Leaping Freddy

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‎使用者評分: 3.7/5 - ‎7 ‎評分

跳躍弗雷迪是一個新的平台遊戲,在那裡你遇到一個小孩子,弗雷迪誰決定跳過無聊的課程,尋找一些更具挑戰性的東西。在不可抗拒的好奇心的驅使下,弗雷迪偷偷溜進當地巫師的城堡。所以,你的目標是引導他通過一個迷宮的房間,收集所有的寶石,並找到出口。你的旅程不會是所有的牛奶和蜂蜜進入一個新的房間, 你必須找到鑰匙, 匹配門的顏色。由於鑰匙可能是幾個房間之外,你將不得不做很多散步,包括爬梯子,繩索,乘坐電梯和從一個移動平臺跳到另一個。除了鑰匙,你將不得不拿起所有的寶石和食物,因為它恢復他的生活活力。始終注意你去哪裡,因為房子配備了先進的安全系統,防止像你的弗雷迪好奇的入侵。為了挽救他的生命,你最好遠離棘手的陷阱,跳過酸水坑,在大滴錘下快速奔跑,並小心其他設備散落在這裡和那裡。酷獎金,如劍,螺旋槳將顯著增加弗雷迪斯的生存機會。


  • 版本 發佈於 2006-07-23



Leaping Freddy Shareware license agreement "Leaping Freddy" is a shareware, that means: * All copyrights are exclusively owned by the author - "GameRange Studio" * The type of license you are granted is a single computer USAGE license. This means that the user purchases ONE license to USE "Leaping Freddy" on ONE computer. If you want to purchase some other kinds of licenses please inform us about this. * This is unregistered version. Registration of our product will allow you to eliminate the time limit. The unregistered version will be time limited that means that you may try the game for 20 days and then you will be advised to register it if you liked the game. Once registered you will be able to receive all future versions of "Leaping Freddy" free in charge. * "Leaping Freddy" unregistered version, may be freely distributed. No any person or company may charge a fee for the distribution of AstroRaid without written permission from the copyright holder. * "Leaping Freddy" IS DISTRIBUTED "AS-IS". NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. YOU USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. THE AUTHOR WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR DATA LOSS, DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR ANY OTHER KIND OF LOSS WHILE USING OR MISUSING THIS SOFTWARE. * You may not use, copy, emulate, clone, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed program, or any subset of the licensed program, except as provided for in this agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license and may result in criminal and/or civil prosecution. * By installing and using "Leaping Freddy" you accept the terms set forth in this agreement. If you do not agree with the terms of the agreement, please remove "Leaping Freddy" files from your storage devices and cease to use the product. Thank you for playing "Leaping Freddy". GameRange Studio. WWW: http://www.gamerange.com EMail: [email protected]