Halloween Bat Mahjong 1.0

軟體性質: 免費 ‎檔案大小: 10.19 MB
‎使用者評分: 3.0/5 - ‎1 ‎評分

是蝙蝠還是吸血鬼?Halloween-Mahjong.com不太確定, 但我們知道這是最有趣的策略遊戲之一!蝙蝠麻將一定會滿足你最黑暗的麻將紙牌慾望這個萬聖節!點擊在相同的匹配令人毛骨悚然的萬聖節麻將瓷磚,從麻將板刪除他們。全部刪除,你贏了! 如果你用完麻將的動作, 你可以使用洗牌按鈕, 或者如果你犯了麻將錯誤, 也可以使用後退按鈕!擊敗這個麻將瓷磚佈局與快速的時間獲得三顆星!去萬聖節的所有佈局三顆星 - 麻將!這是一個非常怪異的任務!


  • 版本 1.0 發佈於 2013-07-29



This software is licensed, not sold, and its use is subject to the terms of this agreement. This software and its title, copyright, and other intellectual property contained within the software are the property of Battleline Studios LLC. This agreement allows you to use this software for personal, non-commercial use on a single computer. You may make one copy of the software for the sole purpose of backup, and may NOT install it on any additional computer. You may NOT distribute, copy, rent, sublease, resell, decompile, modify, reverse engineer, disassemble, or otherwise copy this software. You may not distribute in any fashion, via the internet, or by any other medium, the license key provided to you for this software. This software is provided as is without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Battleline Studios LLC, and its members, employees, partners, and officers from and against any and all losses, damages, lawsuit related to this software. This agreement is perpetual and may not be terminated except by the mutual agreement of Battleline Studios LLC, and the licensee. This license shall be governed by and construed in accordance with controlling U.S. federal law and the laws of the state of Ohio. If any provision of this License is unenforceable, the rest of it shall remain in effect.