"卓越、獨特的軟體專為征服雅思聽力而設計 ・用最有效的聽寫方法進行強化聽力練習 •包括目前提供的所有權威和必要的聽力材料 •雅思聽力分類詞彙 •同步顯示段落的腳本 [練習所有段落可以保證分數8],並瞄準9聽力部分(結合軟體的雅思口語征服者,寫作征服者和詞彙征服者強烈推薦)。 • 按定義範圍或句子重複播放段落 ・錄音口語的強大功能 •拖動進度條可立即找到播放位置 • 自動按句子播放音訊句子。它是大多數用戶最喜歡的模式 •保存退出練習的進度 •有大量的方便的快捷鍵可用"
- 版本 發佈於 2009-02-23
- 軟體分類: 教育 > 語言
- 發佈者: CloudCrown Studio
- 軟體性質: 免費試用
- 價格: $12.88
- 版本:
- 作業系統: windows
License Agreement (You must read) (1)About Machine Code Machine Code(MC) is used to identify your unique computer and generate Regsitration Code for you. It will NEVER reveal any private information on your computer. MC will keep the same as long as the hardware does not change. If your MC changes because of major hardware updating or using another computer, you should purchase another license to activate your product. In general, as for TEST CONQUEROR SERIES, MC can be retrieved through the menu "Help-Register" of software. (2)About Registration Code Authorized Registration Code(license) can ONLY be used on the computer by which you get the Machine Code. It will be invalid on other computers. User takes responsility of providing wrong Machine Code in his/her order and getting an invalid Registration Code. (3)Copyright Part of materials included in this product are collected from the internet, the copyrights are bolong to respective origin individuals/companies. Registration fee only covers the program framework itself rather than the materials it is exercising. This product is only used to help you study these materials.To start using this product, be sure you have purchased relative materials, or you may bear the legal liability. If part of contents infringe the copyright of someone or some company, please let me know. (4)No Time Limit for Registered Product You can possess and update your registered product FREE FOREVER.