InterGate Policy Manager for Mac OS X 9.3.6

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‎使用者評分: 5.0/5 - ‎1 ‎評分

Mac OS X 的 InterGate 策略管理員 - 全面的 Internet 存取管理解決方案,提供對 Web 內容存取、對等體、即時訊息和 Skype 網路的使用、使用者活動的日誌記錄和報告,以及核心 IP 路由器和防火牆的精細控制,為您的網路提供進階保護。 進階 Web 篩選 - 為了完全控制誰可以查看哪些內容以及何時可以看到、他們能做什麼以及何時可以執行,InterGate 策略管理員篩選器可以應用於每個使用者、每個組甚至每台電腦,並且可以在一天中的特定時間/或一周中的幾天有效: - 攔截 根據由IBM支援的資料庫,在80個組織良好的類別中,每天更新80個組織良好的網站,按類別阻止或允許網站訪問 - 檢查 封鎖或允許使用即時訊息應用程式 (如 AIM, ICQ, 雅虎信使, MSN 信使), P2p 應用程式 (如 edonkey, eMule, Kademlia, BitTorrent, Gnutella (莫菲斯, 石灰線), Kazaa), 匿名者熱點盾和網路陰影, 和網路電話應用程式, Skype - 使用者定義的過濾器 阻止或允許訪問特定網站 - 協定過濾器 阻止或允許特定類型的流量,例如 FTP、HTTP 綜合報告 - 情報報告工具按使用者、組、IP 位址、協定、網站類別和頻寬使用方式以圖形顯示所有 Internet 活動。它可以在自定義報告中幾乎合併其中任何一個,可隨時查看,以便進行及時的網路監控 安全防火牆、核心路由器和更多 - InterGate 策略管理器集成了安全級別三防火牆,使用有狀態數據包檢查,以防止從 Internet 未經授權訪問本地網路,此外還有工業強度、高性能 TCP/IP 路由器、DHCP 伺服器、DNS 伺服器、遠端訪問伺服器、回退和連接組隊功能



VICOMSOFT SOFTWARE LICENSE Please read this document carefully before installing the Vicomsoft software. By installing the software you agree to become contractually bound by the terms of this licence. The enclosed computer program(s) ("Software") is licensed, not sold, to you by Vicomsoft for use only under the following terms and Vicomsoft reserves any rights not expressly granted to you. You own the disk on which any Software is recorded, but Vicomsoft retains ownership of all copies of the Software itself. LICENSE. This License allows you to: (a) Have the Software installed only on a single computer at a time. Copies on more than one computer shall be deemed to be illegal copies and are in breach of both copyright and this License. (b) Totally remove a copy from the computer on which it is installed and install it on an alternative computer provided once again that the Software shall not at any time be installed on more than one computer at any one time. (c) Execute the Software from a common disk shared by multiple CPUs provided one authorized copy of the Software has been licensed from Vicomsoft for each CPU executing the Software. (d) Make one copy of the Software in machine readable form; provided that such copy or the original may be used solely for backup purposes. The Software is protected by copyright law. As an express condition of this License, you must reproduce on the backup copy the Vicomsoft copyright notice and any other proprietary legends on the original supplied by Vicomsoft. RESTRICTIONS. (a) You may NOT distribute copies of the Software to others. (b) The Software contains trade secrets and to protect them you may NOT decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble or otherwise reduce the Software to human readable form. (c) You may NOT modify, adapt, translate, rent, lease, loan, resell for profit, distribute, network, or create derivative works based on the Software or any part thereof. TERMINATION. This License is effective until terminated. The License will terminate immediately without notice from Vicomsoft if you fail to comply with any of its provisions. Upon termination you must destroy the Software and all copies thereof, and you may terminate this License at any time by so doing. WARRANTY DISCLAIMER. This Software and the accompanying written materials are licensed "as is". The full text of the warranty is provided in the User Manual and in no event will Vicomsoft, or its developers, Directors, Officers, Employees be liable to you for any consequential, incidental, or indirect damage (including damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, and the like) arising out of the use or inability to use the Software or accompanying written materials even if Vicomsoft or an authorized Vicomsoft representative has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Vicomsoft does not warrant that the Software will function properly in your particular environment. Vicomsoft's liability to you for actual damages for any cause whatsoever and regardless of the form of the action will be limited to the money paid for the software that caused the damages. GENERAL. This License will be construed under the laws of England. DEMONSTRATION SOFTWARE Demonstration software is provided for evaluation purposes only, for the period stated on the download site or in accompanying literature. If not stated then the demonstration period is 30 days from the time the software is first run.