Klecksbude 2.30.0300

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 1.70 MB
‎使用者評分: 5.0/5 - ‎1 ‎評分

你去伊德爾敦有趣的集市。艾瑪姨媽的 Blobshop 是一個有趣的遊戲在博覽會上, 你可以扔油漆填充球在牆上, 如果你創造了一個美麗的斑點, 你可以贏得獎品。但是,當她睡著了,她的小幫人羅羅和布利波決定創建自己的遊戲。而不是扔球,你使用補充泵和油漆牆壁。他們有自己的規則, 你必須得到 5 個斑點在任何方向連續贏得比賽。從容易到高級,難度不一。選項,使遊戲更有趣,並增加了更多的策略的遊戲。與電腦或朋友玩。提示可用。數位音效為使用聲卡的人增添了樂趣。多語種版本(德語、英語、西班牙文、義大利文、法語)。


  • 版本 2.30.0300 發佈於 2004-10-31



This program is released as shareware. It may (and shall) be copied and distributed without the copyright being violated, provided the program and the documentation are not modified and form a complete package when distributed. Shareware means that you can test the program thoroughly before you decide to buy it. AFTER A MAXIMUM TRIAL PERIOD OF 15 DAYS YOU ARE EXPECTED TO REGISTER WITH THE AUTHOR. With a modest registration fee you support the further development of this program as well as the development of other programs. DISCLAIMER: The author of this program does not in any way take responsibility for possible data loss or damage. The user acknowledges this point in installing and using said program, and will not hold the author liable for any mishaps. For more details please read the online help after installation!