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哈奇基特 v2.7 CAD 可視化 CAD 哈奇模式編輯器 HatchKit 為您的自定義填充模式創建和修改要求提供了完整的可視化解決方案。 . HatchKit 支援 ArchiCAD、 AutoCAD 、 ACADLT, ADT , Alibre , AllyCAD , DataCAD , 通用 CADD , IntelliCAD , MegaCAD , MicroStationV8 , Revit 、 Rhino , SolidWorks , Spirit , TurboCAD 、VectorWorks、VersaCAD 和 VisualCADD。 哈奇基特 2.7 中的新功能: 模式載入 Revit,比例為 1:1 64 位 Windows XP 和 LUA 支援 用於導入 ArchiCAD 和向量工程的 DXF 輸出 犀牛 4.0 支援 位圖捕獲 矩形和橢圓控件 附加無限線控制 哈奇原點控件 和更多。 HatchKit 讀取並顯示填充圖案定義檔。目視編輯,然後替換或儲存為新的或現有的檔案,格式為可設置的 CAD 系統。許多檔案格式之間的轉換是自動的。 在編輯器中繪製包含矩形、橢圓、線、點和無限線混合的新模式範本,或透過 DXF 導入範本設計或從 CAD 系統複製/粘貼。在沒有任何矩形或方形平鋪約束的任何兩個方向上按間距排列圖案。 HatchKit 的分層能力可輕鬆管理明顯隨機的混凝土或地質模式。 編輯工具 - 物件和網格捕捉,選擇,刪除,剪切,複製,粘貼,撤銷和重做,縮放和平移。 重新縮放整個模式。 拉伸、鏡像、傾斜、旋轉和移動各個圖層。 查看整個圖案或只是當前圖層顯示或隱藏模式結構。 查看或列印具有不同線寬的圖案外觀。 全面的上下文相關説明。 啟動技巧和技術。 評估包含所有功能的展示版本(輸出為浮浮水印)或從使用者獲取www.cadro.com.au/hatchkit/


  • 版本 發佈於 2008-03-27



Cadro Pty Ltd Software License Agreement ========================= LICENSE: The software which accompanies this license (collectively the "Materials") is the property of Cadro Pty Ltd and is protected by copyright law. While Cadro Pty Ltd continues to own the Materials, you will have certain rights to use the Materials after your acceptance of this license. This license governs any further releases, revisions or enhancements to the Materials that Cadro Pty Ltd may furnish to you. Your rights and obligations with respect to the use of the Materials are as follows: You may make complete copies of the Materials for evaluation purposes only. You may use the Materials on a network for evaluation purposes only. You may not sublicense, rent or lease any portion of the Materials; reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, modify, translate, make any attempt to discover the source code of the Materials, remove this text or any copyright notice from the Materials or create derivative works from the Materials. You may not allow unauthorized copying of the Materials. You may not use the Materials in any manner not authorized by this license. OWNERSHIP AND COPYRIGHT OF MATERIALS: Title to the Materials and all copies thereof remains with Cadro Pty Ltd or its suppliers. The Materials are copyrighted and are protected by Victorian and Australian law and international treaty provisions. Copyright is asserted by the authors over all art and innovation contained in the Materials including but not limited to the application user interface "look and feel", underlying algorithms, artwork and graphics including all HatchKit logos. Except as expressly provided herein, Cadro Pty Ltd does not grant any express or implied right to you. Trademarks, brand names or logos other than HatchKit mentioned anywhere within the Materials are the property of their respective owners. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The materials are provided "as is" without any express or implied warranty of any kind including warranties of merchantability, noninfringement of third-party intellectual property, or fitness for any particular purpose. In no event shall Cadro Pty Ltd or its suppliers be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, business interruption, loss of information) arising out of the use of or inability to use the materials, even if Cadro Pty Ltd has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Because some jurisdictions prohibit the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitation may not apply to you. TERMINATION OF THIS LICENSE: Cadro Pty Ltd may terminate this license at any time if you are in breach of the terms of this Agreement. Upon license termination, you will immediately destroy the Materials. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior oral or written agreement. APPLICABLE LAWS: Any claim arising under or relating to this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Victoria, Australia without regard to conflict of laws or principles asserted by any other jurisdiction whatsoever. Copyright 2007 Cadro Pty Ltd