Home Bookkeeping for Android 6.2.294

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 1.74 MB
‎使用者評分: 2.3/5 - ‎4 ‎評分

你說你沒有紀律來控制你的預算?你嘗試了各種紙張規劃器和電子電子錶格程式只是為了放棄幾天后?不要驚慌!有了家庭簿記, 這是一個快照!這是你的機會,最終成為一個精明的消費者,並保護自己免受債務的危險。 與通常的紙質和電子電子錶格不同,Keepsoft 的家簿記是您的個人財務秘書和顧問。它不會讓你忘記你的預算。它會按計劃彈出記錄您的所有貨幣交易。在記錄帳單、信用卡對帳單、支票簿登記簿和雜貨收據(等等)后,您將能夠開始規劃預算、削減可變支出和優化固定成本(例如,通過再融資您的抵押貸款以獲得更低的利率)。 家庭簿記是個人計算機和行動裝置的複雜會計解決方案,內建系統用於在電腦之間同步數據。 家庭簿記具有所有必要的功能,可説明您計算和分析您的現金流。內建的報告引擎可説明您專注於預算的各個方面。圖形圖使簡單,即使對於非有經驗的使用者。收入和支出規劃師將説明你停止浪費金錢,並開始儲蓄。


  • 版本 6.2.294 發佈於 2019-03-11



Home Bookkeeping 6 Copyright (C) 1998-2019 Keepsoft =================================================== Contents: 1. License agreement 2. Evaluation and registration 3. Warranty 4. Evaluation version distribution 5. Evaluation version limitations 6. Pricing and methods of registration =================================================== 1. License Agreement ------------------------------ Please read the Home Bookkeeping license agreement. By using this product you indicate your acceptance of the terms of the following agreement. These terms apply to you and any subsequent evaluator or licensee of this product. 2. Evaluation and registration Home Bookkeeping is not a freeware program. You can try it for free for 30 days. If you wish to continue to use it, you have to register it. When we receive the payment, you will receive your personal registration key which allows you to register the software and use it without any limitations. This key can be used only by the person or company that purchased it, and cannot be transferred to any other party (persons as well as companies). Any distribution of the registration key will result in the immediate and automatic ceasing of all rights provided by this Agreement. Using an unregistered copy of Home Bookkeeping after the 30 days trial period is a violation of the author's rights. 3. Warranty ----------------- The developer and sellers of this software are not liable for consequential, incidental, direct, indirect, special, punitive, or other damages whatsoever caused by use or misuse of this software. 4. Evaluation version distribution -------------------------------------------- You are hereby granted permission to duplicate the original evaluation software (unregistered) and distribute exact copies (keeping original files intact) of the software. You may not charge any distribution fee for the distribution or use of this software. You cannot include this software in any other software products without written permission of the developer. Freeware sites and freeware/shareware catalog owners are granted permission to include this software on their web sites and coverage CDs without written permission of the developer. 5. Evaluation version limitations ------------------------------------------- The Home Bookkeeping 30-day evaluation version is fully-functional. It expires after 30 days, so you have to register or remove it from your computer at that time. Once registered, Home Bookkeeping will not expire. 6. Pricing and methods of registration ---------------------------------------------- The Home Bookkeeping price depends on the type of the license: * Google Play License: $9.95 Individual user license gives you the right to install Home Bookkeeping on one computer Once registered, you get: - A personal activation code - Free technical support via E-mail More info on pricing and methods of purchasing https://www.keepsoft.com/register_hbk_ppc.htm