GroupMAN 1.5.283

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 8.16 MB
‎使用者評分: 2.7/5 - ‎7 ‎評分

GroupMAN(組管理員)作為清單伺服器程式,便於在 Windows 電腦上創建和管理公告郵件清單和互動式討論。GroupMAN 獨一無二,因為它設計為從您的個人電子電子郵件位址工作,而不是清單伺服器上的專用帳戶。要使用 GroupMAN,您甚至不需要專用郵件伺服器 —— 您只需要訪問 POP3 伺服器(幾乎每個 Internet 存取帳戶都附帶)和某些版本的 Windows。設置 GroupMAN 就像設置常規郵件程式一樣簡單。 -從單個 POP 電子郵件帳戶管理多個清單, -無限數量的清單,每個組可以維護一個檔案存儲庫 -創建已審核的清單、僅公告清單和一般討論清單。 -允許訂閱者僅具有"僅文摘"訂閱 -創建公共或私有清單。 -為專案管理相關清單創建提醒。 -允許或禁止任何給定清單的附件。 -GroupMAN 可以在後台自動運行,無需用戶干預。 -與大多數清單伺服器軟體命令一樣,通過標準電子郵件請求。GroupMAN 提供了許多相同的標準清單伺服器主題行命令。 -如果預設的主題列命令不夠,您可以建立自己的主題列命令,您創建的每個命令都能夠執行一個任務或 100 個任務。 -GroupMAN 可以發佈包含消息存檔、檔存檔和一般統計資訊的網站。 -將答覆轉到清單本身、原始作者或列表擁有者。 - 禁止濫用使用者從您的清單中阻止他們張貼或接收電子郵件。 -可自定義的電子郵件範本集,完全支援內部變數。 -創建對傳入郵件的自定義篩選器,以篩選出退回的郵件、自動回復垃圾郵件以及帶有某些擴展的附件。


  • 版本 1.5.283 發佈於 2010-04-10



PRODUCT LICENSE AGREEMENT 1. NOTICE: We are willing to license the software product titled GroupMAN, referred to as ‘software product’ to you only on the condition that you accept all of the terms contained in this license agreement. Please read this license agreement carefully before using the software product. By using the software product you agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement. If you do not agree to these terms, we are unwilling to license the software product to you, and you should not use it. In such case, promptly return the software product and all other material included. 2. OWNERSHIP AND LICENSE. This is a license agreement and NOT an agreement for sale. It permits you to use one copy of the Software product on a single machine (Desktop or Server). The software product, including any text, data, code, images, animations, and other materials incorporated in the software product, is owned by us or our licensors, and is protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. Your rights to use the software product are specified in this Agreement, and we retain all rights not expressly granted to you in this Agreement. 3. GRANT OF LICENSE: You may use one copy of the software product on a single machine. You may use the software product on a different machine only if you first delete the files installed on the first machine. Printing or downloading into an electronic file more than one copy of any of the contents of this software product is prohibited. Other than the foregoing, you may not copy any portion of the software product to any other media. You may not copy any of the documentation or other printed materials accompanying the software product. You may not alter the source code in any sense what so ever. Default in payment or lease of license will result in the license being revoked. 4. No Assignment and Other Restrictions. You may not rent, lend, or lease this software product The License granted to you or your company, and under no circumstances may be assigned or transferred by you without our prior written consent. Any attempted assignment or transfer shall be null and void and shall result in the immediate and automatic termination of the license granted under this license agreement. 5 LIMITED WARRANTY. We make the following limited warranties, for a period of thirty (30) days from the date of purchase from us or our authorized dealer: (a) Media. The disks containing the software product will be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use. If the disk fails to conform to this warranty, you may, as your sole and exclusive remedy, obtain a replacement free of charge if you return the defective disk to us with a dated proof of purchase. (b) Software Product. The software product in this package will materially conform to the documentation that accompanies it. If the software product fails to operate in accordance with this warranty, you may, as your sole and exclusive remedy, return the software product and the documentation to TNL Total Solutions along with a dated proof of purchase specifying the problem and we will provide you with a new disk containing the software product or a full refund at our election (c) WARRANTY DISCLAIMER: We do not warrant that the software product will meet your requirements or that its operation will be uninterrupted or error-free. We exclude and expressly disclaim all express and implied warranties not stated herein, including the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Some states do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above exclusion may not apply to you. This limited warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other legal rights, which vary from state to state. 6. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: Our liability to you for any losses shall be limited to direct damages, and shall not exceed the amount you originally paid for the software product. In no event will we be liable to you for any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages (including loss of profits) even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages. Some jurisdictions do not allow these limitations or exclusions, so they may not apply to you. 7. United States Government Restricted Rights. The software product and documentation are provided with restricted rights. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government or any agency or instrumentally thereof is subject to restriction as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Multimedia Product clause at 48 C.F.R. 252.227-7013. 8. TERMINATION. This license and your right to use this Multimedia Product automatically terminate if you fail to comply with any provisions of this Agreement, destroy the copy of the software product in your possession, or voluntarily return the software product to us. Upon termination you will destroy all copies of the software product and documentation. 9 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the substantive laws of Ohio. This is the entire Agreement between us relating to the software product, and supersedes any prior purchase order, communications, advertising, or representations concerning the contents of this package. No change or modification of this Agreement will be valid unless it is in writing, and is signed by us. If you have any questions about this Agreement, write to us at TNL Total Solutions, P.O. Box 22441, Eugene, OR 97402.