed to one individual ("the licensee"), and each licence permits use by that person only, and on only one computer at a time. "The program" may be copied by "the licensee", as long as only "the licensee" uses "the program" and its copy or copies, and only one instance of "the program" and its copy or copies is running at any one time. "The licensee" may only transfer their licence to a third party if "the licensee" immediately destroys "the program" and any and all copies covered by the original licence, and the third party agrees to be bound as "the licensee" by the terms of "the agreement". "The program" must not be leased or used to provide on-line services to any third party or parties. Mono-a-Mono uses small portions of the sndlib audio I/O library. The remainder of "the software" is Copyright 2007-20020, Steve Beet. The whole package is provided "as-is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall "the author" be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.