Just Forms PDF : Java PDF Library 1.1

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 85.00 KB
‎使用者評分: 3.4/5 - ‎5 ‎評分

JustFormsPDF 庫是一個 Java 類庫,用於在飛行中填充或編輯互動式 PDF 表單。使用 JustFormsPDF 採用產業標準的 PDF 表單技術為您的應用程式提供支援。如果您正在尋找一個列印解決方案在您的Java應用程式,基於Web或用戶端伺服器,PDF是您的最終選擇,並創建基於PDF表單的範本,並動態填充它們,使應用程式交付最快和最簡單的。JustFormsPDF 庫的設計和建構,牢記這一特定需求,它非常適合您的 PDF 列印解決方案。 JustFormsPDF 不需要安裝其他軟體包,並且在任何 Java 程式中(包括運行 JAva 1.2、1.3 或 1.4 的系統上的 Servlet、JSP 或 EJB)中都會輕鬆運行。 功能包括: ** 填寫或編輯互動式 PDF 表單。 ** 完全用 JAVA 編寫。 ** 易於使用和整合。 ** 輸出 PDF 可以流式傳輸到檔案或 Web 瀏覽器。 ** 支援以下 PDF AcroForm 欄位: -- 文字欄位 -- 複選方塊 -- 單選按鈕 -- 組合盒 -- 按鈕 ** 支援使用者選擇的外觀特徵(顏色、對齊、字體)。 ** 具有策略性保存保護的 PDF 功能 通過下載完整的功能免費試用來測試它自己。 當你只需要在軟體應用程式中填寫 PDF 表單時,為什麼支付更多費用。PDF 表單在軟體應用程式中的使用呈上升趨勢,藉助 JustFormsPDF 庫,您可以通過簡單的 API 調用來增強 Java 應用程式的能力。今天就試試吧。 您可以從應用程式下載 JustFormsPDF 庫的www.justformspdf.com。此庫沒有時間限制或功能限制。試用版和許可版本的唯一區別是,試用版在您修改的每個 PDF 頁面上都設置"JustFormsPDF""標記。"一旦您購買產品,我們將向您發送有關如何刪除此印章的資訊。 您可以通過訪問網上購買頁面HTTP://www.justformspdf.com


  • 版本 1.1 發佈於 2005-02-12



JustFormsPDF End User Agreement 1. License Types JustFormsPDF library is licensed under the following license types. 1.1 Trial and Evaluation JustFormsPDF library may be downloaded for free. During evaluation, you can use JustFormsPDF to assess the suitability of the product for your project needs. Under this license JustFormsPDF may not be used outside development environment for any purpose commercial, non-commercial. JustFormsPDF library cannot be distributed in any form, electronic or otherwise. 1.2 CPU-based License Under this license you may use JustFormsPDF library for development and deployment purposes. The price of this license depends on the total number of CPUs used by software applications linked to the JustFormsPDF library. You must buy one license for each CPU of the computer(s) on which you are going to develop, perform staging testing and deploy the application(s) which are linked to JustFormsPDF library. Under this license the JustFormsPDF library may be transferred between servers and machines, provided that the number of CPUs concurrently running JustFormsPDF library never exceeds the number of CPUs of the license you purchased. 2. Support If bugs are found in JustFormsPDF library we will provide you updated bug-fixed release via email free of charge. You can also download the most current and most stable version of JustFormsPDF from the product web site. We exclude warranty of any kind on the time it may take to correct a bug reported by the user. Technical support beyond bug fix is not covered under the license agreement. 3. Reverse Engineering You will not attempt to reverse engineer JustFormsPDF by compiling, de-compiling or disassembling. 4. Exclusion of Liability The JustFormsPDF library is a light-weight software component and there is no way it can damage a software/hardware system by its use. We, therefore, are not liable of damage of any kinds arising from the use of JustFormsPDF library. 5. General This agreement is subject to change at any time. The modified version will be posted on the web site as soon as it is released.