Macro Express Pro

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 33.53 MB
‎使用者評分: 5.0/5 - ‎1 ‎評分

宏快圖Pro是一個令人難以置信的強大的宏記錄器和播放實用程式。只需打開錄像機,執行一次操作,然後根據需要播放宏,即可自動執行所有常見任務。或者使用二十多個快速嚮導來指導您完成一系列問題,並為您構建宏。若要創建更強大的宏,請使用腳本編輯器。 宏快運在僅僅幾個小時的生產力提高后就為自己支付了成本。使用它來自動化枯燥、重複的計算機任務。更快、更可靠、更減輕壓力地執行任務。減少手腕和手的磨損。 宏快遞提供了創建宏所需的所有工具,這些宏將簡化您的計算生活。您不需要瞭解任何程式設計語言或具有任何程式設計技能。一切都是通過簡單的步驟創建的。 使用宏快線快速插入樣板文本、國際字元或符號。使用檔中的資訊快速填充資料庫。操作文字字串、打開網頁、提示用戶輸入、備份檔案等等。 該程式包含數百個命令,可自動執行計算機上的任何功能。其中包括擊鍵、滑鼠移動和按一下、啟動程式、發送電子郵件、移動和調整視窗大小、變數、邏輯、輸入框、問題、功能表、ASCII 分隔和文本檔處理、網路連接、檔操作、數學計算、等待、暫停、重複迴圈等等。 對於更強大、更複雜的宏,很容易創建 if/then/else 邏輯,該邏輯檢查變數並基於其找到的方法做出決策。 宏可以通過熱鍵、短鍵、滑鼠按一下、視窗控制項、視窗標題、彈出式或浮動功能表、通過宏時程表啟動更多。分配宏以在所有 Windows 程式、僅一個特定視窗或程式中或每個程式中播放,但定義的程式除外。 讓宏快臨為你工作。


  • 版本 發佈於 2016-02-02
  • 版本 發佈於 2009-08-12
    Windows 7 支援、單獨的調試變數窗格,以及許多增強功能和錯誤修復。



END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT (EULA) for Macro Express Pro Agreement The use of this program indicates your understanding and acceptance of the following terms and conditions. This license shall supersede any verbal or written statement or agreement to the contrary. If you do not understand or accept these terms you must cease using this product immediately. Copyright This product is Copyright © Insight Software Solutions, Inc. This product is protected by United States copyright law and various international treaties. Disclaimer This product and/or license is provided as is, without any representation or warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including without limitation any representations or endorsements regarding the use of, the results of, or performance of the product, its appropriateness, accuracy, reliability, or correctness. The entire risk as to the use of this product is assumed by the user and/or licensee. Insight Software Solutions, Inc. does not assume liability for the use of this product beyond the original purchase price of the software. In no event will Insight Software Solutions, Inc. be liable for additional direct or indirect damages including any loss of profits or other incidental or consequential damages arising from any defects, or the use or inability to use the software, even if Insight Software Solutions, Inc. has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Restrictions You may not use, copy, modify, translate, or transfer the software, documentation, or any copy except as expressly defined in this agreement. You may not attempt to unlock or bypass any licensing algorithm utilized by the program. You may not remove or modify any copyright notices. Terms This license is effective until terminated. You may terminate it by destroying the software, the documentation and copies thereof. This license will also terminate if you fail to comply with any terms or conditions of this agreement. You agree upon such termination to destroy all copies of the program and of the documentation, or return them to Insight Software Solutions, Inc. Other Rights All other rights not specifically granted in this license are reserved by Insight Software Solutions, Inc.