借助 Miraplacid Publisher 軟體,您可以將任何文件轉換為影像或 Web 簡報文稿。任何人都可以跨各種硬體和軟體打開文檔,並且文件看起來完全按照預期進行 - 佈局、字體和圖像完好無損。沒有人可以修改或複製和粘貼您的文本。 在電腦上安裝後,Miraplacid 發佈伺服器將作為新的虛擬印表機顯示在您的系統中。您列印到此 "印表機" 的所有文檔都將在預覽對話框中打開。縮放圖像、調整色調、飽和度和值、刪除未使用的白色邊框以及執行其他圖像處理。然後,您可以將結果圖像保存到磁碟、通過電子郵件發送、上傳到 FTP 或 HTTP 伺服器,或將它們列印到真正的印表機。 米拉普拉西德發佈商支援以下輸出格式:PDF、JPEG、GIF、TIFF、BMP、PNG 和 TGA。重定向到印表機時,請降低飽和度以節省彩色墨水匣或增加值以節省黑色墨水。當您只需要列印所需的文件部件時,使用手動模式下的邊框檢測器設置列印區域。 米拉普拉西德發佈者將圖示添加到桌面。所有檔,你拖放到這個圖示將列印在幕後,並處理由米拉普拉西德普布利瑟。如果您希望 Miraplacid Publisher 將影像發送到所選目的地,而無需等待您的輸入,請打開"自動發送"如果希望將每個文檔保存到單個檔中,請將 [日期]、{Time}、{標識}、{PAGE}或 {JOB} 添加到檔名或路徑。它們將分別替換為當前日期、時間、一些唯一編號、頁號和列印作業 ID。 Miraplacid Publisher 是整合就緒軟體。所有設置都可以從軟體或腳本輕鬆管理。
- 版本 7.1 發佈於 2018-05-19
完全更新內部,僅安裝驅動程式部件,輕微修復 - 版本 7.0 發佈於 2015-02-28
COM 介面更新;驅動程式改進;內部重建;其他修復 - 版本 6.0 發佈於 2007-10-24
新發機;多台印表機;列印速度提高;包括 Vista 和 64 位元支援;GIF 和 HTTPS 支援
- 軟體分類: 系統實用程式 > 印表機
- 發佈者: Miraplacid
- 軟體性質: 免費試用
- 價格: $125.00
- 版本: 7.1
- 作業系統: windows
LICENSE AGREEMENT Warning: IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, DO NOT INSTALL, COPY OR USE THIS SOFTWARE. By installing, copying, or otherwise using Miraplacid Publisher, you agree to be bound by the terms listed below. Shareware: You have the right to test this program for a period of 15 days. You are allowed to copy installation of Miraplacid Publisher and give it to any other person, as long as it is not modified in any way. Under modifications is understood the changing, adding or removing of any files of this package without the author's written permission. The distribution on CD-ROM is also permitted, as long as the original files are not changed in any way. Terms of use: This software is provided "as is", without any guarantee made as to its suitability or fitness for any particular use. It may contain bugs, so use of this tool is at your own risk. We take no responsibility for any damage that may unintentionally be caused through its use. Copyright: Miraplacid retains all intellectual rights to the data contained in installation files. You own the media, but Miraplacid owns the rights to the information on the media. The Miraplacid products is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. You agree not to remove any copyright or other proprietary or product identification notices from the Miraplacid Publisher, documentation, or distribution media. Use unregistered version of this software after the trial period of 15 days is violation of international Copyright law! Personal license: The registered version may be installed on as many computers as desired, as long as it is used by only one person at any one time (I.e. one installation at home and one at the office used by the same person). Therefore you need only one license. The usage by multiple people at the same time (on multiple computers) requires additional licenses. Multi-user licenses: Additional licenses allow to install the program on multiple computers. It must be guaranteed that the program does not run on more machines at the same time than there are licenses purchased. For larger amounts than 20 please contact us via e-mail ([email protected]). Each additional license also allows a single user to use the program at home. Limitations: No Reverse Engineering. Customer may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Miraplacid Publisher, nor attempt in any other manner to obtain the source code. No separation of components. No rental. All brands and product names mentioned in this document and in the Miraplacid Publisher are trademarks of their respective owners.