Keyword Grouper Pro 1.35

軟體性質: 免費 ‎檔案大小: 256.00 KB
‎使用者評分: 4.0/5 - ‎2 ‎評分

關鍵字分組者專業版將關鍵字分組到緊密相關的關鍵字組中。您只需貼上到關鍵字清單中,關鍵字分組程式 Pro 就會根據所有其他關鍵字分析每個關鍵字,並根據分組設定對其進行分組。 您可以選擇從用作組時省略某些單片以及組的大小,以便可以使用字頻來確定創建哪些組以及哪些組不是。 有一個完整的視頻培訓播放清單可供下載,將引導你通過如何分組關鍵字,如何使用關鍵字 Grouper Pro 執行市場調研,並找到有利可圖的利基市場。 關鍵字 Grouper Pro 也可以用作否定關鍵字工具,説明您在關鍵字列表中尋找要從按點擊付費 (PPC) 廣告系列和付費廣告廣告活動中排除的術語。 您還可以使用關鍵字分組程式專業版進行內容行銷。通過輸入市場詢問的關於您的產品和服務的問題清單,然後圍繞最常見的單詞和短語對這些問題進行分組,您可以立即看到哪些主題對您的市場最重要。這有助於您進行 SEO 和內容行銷選擇,以便您知道該寫什麼。 您可以複製所有關鍵字或單個組。您可以將條款匯出到要在 Microsoft .csv或 OpenOffice 中打開的一個設定檔。 通過將關鍵片語到更小、更集中的組中,您可以降低 CPC 並提高品質得分。您還可以在大型關鍵字清單中找到新的關鍵字商機,否則您將忽略這些機會。這為您提供了新的營銷機會,以接觸您的目標受眾,並把你的產品和服務放在他們面前。 關鍵字組名專業版完全可免費使用,可直接在 Chrome 或 Firefox 中工作。它適用於 Windows 和 PC,並且沒有安裝,只需解壓縮檔並開始對關鍵字進行分組。


  • 版本 1.35 發佈於 2016-08-01



End-User License Agreement Keyword Grouper Pro 2.0 Copyright© 2016 All Rights Reserved. 1. We grant you one license to install and use this software on your computers. If you do not agree to the following terms of this license, please uninstall and remove all copies and return the product to the place that you purchased it from within 30 days of your purchase for a full refund. 2. You may install and use the software on another computer, but the software may not be in use on more than one computer at a time unless you purchase additional licenses. You may make back-up copies of the software for archival purposes. You may permanently transfer your license to use the software to another party who will be bound by this agreement, provided you do not retain any copies of the software. 3. The software is protected by the copyright laws of the U.S. and other countries, and we retain all intellectual property rights in the software. You may not separately publish, sell, market, distribute, lend, lease, rent, or sub-license the software code. However, this license is not to be construed as prohibiting or limiting any fair use sanctioned by copyright law, such as permitted library and classroom usage or reverse engineering. LIMITED WARRANTY 4. We warrant that the software will provide the features and functions generally described in the product specification on our website when you purchased it and in the product documentation. Media on which the Software is furnished, if any, will be free from defects in materials and workmanship. 5. We have taken all reasonable steps to keep the software free of viruses, spyware, 'back door' entrances, or any other harmful code. We will not track or collect any information about you, your data, or your use of the software except as you specifically authorize. The software will not download or install patches, upgrades, or any third party software without getting your permission. We will not intentionally deprive you of your ability to use any features of the software or access to your data. 6. We do not warrant that the software or your ability to use it will be uninterrupted or error-free. To the extent permitted by applicable law, we disclaim any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. LIMITATIONS ON LIABILITY 7. Your exclusive remedy under the above limited warranty shall be, at our option, either a full refund of the purchase price or correction of the defective software or media. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, we disclaim all liability for indirect or consequential damages that arise under this license agreement. Nothing in this agreement limits our liability to you in the event of death or personal injury resulting from gross negligence, fraud, or knowing misrepresentation on our part. GENERAL PROVISIONS 8. If any part of this agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining terms will stay in effect. This agreement does not prejudice the statutory rights of any party dealing as a consumer. 9. If we have our corporate headquarters in the USA, this agreement will be governed by the laws, including Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code, of the state in which we are headquartered. If that state has enacted the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act (UCITA) or substantially similar law, said statute shall not govern any aspect of this agreement and instead the law as it existed prior to such enactment shall govern. If we do not have our corporate headquarters in the USA, this agreement will be governed by the laws of England. 10. This agreement does not supersede any express warranties we made to you. Any modification to this agreement must be agreed to in writing by both parties.