Initiation Templates 1.00

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在項目的啟動階段,許多細節尚不清楚。但是,這並不能減少提出一個深思熟慮的啟動文檔,供管理層使用,並用作專案本身的基線。事實上,啟動文檔可能是決定專案是否獲得啟動綠燈的決定性因素。因此,投入時間來正確工作是值得付出的。 此系統/項目啟動範本是您製作專業、深受好評的啟動文件的說明書。它不僅解釋了應該包括的問題,需要回答的問題,以及投入和產品,還指導作者取得預期的結果。 此啟動範本包括説明指南 - 編寫啟動文檔從未如此簡單!你所要做的事情就是按照說明操作,文檔會自行寫出來。 編寫良好且定義良好的啟動文檔詳細介紹了正在規劃的專案,並説明參與者決定是否繼續專案或放棄專案。使用 MethodA 的啟動範本附帶內建說明,這些說明指出方向,並確保您的啟動文檔在簡單閱讀的同時,將盡可能詳細。 使用此啟動樣本的優點: 1) 輕鬆組織系統或專案的詳細資訊。 2) 通過創建清晰、精確且明確且要明確的文檔,讓上級眼花繚亂。 3) 附帶啟動過程的指南,其中展示了如何從此範本中創建您自己的啟動文檔。 4) 讓你回答最重要的啟動問題,以説明您決定是否繼續下一階段(系統或專案分析)或是否完全放棄專案或系統。


  • 版本 1.00 發佈於 2011-01-23



Copyright and Intellectual Property The right to use MethodA in whole or part is per licensed workstation. A licensed workstation is a computer terminal (client) in legal possession of a MethodA template, CD, or connected to the network of an organization that possesses a network-level license, or one connected to the central MethodA website ( after proper identification as a licensed user. The right to use a licensed workstation includes all usage for fulfilling the user''s duties in the organization to which the user, for purposes of the license, belongs. The Product is not to be transferred, in whole or part, in any form whatever, to any other (unlicensed) recipient. With respect to copyright and licensing, there is no difference between the governmental and non-governmental sectors. Warranty THE TEMPLATES AND PACKAGES ARE PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS AND ALL RISK LIES WITH YOU. METHODA MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO ANY MATTER WHATSOEVER. IN NO EVENT SHALL METHODA OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANY OTHER PARTY FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES!