Image to PDF Desktop Application 2.43

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 1.53 MB
‎使用者評分: 2.9/5 - ‎18 ‎評分

通過易於使用/直觀的 Windows 介面將一個或多個圖像(JPG、TIF、PNG、GIF、BMP、WMF、EMF、PCX、TGA)轉換為 PDF。支援可點擊的圖像戳(如公司徽標)、書籤、128 位元加密、創建簡單的全屏 PDF 幻燈片(帶過渡)以及支援所有常用的 PDF 文件選項。 圖像到 PDF 不是 Adobe Acrobat 外掛程式,它不需要 Adobe Acrobat 才能執行或生成 PDF 文件。 功能包括: 使用我們易於使用和直觀的介面,自動將圖像轉換為 PDF 文檔。 轉換 JPG、TIF、PNG、GIF、BMP、WMF、EMF、PCX 和 TGA 圖像。 將多達 1000 張圖片合併到一個 PDF 文檔中。 支援多頁 TIF。 貝茨頁面/文檔編號。 支援從 TIFF 圖像中提取 OCR 的文本(由 Microsoft 文件映射生成)。 40 或 128 位元加密。 PDF/A (1A,1B)。 在輸出 PDF 文件的每一頁上包括可按一下(到 URL)圖像戳(如徽標)。 按固定數量或自動旋轉圖像,以便所有圖像均以縱向或橫向方向旋轉(也可以翻轉圖像)。 重新壓縮圖像。 製作一個簡單的全屏 PDF 幻燈片,完成頁面之間的過渡。 密碼保護輸出 PDF 文件。 PDF 頁面的圖像和邊緣之間的可選邊框。 在每個圖像的輸出 PDF 中包括一個書籤。 將輸出 PDF 的 DPI 解析度設定為 9 到 2880 DPI 之間。 設置 PDF 許可權以限制列印、複製和修改。 設定 PDF 中繼資訊(作者、標題、主題、關鍵字、創建者、創建者、創建日期)。 設定首選的 PDF 檢視器選項(中心視窗、隱藏工具列、隱藏選單欄、隱藏視窗使用者介面、擬合視窗、頁面模式無/輪廓/縮略圖/全屏、頁面佈局單頁/一列/左兩列/兩列右)。 無需 Adobe Acrobat 軟體進行創建。 免費升級到所有未來版本。


  • 版本 2.43 發佈於 2012-05-28



Image to PDF Desktop Application (SOFTWARE) is owned by Utility Warrior and is protected under international copyright law and other international intellectual property laws and treaties. You may not sell or distribute the Image to PDF Desktop Application package in whole or in part without authorization from Utility Warrior. You may use the SOFTWARE in accordance with the license that you have purchased from Utility Warrior or from an authorized reseller. There are three types of license: Per Workstation: A license must be purchased for each user on each PC that the SOFTWARE is used on. Per Server: A license must be purchased for each PC that the SOFTWARE is installed on and that multiple users can access or use (whether through a client/server structure or through the use of resource shares within a LAN environment). Site: A single license must be purchased that will cover one or more servers that the SOFTWARE is installed on that multiple users can access within a LAN/WAN environment. Utility Warrior assumes no liability for any damage caused by the use (or misuse) of the SOFTWARE. It is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the merchantability and fitness for any particular purpose. The quality and performance of the SOFTWARE should be evaluated by you, and should the SOFTWARE prove defective in any way, the cost of any necessary servicing, repair and/or correction will be borne by you. In no event shall Utility Warrior or any other party who has distributed the SOFTWARE be liable to you for any damages whatsoever. The license is NOT transferrable to another individual or entity, and you cannot rent, lend or lease the SOFTWARE to another individual or entity.