Last Man Standing 1.10

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人類被鎖定在一場與機器生存的戰鬥中。 強大而無情的戰爭電腦骷髏網已經打開它的創造者,人類。骷髏網現在威脅要消滅整個人類。 你,一個王牌固體,是人類唯一的希望。在一個絕望的嘗試,你要駕駛一個新的先進的坦克和ass skullnet。但最後一刻,事情大錯特錯了。現在你正在為生存而戰。你會找到骷髏網盔甲里看不見的縫隙並打敗它嗎?或者人類會滅亡在它創造的怪物手中嗎? 這是最好的坦克遊戲之一,你會永遠玩。 作為高度先進的坦克阿傑的飛行員,你的工作是戰鬥和摧毀骷髏網的強大軍隊,最後,摧毀骷髏網本身! 享受美麗的圖形,體驗與狡猾的機器戰鬥的快感,擊敗愚蠢的地獄,享受故事的曲折,躲閃,轉身和爆炸了兩個桶!這是一個充滿動作的遊戲! 最後一個人站立結婚狂熱的坦克戰鬥的戰城抽搐遊戲的空間射手。扔在幾個機器人老闆,你有遊戲是獨特的,以及熟悉!你將很容易學會玩,並開始在幾秒鐘內享受自己。


  • 版本 1.10 發佈於 2003-11-04



Once registered, the user is granted a non-exclusive license to use Last Man Standing on one computer. The registered version of Last Man Standing may not be rented or leased, but may be permanently transferred, if the person receiving it agrees to terms of this license. You are allowed to make one copy of this software for backup purposes only. If you transfer the registered version of Last Man Standing to another person/entity, the backup copy (if any) must be destroyed. You may not alter this Software in any way; you may not use or distribute any part of the original package. You are not also allowed to emulate, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer any executable part of original package. You may install and use one (1) copy of the software on either a computer or a portable computer. This program is licensed, not sold. Your license confers no title or ownership in the Software.