Media Search 3.0.1

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 5.62 MB
‎使用者評分: 4.0/5 - ‎1 ‎評分

通過媒體搜索在網路上查找 mp3、mpeg、avi 和任何其他音樂、視頻、文檔或軟體檔。建立您自己的搜尋條件、檔組和篩選器。只需按下滑鼠按鈕即可下載提取的媒體檔。 媒體搜索是一個強大的軟體,它可以説明您找到任何檔駐留在互聯網上,無論是通過搜尋引擎或通過起始網址在幾分鐘內,有時在幾秒鐘內。 這是完全可配置的,你可以添加盡可能多的新文檔搜索或搜尋引擎,如你願。 還支援篩選器和所謂的拆分規則(請參閱設置),這些規則也可以完全包含/排除,並添加或刪除新專案。 所有搜索活動都可以保存到歷史記錄資料庫中,然後使用"歷史記錄"面板視圖調用。可以修改歷史記錄項並禁用整個歷史記錄。 該軟體配備了2個方便的實用程式 - URL下載器,它作為一個檔下載管理器,容量高達1000同時下載,和搜尋引擎添加嚮導 - 一個無憂無慮的方式添加新的搜尋引擎到Web搜索功能。 作為舊版本的一個優勢,現在找到的檔可以直接下載到流量面板視圖中,在那裡可以預覽、暫停或刪除這些檔,而無需訪問下載資料夾。


  • 版本 3.0.1 發佈於 2010-04-16



Media Search End User License Agreement This Media Search software ("Software") is owned by Digital Future. Digital Future hereby grants to the user a temporary, non-exclusive license to use this Software solely for internal purposes. User shall not commercially distribute, sub-license, resell, or otherwise transfer for any consideration, or reproduce for any such purposes, the Software or any modification or derivation thereof, either alone or in conjunction with any other products or programs. Further, the user shall not disassemble, reverse engineer, modify, decompile, or otherwise abuse the intended purpose under this License Agreement. This Software is provided to the user "AS IS." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Digital Future assumes no risk if this Software does not function properly or operate error free and Digital Future makes no warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the Software and/or associated materials provided to the user, including but not limited to any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Further, Digital Future shall not be liable for any claims or damages whatsoever, including property damage, personal injury, intellectual property infringement, loss of profits, or interruption of business, or for any special, consequential or incidental damages, however caused, whether arising out of breach of warranty, contract, tort (including negligence), strict liability, or otherwise. While Digital Future intends to distribute a commercial release of the Software, Digital Future reserves the right at any time not to release a commercial release of the Software or, if released, to change prices, specifications, features, licensing terms, release dates, general availability or other characteristics of the commercial release without further notification to the user. NON COMMERCIAL REPRODUCTION OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS MEDIA IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Digital Future is NOT responsible for any illegal media files found using this software. Media Search comes with NO search engines added, so add your own search engines at your own risk. Digital Future is NOT responsible for legal issues deriving from you using the software utilizing some search engine's search mechanism. Use this software at your own legal risk. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the United States and some international treaties. If any provision of this Agreement shall be unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severed from this Agreement and shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement. This Agreement is the complete statement of the agreement and supersedes any proposal or prior communications between Digital Future and the user relating to the subject matter of this Agreement. Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Digital Future. All rights reserved.