長路徑修復器是一個免費的實用程式,用於移動、複製和刪除具有「很長的路徑」的檔和資料夾,其路徑比 Windows API 可以處理的路徑長(即.MAX_PATH:259 個真實字元)。長路徑工具可以處理長達 32,767 個字元的路徑。問題已解決! 長路徑修復器提供當前目錄中的檔和資料夾的簡單清單。您可以拖放檔或資料夾到它,它會直接導航到路徑的任何你刪除。 從那裡,您只需按下要移動的檔案或資料夾、複製、刪除或重命名,然後單擊相應的按鈕或功能表項。 長路徑修復器上下文選單的圖像顯示打開和解鎖選項就像資源管理器視窗,F5 刷新清單。 頂部有一個下拉菜單,列出了所有可用的驅動器,因此您可以開始從那裡導航,使用向上/向下箭頭鍵切換驅動器等。話雖如此,直接從資源管理器拖放專案通常更容易。 您還可以在資源管理器目錄上下文菜單中包含長路徑修復器,並且可以從長路徑修復器的系統托盤功能表中提供啟用該許可權的選項(請參見下圖)。這樣,您就可以右鍵單擊資源管理器中的檔和資料夾,並將其直接發送到長路徑修復器,該修復器將在視圖中使用所選資料夾啟動。 或者,您可以在 SendTo 選單中保留快捷方式,並從那裡發送專案。甚至將專案直接拖放到長路徑修復器上,或將其的快捷方式。 如果您在命令列上啟動沒有路徑的長路徑修復器(通過直接按下它),長路徑修復器將記住您以前的資料夾並從那裡開始,您上次選擇複製/移動專案的任何目標資料夾也會如此 - 這就是對話方塊下次將打開的位置。任何節省幾分珍貴秒數的東西!
- 版本 0.9 發佈於 2014-07-24
By installing and/or using this product, you confirm your acceptance of, and agree to become bound by the terms of this agreement. If you do not agree to be bound by these terms, do not use this software! You may not copy, lend, share, or otherwise distribute this software or "significant portions" thereof, without the express written consent of the author, me. But if you leave the archive exactly as you got it, don't pass it off as your own work, and don't charge for it, I won't mind too much. Do let me know, though. Warranty: This software comes "as-is", and while designed to be as fast and secure and fit as possible for its intended purpose, it comes with no warranty, expressed or implied. Please endeavour to report any bugs/ strangeness to the email address at the foot of this document. Disclaimer: neither corz.org nor its developers will be liable or responsible for any damages you, your business or any third party may suffer, including, but not limited to the use or inability to use this software. corz.org makes no warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, for this software, and disclaims any warranty or merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Though, of course, it will probably work great! Please report back any issues, bugs, problems, errors (both in the software and documentation). Include anything at all, even if you think it's not that important. Your feelings and random thoughts are very much appreciated. I read them all carefully. Have fun! ;o) Cor This work is copyright cor and corz.org, 2001-> mail to: software at the above domain. note: corz.org reserves the right to amend or update these policies without notice. failure to comply with the terms and conditions will result in license termination, and possibly a terse email.