Management-Ware Email Address Finder

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管理-Ware 電子郵件地址搜尋器用於電子郵件地址尋找和提取的軟體!使用我們的電子郵件查找軟體構建您自己的電子郵件清單。 隨著互聯網的普及,電子郵件已成為將資訊傳達給當前潛在客戶和聯繫人的首選行銷工具。對於大多數小型企業來說,基於許可權的電子郵件營銷活動是覆蓋新客戶和現有客戶的最經濟高效的方式。使用電子郵件地址查找器,您可以建立自己的電子郵件清單。 要成功推進電子郵件行銷,您需要大量的電子郵件位址。使用 Management-Ware 電子郵件位址查找器,您可以在數天甚至數小時內從目標組收集數十萬個電子郵寄地址。管理-Ware 電子郵件地址查找器使用互聯網搜尋引擎輕鬆收集電子郵件位址。輸入所需的關鍵字,我們的電子郵件位址查找軟體將直接從 Google 或任何其他您選擇的其他搜尋引擎收集排名靠前的網頁。 我們堅信,Management-Ware 電子郵件地址查找器是網路上最好的電子郵件位址提取程式之一。此電子郵件查找軟體允許您花更多的時間銷售,説明您更快地與潛在客戶聯繫,並提高銷售轉化率。 功能優勢: - 快速提取電子郵件位址 - 非常適合構建客戶電子郵件清單 - 為自動搜索添加許多關鍵字。適用於夜間工作 - 非常易於使用,方便,並提供出色的性能 - 從網頁/提取網址中提取電子郵件位址 - 自己構建質量資料庫 - 提取或排除僅包含某些單詞或短語的電子郵件 - 支援的格式 - CSV、txt、html 和 XML - 非常輕量級的程式,易於設置


  • 版本 發佈於 2008-11-19



LICENSE AGREEMENT Copyright (Registration No. 1061381) END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR "Management-Ware Email Address Finder " aka "Management-Ware Email Address Finder Demo, Standard or Professional Editions" IMPORTANT - READ CAREFULLY please read the following license agreement. You must agree to its terms before using this software. This end-user license agreement is a legal agreement between you either as an individual or a single entity ("LICENSE") and Management-Ware Solutions for Management-Ware Email Address Finder, including computer software, electronic documentation and printed materials ("SOFTWARE"). By Downloading, installing, copying, or otherwise using the SOFTWARE, you agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this license, promptly destroy all copies of the SOFTWARE, including any updates, in your possession or return them to Management-Ware Solutions. The SOFTWARE is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. The SOFTWARE is licensed, not sold. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE. Management-Ware Solutions grants to you the LICENSE a nonexclusive license to make and use copies of the SOFTWARE in the manner provided below. If a single user license was bought, the LICENSE has the option of installing the SOFTWARE on a single machine possibly used by one or more persons, or installing the SOFTWARE on several machines used exclusively by a single person. Any combination of these options, or installing the SOFTWARE on a network server, is not permitted. If a multi-user license was bought, the LICENSE may choose to install the SOFTWARE on as many machines as licenses were bought, but no more, or the LICENSE may choose to install the SOFTWARE on one or more network servers on the condition that the number of client machines that have access to that server or those servers, is equal to or less than the number of licenses bought. When the number of client machines grows, the LICENSE must buy additional licenses. Management-Ware Solutions may have patents or pending patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering the SOFTWARE. You are not granted any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights except as expressly provided herein. Management-Ware Solutions ltd. reserves all rights not expressly granted. Management-Ware Solutions reserves the right to terminate this license at any time, at which time you must destroy all copies of the SOFTWARE you have previously installed. 2. COPYRIGHT AND TRADEMARK. (a) All title and copyrights in and to the SOFTWARE (including, but not limited to, any images, photographs, animation, video, audio, music, text, source code and "applets," incorporated into the SOFTWARE), the accompanying printed materials, and any copies of the SOFTWARE, are owned by Management-Ware Solutions and its suppliers. COPYRIGHT 2008 Management-Ware Solutions. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. (b) Except as stated herein, none of the copyrighted materials may be copied, reproduced, distributed, republished, transferred, sold, used to create derivative works, performed, downloaded, displayed, posted or transmitted in any form or by any means, including, but not limited to, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Management-Ware Solutions or the respective copyright owner. Software may not be reverse engineered unless specifically authorized by the owner of the software's patent and/or copyright. (c)The SOFTWARE is protected by copyright laws and international treaty provisions. Therefore, you must treat the SOFTWARE like any other copyrighted material except that you may either (i) make one copy of the SOFTWARE solely for backup or archival purposes, or (ii) install the SOFTWARE on a single computer provided you keep the original solely for backup or archival purposes. You may not copy the printed materials accompanying the SOFTWARE. (d) Management-Ware Solutions, Management-Ware Email Address Finder, the Management-Ware Solutions logo, the Management-Ware Email Address Finder logo, graphics, and icons in the software are trademarks, service marks, trade dress, and/or registered trademarks of Management-Ware Solutions and may not be copied, imitated or used, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of Management-Ware Solutions. 3. EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. You agree that neither you nor your customers intend to or will, directly or indirectly, export or transmit the SOFTWARE PRODUCT or related documentation and technical data (or any part thereof), or process, or service that is the direct product of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT to any country to which such export or transmission is restricted by any applicable Canada Regulation or statute, without the prior written consent, if required, of the Bureau of Export Administration of the Canada Department of Commerce, or such other governmental entity as may have jurisdiction over such export or transmission. 4. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY NO WARRANTIES. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Management-Ware Solutions and its suppliers disclaim all warranties, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and any warranty against infringement, with regard to the SOFTWARE. This limited warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may have others that vary from province/jurisdiction to province /jurisdiction. 4.1 DISCLAIMER: Management Ware Email Address Finder IS NOT A TOOL FOR SPAMMING and ITS NAME MEANS NOTHING. We do not support spammers and strictly forbid anyone to use Management Ware Email Address Finder for sending unsolicited spam e-mail. If we find that you use the program for this purpose, your license will be revoked and all technical support will be ceased. 5. CUSTOMER REMEDIES. Management-Ware Solutions's entire liability and your exclusive remedy shall not exceed the price paid for the SOFTWARE. 6. NO LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall Management-Ware Solutions or its suppliers be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use this Management-Ware Solutions product, even if Management-Ware Solutions has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Because some province/jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitation may not apply to you. 7. DO NOT SEND UNSOLICITED EMAIL. Be aware that you are solely responsible for the messages you send. In many cases sending unsolicited email (AKA Spam) is in violation of the law, and you will be solely accountable and liable for damages and violations. We reserve the right to refuse technical support and/or other services if you: 1. send unsolicited email; or 2. hijack a mail server relay; or 3. distribute illegal information or materials; or 4. forge header information; or 5. put false of misleading information in the subject; or 6. fail to provide a means for unsubscribing from your lists or groups WARNING: before using this product, please inform yourself of the laws on the collection of addresses and e-mails in your country. The software company (Management-Ware Solutions) cannot be held responsible for illegal or unintentional use of this product. ATTENTION : avant d'utiliser ce produit, veuillez vous renseigner sur la lgislation sur la collecte d'adresses et des emails dans votre pays. L'diteur du logiciel (Management-Ware Solutions) ne peut pas tre tenu responsable d'un usage illgal ou mal intentionn de ce produit. Le client consent ce que cette entente soit rdige en anglais. ATENCIN: por favor, antes utilizar este producto, informese de las leyes sobre la coleccin de direcciones y correos electrnicos de su pas. La compaa del programa (Management-Ware Solutions) no se hace responsable del uso ilegal o malintencionado de este producto. El cliente consiente que este acuerdo sea escrito en ingls. This license shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with Canada Law. The Courts of Canada shall have exclusive jurisdiction in relation to any claim, dispute or other matter arising there from. Should you have any questions concerning this Agreement, please contact Management-Ware Solutions via Management-Ware Solutions Inc. 230 Henri Bourassa E., suite 205 Montreal (Quebec) H3L 1B8, Canada Phone: 1-514 381 - 7722 Fax: 1-514-381- 7725 Toll free: 1-866-681-7722 (Canada USA) [email protected]