KlassBuilder 2010.17

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 2.78 MB
‎使用者評分: 4.0/5 - ‎1 ‎評分

KlassBuilder 旨在創建用於多層開發環境資料庫層的類。支援 SQL Server、MySql、SQLite 和其他資料庫技術。範本驅動的開發環境,使用戶完全控制。 生成類,這些類可以編譯到 .NET 專案中,無需進一步修改,從而顯著提高參與資料庫專案的開發人員的工作效率。 支援 C# 和VB.NET語言。生成的類根據用戶設計的範本進行定義。


  • 版本 2010.17 發佈於 2010-08-26
  • 版本 2010.17 發佈於 2010-08-26
  • 版本 2010.10 發佈於 2010-08-10
    -宏錄製/重播/存儲庫。- 代碼頁轉換。
  • 版本 2010.4 發佈於 2010-07-16
    為 DbConvert 類創建了新的範本,這些範本以前嵌入資料庫範本中的原始程式碼中。沒有功能更改。


  • 軟體分類: 發展 > 其他
  • 發佈者: kazmax-ltd
  • 軟體性質: 免費試用
  • 價格: $29.00
  • 版本: 2010.17
  • 作業系統: windows


This software is supplied as-is. The authors have used their best efforts to ensure that it significantly meets its stated design goals. However KazMax Ltd will accept no responsibility whatsoever for any effects which may occur resulting from installation and/or use of the software. Use at your own risk! KlassBuilder is released under the try-before-you-buy software marketing method. The user may download, install and use the software as supplied and without obligation for a maximum of 15 days. Thereafter they are required to either discontinue using the software and remove it from their system(s), or alternatively pay KazMax (or their nominated agents as described on the KazMax web site) a license fee. Payment of the license fee will provide the user/customer with a perpetual license to continue using the software that they have without further obligation. Licensing includes a free 12 month maintenance period during which the user can download and use any new versions which might be made available.