GridinSoft Anti-Malware 4.1.67

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 101.20 MB
‎使用者評分: 0.0/5 - ‎0 ‎評分

GridinSoft 反惡意軟體旨在針對 Windows PC 上的各種電腦威脅。它防止、檢測和刪除所有類型的惡意軟體,包括廣告軟體、小狗和其他有害程式。用戶獲得絕妙的機會保護敏感數據,並保持系統清潔,無論他們走到哪裡。 惡意軟體的流動是不斷的,數量每天增加,所以我們的分析師團隊努力調查所有最近出現的計算機威脅,全天候更新威脅清單,並立即做出反應。 我們的開發人員團隊的新功能每周發佈,以確保用戶達到最高水準,並確保他們感到自由自在。這些更新對我們的客戶是免費的!每小時更新使用戶能夠對信任度較低的資源保持冷靜。高效的檢測引擎現在可保護使用者免受任何可能使用廣告軟體和惡意軟體的危險網站的攻擊。無需限制自己的在線行為,享受上網!我們強大的威脅檢測引擎現在能夠在線保護使用者。 GridinSoft 反惡意軟體在已知和複雜的防病毒軟體無法檢測和擊敗威脅時有效。在幾次點擊內刪除病毒,而不是持久和真正無聊的手動程式,並隨時獲得安全專家的説明。支持團隊 24/7 隨時可用。我們的門總是對著你敞開的 - 仔細看看!照顧好自己的安全,你的電腦將保持清潔和高效。


  • 版本 4.1.67 發佈於 2020-10-27



SOFTWARE LICENSE AND LIMITED WARRANTY This is a legally binding agreement between you and GridinSoft. By installing and/or using this software, you are agreeing to become bound by the terms of this agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this agreement, do not use this software. Because the software is distributed as a fully-functional trial version, simply delete it. GRANT OF LICENSE. GridinSoft grants to you a non-exclusive right to use this software program (hereinafter the "Software") in accordance with the terms contained in this Agreement. You may use the Software on a single computer. UPGRADES. If you acquired this software as an upgrade of a previous version, this Agreement replaces and super cedes any prior Agreements. You may not continue to use any prior versions of the Software, and nor may you distribute prior versions to other parties. OWNERSHIP OF SOFTWARE. GridinSoft retains the copyright, title, and ownership of the Software and the written materials. COPIES. You may make as many copies of the software as you wish, as long as you guarantee that the software can only be used on one computer in any one instance. You may not distribute copies of the Software or accompanying written materials to others. TRANSFERS. You may transfer the Software to another person provided that you notify GridinSoft of the transfer and the person to whom you transfer the Software agrees to be bound by this Agreement. You may also transfer the Software from one of your computers to another. Upon a transfer, you must remove all copies of the Software from the computer from which it was transferred. Upon a transfer to a third party you must remove the software from your computer. In no event may you transfer, assign, rent, lease, sell, or otherwise dispose of the Software on a temporary basis. TERMINATION. This Agreement is effective until terminated. This Agreement will terminate automatically without notice from GridinSoft if you fail to comply with any provision of this Agreement. Upon termination you shall destroy the written materials and all copies of the Software, including modified copies, if any. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY. GridinSoft disclaims all other warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and no infringement. OTHER WARRANTIES EXCLUDED. GridinSoft shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, exemplary, punitive or incidental damages arising from any cause even if GridinSoft has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Certain jurisdictions do not permit the limitation or exclusion of incidental damages, so this limitation may not apply to you. In no event will GridinSoft be liable for any amount greater than what you actually paid for the Software. Should any other warranties be found to exist, such warranties shall be limited in duration to 45 days following the date you install the Software. EXPORT LAWS. You agree that you will not export the Software or documentation. PROPERTY. This software, including its code, documentation, appearance, structure, and organization is an exclusive product of the GridinSoft, which retains the property rights to the software, its copies, modifications, or merged parts.