LocWise Multilingual SDK 2.21

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 2.79 MB
‎使用者評分: 5.0/5 - ‎1 ‎評分

LocWise 多語言 SDK 是一種創新的多語言軟體開發 包含完整原始碼、標頭檔、庫、 文件、範例和幾個工具可用於幫助生成、 翻譯和維護外部文本式語言包。它用於啟用 Win32 應用程式提供在無需更改代碼的可進行的當地語系化,並且 限制軟體全球化當地語系化投資的領先解決方案 需要。 使用 LocWise MFC 多語種 AppWizard 用於微軟 VC= 6.0 和 7.0,7.1, 創建具有完全多語言支援的新 MFC 應用程式非常快速、容易。 對於現有應用程式,驗證多語言代碼所需的代碼很少。 函數到現有應用程式。沒有必要重新編譯整個 專案時,更多的語言包來了,因為外部語言 可以添加或修改包。 顯然,文本式的語言包便於提交給翻譯人員 沒有任何原始碼,也易於翻譯和維護。


  • 版本 2.21 發佈於 2004-10-06



LocWise Multilingual SDK License Agreement END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR RETAIL EDITION IMPORTANT - READ CAREFULLY: As used in this Agreement, "Hanmen Software" shall mean Hanmen Software, Incorporated. This License Agreement is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a single entity) and Hanmen Software for the LocWise Multilingual SDK software product (hereinafter the "Software"). By installing or using the Software, you indicate your complete and unconditional acceptance of these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to the terms and conditions of this agreement promptly remove the product form your computer and destroy associated documentation. COPYRIGHT The enclosed software, including, but not limited to, one or more of the following: source code, object code, libraries, header files, make files, sample programs ("Samples"), utility programs and documentation is licensed and is protected by United States and Canadian copyright laws, other applicable copyright laws and international treaty provisions, not sold, to you by Hanmen Software or its distributors for use only under the terms of this Agreement, and Hanmen Software reserves any rights not expressly granted to you. You own the media on which the Software is recorded or fixed, but Hanmen Software retains ownership of the Software itself. Therefore, you must treat the Software like any copyrighted material (e.g., a book or musical recording) except that you may make either (a) one backup copy of the Software solely for backup purposes, or (b) transfer the Software to a hard disk and keep the original copy solely for backup purposes. You may not remove the copyright notice from any copy of the Software or any copy of the source code and the written materials, if any, accompanying the Software. SOFTWARE PRODUCT LICENSE Hanmen Software grants you the license that allows you to use only one copy of the Software on a single computer at any one time. You are not required to pay any royalty fees for the Software. Under the terms of this Agreement you may (i) Incorporate the Software into software application products that you develop; (ii) Modify (i.e. modify the source code and rebuild) the Software and incorporate the modified Software into software application products that you develop; (iii) Incorporate the Software into software application products that you develop provided that the Software, or other Hanmen Software products, do not constitute a major portion of the value of your product; (iv) Make an unlimited number of copies with any modifications in any fashion, provided that such copies shall be used only internally and are not distributed or republished; (v) Use and modify the Samples, provided you do not distribute or republish the Samples, or any modified version of the Samples in the source code form. The Software is "in use" when you develop any source code depended on the Software and link your projects to the libraries (original or modified). You shall not (i) Distribute or publish any part of the Software; (ii) Redistribute the Software in (or as a part of) a software development product or otherwise in competition with Hanmen Softwares distribution of the Software; (iii) Make telecommunication transmittal of the Software; (iv) Decompile, disassemble or reverse engineer any object code form of any portion of the Software; (v) Expose the interfaces of the Software through your application. (e.g. an OCX, DLL, class library, etc..); (vi) You may not lend, give, rent, lease, sub-license and transfer the Software and related materials to other parties without the written permission of Hanmen Software; (vii) Pass the registration key/number, which you have received from Hanmen Software to any person or entity; (viii) Port the Software to any computer Operating System other than Microsoft Windows. LIMITED WARRANTY/LIMITATION OF LIABILITY This Software is licensed "AS IS". If for any reason you are dissatisfied with the Software, remove it from your computer system and destroy all copies of it. These warranties are in lieu of any other warranties, expressed or implied, including the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event will Hanmen Software be liable to you for damages, including any loss of profits, lost savings, or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of your use of or inability to use the Software, even if Hanmen Software has been advised of the possibility of such damages. INDEMNIFICATION By installing and using the Software, you hereby agree to save and hold harmless Hanmen Software from any loss, direct or consequential damage, or claim incurred by you resulting from reliance upon the results obtained through the use of the Software.