Green Saver 3.10.0510

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 1.63 MB
‎使用者評分: 4.7/5 - ‎3 ‎評分

GreenSaver 為電腦休息增添了清新的綠色、生動的春天景觀和豐富的開花草地。背景是隨機生成的,每個程序啟動,所以永遠不會出現兩個圖片看起來相同。選項允許您設置花的速率和密度,以及雲和飛行物體的速度。當在預設時間之後需要時,將構建一個新場景,並決定是否將日期和/或時間顯示在左下角,以及最後一個圖像是否應保存為桌面牆紙。 無論周圍飄逸的蝴蝶和鳥類出現在城市或鄉村場景的下一個開始,在綠色輝煌的山脈或湖泊或海洋,無論天空將是多雲還是藍色...有一件事是肯定的: 休息會更有趣!;-)



This program is released as shareware. It may (and shall) be copied and distributed without the copyright being violated, provided the program and the documentation are not modified and form a complete package when distributed. Shareware means that you can test the program thoroughly before you decide to buy it. AFTER A MAXIMUM TRIAL PERIOD OF 15 DAYS YOU ARE EXPECTED TO REGISTER WITH THE AUTHOR. With a modest registration fee you support the further development of this program as well as the development of other programs. DISCLAIMER: The author of this program does not in any way take responsibility for possible data loss or damage. The user acknowledges this point in installing and using said program, and will not hold the author liable for any mishaps.