Image Info Toolkit 3.0

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 5.40 MB
‎使用者評分: 3.0/5 - ‎1 ‎評分

圖像資訊工具組是一個易於學習,但功能強大的應用程式,處理隱藏在JPEG,TIFF和DNG圖像檔中的文本資訊。它透過使用嵌入在影像檔的標頭部分中的 IPTC 資訊欄位來實現此功能。此功能(在 Adobe Photoshop 中稱為 File>> 檔案資訊)使您能夠讀取和寫入這些類型的數位影像檔的圖像資訊數據,如標題、關鍵字、版權、日期等。因此,使用圖像資訊工具組可保護您的圖像免受其他「損失」的影響;壓縮,如果必須在第二次以 jpeg 模式保存 jpeg 檔(更改僅對檔案的標頭進行,而不是對圖像數據進行更改),這是不可避免的)。文本資訊將保存在數位圖像檔中根據IPTC/NAA標準,並可以讀取和處理各種圖像處理軟體程式(如AdobePhotoshop,科雷爾照片畫,坎托庫穆盧斯,Extensis投資組合等,當然由藍盒基本我們強大的資料庫解決方案,這是能夠建立一個即時搜索資料庫的IPTC隱藏在您的圖像。 請記住,許多圖像編輯器(包括 Adobe Photoshop 為 WEB 函數保存)不允許保存任何圖像 "元數據 ";如 IPTC 表示的。在此情況下,圖像資訊工具組是自動將該資訊重新獲取到檔中的一種好方法。如果要添加相同的基本聯繫資訊,甚至可以使用可選的批處理功能,執行與 Photoshop 中操作基本相同的操作。 除了閱讀和編輯圖像檔資訊圖像資訊工具組提供創建和編輯您自己的分層關鍵字目錄在四個市長語言,並與其他圖像資訊工具組使用者交換整個目錄或部分的可能性。


  • 版本 3.0 發佈於 2011-10-10
    Exif 和 Xmp 支援。幻燈片放映和增強的文件瀏覽器。許多附加功能,使存檔更加高效。
  • 版本 2.0 發佈於 2005-05-10
    Exif 支援。幻燈片放映和增強的文件瀏覽器。許多附加功能,使存檔更加高效。



BlueBox GmbH, Software License PLEASE READ THIS SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT "LICENSE" CAREFULLY BEFORE PRESSING THE "ACCEPT" BUTTON BELOW. BY PRESSING "ACCEPT," YOU ARE AGREEING TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE, DO NOT PRESS "ACCEPT." 1. License . The software, documentation and any fonts accompanying this License whether on disk, in read only memory, on any other media or in any other form ( here in after "BlueBox Software") are licensed to you by BlueBox GmbH or its local subsidiary( here in after "BlueBox")., if any You own the media on which the BlueBox Software is recorded but BlueBox and/or BlueBox's licensor(s) retain title to the BlueBox Software. The BlueBox software and any copies made and/or distributed under this License are subject to this License. 2. Permitted Uses and Restrictions. This License allows you to copy, install and use the BlueBox Software on a single computer, you are not allowed to save and use the BlueBox software on more than one computer. This software is provided for your own use and may not be copied or distributed by you on magnetic or optical media, or over networks, electronic bulletin boards, web sites or other on-line services. Except as permitted by applicable law and this License, you may not decompile, reverse engineer, modify in any way, disassemble, rent, lease, loan, sell, distribute either for profit or without charge, or sublicense the BlueBox Software or any portion thereof. Your rights under this License will terminate automatically without notice from BlueBox if you fail to comply with any term(s) of this License. 3. Disclaimer Of Warranty. Some of the BlueBox Software may be designated as alpha, beta, development, pre-release, untested, or not fully tested versions of the BlueBox Software. Such BlueBox Software may contain errors that could cause failures or loss of data, and may be incomplete or contain inaccuracies. You expressly acknowledge and agree that use of the BlueBox Software is at your sole risk. The BlueBox Software is provided "AS IS" and without warranty of any kind and BlueBox and BlueBox's licensor(s) (for the purposes of Sections 3 and 4, BlueBox and BlueBox's licensor(s) shall be collectively referred to as "BlueBox") EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES AND/OR CONDITIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND/OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY OR SATISFACTORY QUALITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. BlueBox DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE FUNCTIONS CONTAINED IN THE BlueBox SOFTWARE WILL MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS, OR THAT THE OPERATION OF THE BlueBox SOFTWARE WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE, OR THAT DEFECTS IN THE BlueBox SOFTWARE WILL BE CORRECTED. FURTHERMORE, BlueBox DOES NOT WARRANT OR MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING THE USE OR THE RESULTS OF THE USE OF THE BlueBox SOFTWARE OR RELATED DOCUMENTATION IN TERMS OF THEIR CORRECTNESS, ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE. NO ORAL OR WRITTEN INFORMATION OR ADVICE GIVEN BY BlueBox OR AN BlueBox AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE SHALL CREATE A WARRANTY OR IN ANY WAY INCREASE THE SCOPE OF THIS WARRANTY. SHOULD THE BlueBox SOFTWARE PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU (AND NOT BlueBox OR AN BlueBox AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE) ASSUME THE ENTIRE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES, SO THE ABOVE EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. THE TERMS OF THIS DISCLAIMER DO NOT AFFECT OR PREJUDICE THE STATUTORY RIGHTS OF A CONSUMER ACQUIRING BlueBox PRODUCTS OTHERWISE THAN IN THE COURSE OF A BUSINESS, NEITHER DO THEY LIMIT OR EXCLUDE ANY LIABILITY FOR DEATH OR PERSONAL INJURY CAUSED BY BlueBox'S NEGLIGENCE. 4. Limitation of Liability. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES, INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE, SHALL BlueBox BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THIS LICENSE. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES SO THIS LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. In no event shall BlueBox's total liability to you for all damages exceed the amount of fifty dollars ($50.00). 5. Controlling Law and Severability. If there is a local subsidiary of BlueBox in the country in which the BlueBox Software License was obtained, then the local law in which the subsidiary sits shall govern this License. Otherwise, this License shall be governed by the laws of Germany and the European Union. If for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision, or portion thereof, to be unenforceable, the remainder of this License shall continue in full force and effect. 6. Complete Agreement. This License constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the use of the BlueBox Software and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous understandings regarding such subject matter. No amendment to or modification of this License will be binding unless in writing and signed by BlueBox.