如果您丟失了 Windows 伺服器寶貴的用戶數據,會怎麼樣? GRBackPro 是 Windows 伺服器備份軟體,可説明您解決此問題。 您可以定義多個備份作業階段:備份整個磁碟、單個資料夾或幾個檔。整合的調度程式將允許您自動啟動備份,無需干預,即使您的 PC 是備用的,並且您可以設定可用路徑、沒有使用者輸入和 CPU 載入等條件來微調備份過程。GRBackPro 支援網路、USB 驅動器、硬碟驅動器和可移動磁碟。不支援磁帶。您可以在 x86 或 x64 伺服器上將其作為 Windows 服務安裝,即使沒有使用者登錄,備份也啟動。它支援 Windows 卷影複本在 32 位元和 64 位元系統上,因此您將能夠備份打開和鎖定的檔。GRBackPro 允許您處理長達 1024 個字元的長路徑名稱。即使在 zip 存檔中也支援 Unicode 檔名。您可以跨越多個目標磁碟,以便輕鬆構建多磁碟備份集。集成 Zip64 壓縮引擎。拆分模式,在備份完成後輕鬆刻錄 DVD。歷史記錄"模式保留多個備份集。集成的還原功能,可輕鬆還原檔或整個備份,並同步兩台或更多台 PC。您可以在備份之前和/或之後執行一個或多個任務,例如關閉應用程式、啟動程式、暫停備份、打開消息框、結束行程或發送電子郵件(這允許您在備份中發現任何錯誤時發送備份日誌報告)。註冊表備份(用於簡單的手動還原)或目標磁碟上備份。自動軟體更新功能可讓您輕鬆更新。功能齊全的備份軟體,具有許多專業選項,用於解決任何數據備份問題,也適用於缺乏經驗的使用者,因為它集成了一個備份嚮導,指導用戶設置程式選項。
- 版本 9.0.91 發佈於 2020-12-01
新主要版本 - 版本 6.6.155 發佈於 2009-04-23
- 軟體分類: 系統實用程式 > 備份和還原
- 發佈者: GRSoftware
- 軟體性質: 免費試用
- 價格: $199.00
- 版本: 9.0.91
- 作業系統: windows
END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR GRSOFTWARE SOFTWARE GRBackPro. IMPORTANT - READ CAREFULLY: This GRSoftware End-User License Agreement is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a single entity) and GRSoftware for the GRSoftware product identified above, which includes computer software and may include associated media, printed materials, and "online" or electronic documentation ("SOFTWARE PRODUCT"). By installing, copying, or otherwise using the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, you agree to be bound by the terms of this End-User License Agreement, do not install or use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT; you may however, return it to your place of purchase for a full refund. SOFTWARE PRODUCT LICENSE The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is licensed, not sold. You may not rent, lease, or lend the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. You may permanently transfer all your rights under this End-User License Agreement, provided you retain no copies, you transfer all of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT and this End-User License Agreement, and the recipient agrees to the terms of this End-User License Agreement. GRANT OF LICENSE This program version may be installed on a maximum of two computers, so long as it is ONLY running on one system at any time: i.e. one installation at home and one installation at the office and used only by the licensee. The simultaneous use of this SOFTWARE PRODUCT by multiple personnel requires additional licenses. Use of this SOFTWARE PRODUCT over an internal network requires separate license for each user. The licensee shall not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed SOFTWARE PRODUCT except as provided in this agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate termination of this license. All licenses will be issued in the name of the institution, company or school. Each additional license also allows a single user to use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT at home. LIABILITY We try to keep our SOFTWARE PRODUCT as bug free as possible. However, it is a general rule, Murphy's, that no software is ever error free, and the number of errors increases with the complexity of the program. We cannot guarantee that this SOFTWARE PRODUCT will run in every environment, on any Windows compatible machine, or together with any other application, without producing errors. Any liability for damage of any sort is hereby denied. In no event shall GRSoftware or its suppliers be liable for any special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. In any case, the liability is limited to the registration fee. Please evaluate this SOFTWARE PRODUCT with not critical data. Should you detect errors before registration, the user accepts the SOFTWARE PRODUCT errors after registration. Any description of SOFTWARE PRODUCT errors will be accepted, but we cannot guarantee that the errors can be corrected. The author's legal domicile is Torino, Italy, Europe.