通過互聯網直播音訊,MP3音樂和照片!互聯網廣播伺服器是一個軟體包,由兩個程式組成:BS-伺服器和BS-調諧器。BS-Server 能夠使用標準 Web 伺服器作為頻寬放大器,將圖像和音樂從運行 Windows XP/Vista 的簡單 PC 流式傳輸到潛在的大量受眾。所有你需要開始自己的互聯網廣播是這個程式,並上傳檔到一些Web伺服器的能力。 BS-Server 在您的電腦中運行,使用圖片和/或音訊檔生成數據流,並將此流發送到網站的目錄中。Web 伺服器中使用的磁碟空間始終小於 5 MB,即使您的廣播持續數小時。 要查看/收聽您的廣播,您的觀眾將使用 BS-Tuner,這是一個專為接收 BS-Server 資料流而設計的輕量級多媒體播放機。BS-Tuner 可自由再分發,這意味著您的受眾可以免費下載和使用。為了保護您的版權並防止他人複製您的照片和音樂,BS-Tuner 沒有 "Save" 功能。 使用 Internet 廣播伺服器,您可以通過使用金鑰加密數據流,輕鬆設置按次付費廣播。將密鑰發送給訂閱您的廣播的觀看者/聽眾PayPal任何其他在線支付處理服務。您可以透過使用 Web 伺服器 htaccess 檔設定基於使用者的密碼,進一步控制對廣播的存取。
- 版本 2.0.3 發佈於 2007-09-26
- 版本 1.0.2461 發佈於 2006-09-27
- 軟體分類: 伺服器 > 其他伺服器應用程式
- 發佈者: Broadcasting-Software
- 軟體性質: 免費
- 價格: N/A
- 版本: 2.0.3
- 作業系統: windows
Internet Broadcasting Studio END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT V2.0 - Copyright (C) Broadcasting-Software.com IMPORTANT NOTE The Software, as defined below, is protected by copyright, which are vested in Broadcasting-Software.com. The Software may only be used in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in this document. If you do not read and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions defined in this document, you are not permitted to keep or use the in any way whatsoever and must destroy or return all copies of these items which are in your possession. DEFINITIONS The following definitions apply to the terms and conditions included in this Agreement. "Internet Broadcasting Studio" means a software package, developed by Broadcasting-Software.com, for broadcasting and receiving multimedia data streams. "Software" means "Internet Broadcasting Studio", all program and information files and other documentation which are part of the "Internet Broadcasting Studio" Software package. The software includes two applications: BS-Server and BS-Tuner. "Individual" means a particular person. "Use of the Software" means use of the Software on one or more computers by a single Individual. When the Software is used by more than one person, then this will constitute multiple uses where the number of uses will be equal to the number of Individuals able to access to the Software even if not all of the Individuals with access make use of the Software TERMS OF AGREEMENT This is a legal agreement between you, the users, and Broadcasting-Software.com. By installing or using this Software, you agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement. If you do not agree to those terms, you may not use or install the Software. Broadcasting-Software.com remains the owner of the Program. Broadcasting-Software.com is the owner of the exclusive rights to the Software. The software is the exclusive property of Broadcasting-Software.com and is protected by European Union and United States copyright laws and international treaties. The property of the program and of any copy thereof will always belong exclusively to Broadcasting-Software.com. This licence does not in any way imply the sale of the software and no wording herein can be interpreted as permitting the transfer of any right of ownership in the software. BS-Server Unlimited Edition: You may install and use one copy of the application on only one computer. If you have multiple licenses of the Software, you may install and use as many copies of BS-Server application at any time as you have a license. "Use" means loaded in temporary memory or permanent storage on the computer. Installation on a network server solely for distribution to other computers is not "use", if you have a separate license for each computer to which the BS-Server application is distributed. You may make copies of the Software solely for backup or archival purposes. You may not rent or lease the Software or copy any written materials accompanying the Software. BS-Server Free Edition: You may not use BS-Server for commercial purposes. You may install and use any number of copies of the application on any number of computers. You may copy the application and redistribute it freely. You may not sell, rent or lease it or any written materials accompanying it. BS-Server Free Edition and BS-Tuner: You may install and use any number of copies of the application on any number of computers. You may copy the application and redistribute it freely. You may not sell, rent or lease it or any written materials accompanying it. All intellectual property rights such as but not limited to patents, trademarks, copyrights, or trade secret rights related to the Software are the property of and remains vested in Broadcasting-Software.com. They apply to program code, data file structures, user interface, user manuals and other documentation. You shall not modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software or otherwise attempt to derive source code or create derivative works therefrom. You are not allowed to remove, alter or destroy any proprietary, trademark or copyright markings or notices placed upon or contained with the Software. YOU EXPRESSLY ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT USE OF THE SOFTWARE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THAT THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS WHATSOEVER. Broadcasting-Software.com DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE FUNCTIONS OF THE SOFTWARE WILL MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS OR THAT THE OPERATION OF THE SOFTWARE WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE. YOU ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR SELECTING THE SOFTWARE TO ACHIEVE YOUR INTENDED RESULTS, AND FOR THE USE AND THE RESULTS OBTAINED FROM THE SOFTWARE. Broadcasting-Software.com DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES RELATED TO: NON-INFRINGEMENT, LACK OF VIRUSES, ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF RESPONSES OR RESULTS, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE . IN NO EVENT SHALL Broadcasting-Software.com BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, COPYRIGHT VIOLATION, PERSONAL INJURY, LOSS OF PRIVACY OR OTHER PECUNIARY OR OTHER LOSS WHATSOEVER) ARISING OUT OF USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF ACTION, Broadcasting-Software.com AGGREGATE LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THIS AGREEMENT SHALL NOT EXCEED THE TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE BY YOU UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. THE FOREGOING LIMITATIONS, EXCLUSIONS AND DISCLAIMERS SHALL APPLY TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT ALLOWED BY APPLICABLE LAW. This licence agreement for use is valid for an indefinite period of time up to when you withdraw from said agreement or when the same is rescinded. The agreement will be automatically rescinded in the event that you become in breach of any of its terms or conditions. You can withdraw at any moment simply by destroying all the copies of the Software in your hands. Upon termination of the agreement you undertake to destroy all the copies of the Software in your hands. Privacy statement: Broadcasting-Software.com strives to protect the security and privacy of the users of its products, and will strictly protect the security of the users personal information. Any variation to the terms of this Agreement shall only be valid if made in writing by Broadcasting-Software.com. Any and all disputes arising out of the rights and obligations in this Agreement shall be submitted to ordinary court proceedings. You accept the Paris City Court as legal venue under this Agreement. This Agreement shall be governed by French law, and the stipulations set forth herein to be construed in accordance with same. Please visit our Web site before you send us e-mail. We provide many services to our users that will help us respond to you faster than if we receive e-mail. Web site: http://www.Broadcasting-Software.com/ Contact us: [email protected]